
Failing in something isn’t a really nice feeling, but Scotland’s Fettes College in Edinburgh wants to show its students that failure isn’t something to fear and is actually something to accept willingly!

The boarding school held “failure week” to celebrate taking risks and learning from them. Whether in sports or school, children often face lots of pressure to succeed and do well, and the school was becoming concerned.

“Young people from all walks of life live in a high-pressure environment where they are trying very hard to achieve a level of perfection,” said Sue Bruce, head of personal and social education in the school.

“This week at Fettes we have been focusing on one of the most misunderstood parts of success: failure. While we are often scared of failure, it is important to learn that it is only through failing, often many times, that we learn how to succeed. All through the week, we have looked at the experiences of some of the most successful inventors, artists and businessmen, who failed hundreds, if not thousands of times on their journey to success,” read a letter on Fettes College’s website.

To celebrate failure, students were encouraged to try something they’ve never done before, like playing an instrument or dancing in front of audiences. A number of students stepped up and tried things that they finally failed in, but they had fun and enjoyed the experience. “The concert was extremely enjoyable, proving that we should always try not to worry about failure and have a go!” read another note on the website. Students were also taught about famous people like J.K. Rowling and Richard Branson who failed many times before they finished what they set out to do.

“If they let the fear of failure stop them from doing something, they are actually stopping themselves from learning, developing, and potentially succeeding,” said Bruce.

1.What is the purpose of the boarding school to hold “failure week”?

A. To get the students involved in social activities.

B. To help the students accept and learn from failure.

C. To make the students study even harder.

D. To teach the students how to get relaxed.

2.During the “failure week” the students could do the following things EXCEPT ___________.

A. taking risks

B. learning from others’ experiences

C. trying something new

D. trying to entertain themselves

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Many successful people are lucky and achieve success easily.

B. Because we are often scared of failure ,we never succeed.

C. The fear of failure can stop the students from learning and succeeding.

D. The students who failed in trying new things felt depressed.



I was in Houston a few weeks ago, and needed to be back home in Austin by the early morning the next day. So I ______ to leave that morning. ______ my tire blew out on the way. I ______ a small parking lot. Then I ______ the doors and picked up my phone to call a tow truck (拖车). Soon a man ______ on my driver’s side window and asked if he could help me. From his ______ and behavior, I knew he was far more ______ to rob (抢劫) than help me, so I ______refused and told him the tow truck was due any minute. He asked again, but again I gently shook my head. He finally said, “ Ma’am, you need ______. A tow truck in Houston will arrive anywhere between 45 minutes and approximately ______(which I knew was true), and you are not going anywhere until you have that tire______.”

I looked hard, straight into his _____, and instinctively (凭直觉) saw someone different from the ______ person he appeared to be at first glance. So, against all reasonable ______, but trusting my instincts, I got out. He looked______, but got right to work, trying to find the ______ tire. It took a while since it was stored under the van (车厢).

He changed the tire, ______ the seat to its place and said, “Thank you for letting me help you. You gave me a ______ when most people would never open the door to someone like me. Would it be okay if I gave you a hug?” When I______, I gave him a giant hug. I left with a new tire and a renewed ______ in human nature.

1.A. wanted B. happened C. hoped D. had

2.A. Expectedly B. Unfortunately C. Strangely D. Undoubtedly

3.A. pulled into B. walked around C. broke into D. looked around

4.A. opened B. fixed C. locked D. broke

5.A. hit B. knocked C. climbed D. checked

6.A. words B. personality C. height D. appearance

7.A. willing B. anxious C. likely D. pleased

8.A. politely B. stubbornly C. repeatedly D. hurriedly

9.A. money B. water C. gas D. help

10.A. forever B. now C. never D. already

11.A. balanced B. changed C. moved D. sold

12.A. mind B. eyes C. head D. heart

13.A. violent B. intelligent C. cold-hearted D. hurriedly

14.A. arguments B. judgments C. decisions D. expectations

15.A. surprised B. disappointed C. touched D. depressed

16.A. flat B. free C. spare D. worn

17.A. showed B. left C. held D. returned

18.A. lesson B. job C. gift D. chance

19.A. recovered B. discovered C. awoke D. wondered

20.A. pride B. delight C. faith D. interest


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1.TV Ears helps you ______.

A. improve your sleeping quality

B. listen to TV without disturbing others

C. change TV channels without difficulty

D. become interested in ballgame programs

2.What makes TV Ears different from other headsets?

A. It can easily set TV on mute

B. Its headset volume is adjustable

C. It has a new noise reduction ear tip

D. It applies special wireless technology

3.This advertisement is made more believable by ______.

A. using recommendations

B. offering reasons for this invention

C. providing statistics

D. showing the results of experiments


If you have a little child, who hates sitting in a car seat, then the FreedomRide is the answer to your problem.

Would you want to be stuck in an unchangeable position every time you’re in the car? No. You wouldn’t.

When an adult sits in a car for any length of time, we stretch, we change the position, we move our legs again and again. We do this without thinking. But kids in a traditional car seat can’t do this. They are stuck in one position, and they can’t move. We move because the circulation of blood needs to be recovered in our legs as we sit in the same position for any longer.

In a traditional car seat, the child can’t move to reduce the pain, so it puts them in anger.

The FreedomRide lets them have a little freedom, and still be safe. The 5-Point Harness(背带)gives them additional safety over a traditional child car seat.

I am the Webmaster for islandbreeze.com, and when JoeySafe asked us to redo their website, I was attracted by this system. That is because I have two small children, both girls, aged 3 and 4 and we obviously use car seats. I lived in Southern California, and every couple of months, my wife, the girls and I, go to see grandma who lives in Nevada. It’s a 5-hour drive, so the FreedomRide works well. Our trips are so much better now, especially since there is more room in the car without the car seats.

The FreedomRide really did make it easier to go on trips. The only thing you need when you use the JoeySafe instead of your old child car seat is a pillow. Besides, my kids want to take a pillow anyway! As a dad, I feel safe driving with the kids in the FreedomRide. I am a very safety-oriented person.

1.From the text we can infer the FreedomRide is a _______.

A. car seat B. car for children

C. safety belt D. game on islandbreeze.com

2.The FreedomRide is likely to be designed for________.

A. a person hating sitting in the car for long

B. an adult often driving a traditional car

C. a child requiring some freedom in the car

D. a driver needing comfortable seats

3.The purpose of the last two paragraphs may be to ________.

A. support the topic of the child car safety

B. describe the advantage of the FreedomRide

C. introduce the detail of the author’s work and web.

D. describe what the author does with his child car seat

4.The next part following the last paragraph may mention________.

A. the way of ordering

B. the way of communicating

C. the inventor of this product

D. the advantage of the product


Filmmaker Jennifer Nelson had to pay $1,500 to have “Happy Birthday to You” sung in the movie she’s making. The money went to Warner Music Group, a company that claims to own the copyright on the song. A copyright is the legal right to use or sell a creative product such as a song, a TV show, a book, or a work of art. Warner has claimed the copyright for “Happy Birthday to You” since 1988.

“I never thought the song was owned by anyone,” Nelson said in an e-mail to The New York Times. “I thought it belonged to everyone.”

Nelson’s movie is a documentary(纪录片)— a film that uses pictures and/or interviews with people to create a factual report of real-life events — and is actually about the history of the “Happy Birthday” song itself.

Two sisters named Mildred and Patty Hill wrote a song called “Good Morning to All” in 1893. Over a short period of time, people began to sing the words “happy birthday to you” in place of the original lyrics to the tune of the Hill sisters’ song.

A number of history experts say that there is no record of who actually wrote the “Happy Birthday to You” lyrics(歌词). Historians also say there is no way to know when the general public began singing the “Happy Birthday” song, but they believe it was being sung by the public long before it was printed and owned by a company.

Nelson’s lawyers say this piece of music’s history proves that “Happy Birthday to You” belongs to everyone in the general public. That would mean Warner Music Group has no right to charge anyone a fee to sing the song in any setting.

Experts estimate that Warner/ Chappell, the publishing division of the Warner Music Group, has made about $2 million a year from licensing fees for “Happy Birthday to You.”

Nelson’s lawyers are asking a court in New York City to order Warner/Chappell to return fees they have collected over the past four years for use of the “Happy Birthday” song.

1. Jennifer Nelson had to pay Warner Music Group to ___________ .

A. own the copyright on a song

B. have it write a song for her movie

C. have it play a song in her movie

D. have a song sung in her movie

2.The history experts’ statement can prove that the “Happy Birthday” song ____________.

A. does not belong to Warner Music Group

B. has more than 200 years’ history

C. was initially owned by another company

D. has always been very popular

3.According to Nelson’s lawyers, to sing the “Happy Birthday” song, people ____________.

A. should pay the Hill sisters

B. should pay Warner Music Group

C. need not pay for any purpose

D. need not pay except for commercial use

4.If the court supports Nelson’s lawyers’ claim, ___________.

A. she can obtain the copyright on the song

B. Warner will return about $8 million

C. Warner will have to pay her for her damages

D. she only needs to pay a little money to use the song

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