
He _____ of _____ he had said at the meeting.

  1. A.
    was accused; that
  2. B.
    was accused; what
  3. C.
    was charged; what
  4. D.
    accused; what

试题分析:考查固定搭配和宾语从句。固定搭配: be charged with…被控告犯…罪;be accused of被控告;被谴责…;第二空的what引导起这个宾语从句,在句中做为say的宾语。句意:因为在会议上所说的话,他被谴责了。故B正确。
点评:宾语从句属于名词性从句,名词性从句的考查集中在引导词的选择上,连接词that, whether, if在句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用;连接代词who(ever), which(ever), whom(ever),whose(ever),what(ever)在句中做主语,宾语,表语和定语;连接副词when, why, where, how,在句中做状语。应从上下句的句法关系着手分析,切不可‘望句形生答案’总的来说,考生在解答此类型时,可用排除法或造句法,造句法就是仿造原句的语法功能仿造出一个易懂易理解的句子,帮助判断。

  A senior United Nations Children’s Fund(UNICEF) official on May 29 praised China for its remarkable achievements in children’s welfare(福利).

A. H. M. Farook, UNICEF’s operations area officer for China and Mongolia said that China “can be very satisfied to tell the whole world what can be done with limited resources to help its children to grow healthily and happily.”

  China’s child population makes up one-fifth of the world’s total. “The reason behind the tremendous(巨大的) achievement is China’s long tradition of caring for children both at home and in society,” he said.

  “What’s more is that Chinese people have always given special attention to children who are in special need.” The UN official made the remarks when addressing a group of 50 children and staff from the Beijing Children’s Welfare Home at the Shangri-la Hotel, Beijing.

  The hotel invited the orphans to share snacks(小吃), sing, dance and play games at a park inside the hotel for a “Share the Sunshine” party, as a prelude(前奏) to celebrations to mark the Children’s Day.

  The Beijing children’s Welfare Home, set up soon after New China was founded in 1949, has at present more than 400 children.

  A leading official of the welfare institution said that the children live a happy life and that the agency(机构) spends 400—500 yuan a month for an average orphan. An average Chinese workers earned 440 yuan a month during the first quarter this year.

  Gu Xiaojin, deputy secretary-general of the China Youth Development Foundation(CYDF), said people from all walks of life have contributed to the welfare of the Chinese children.

  She said that CYDF set up the Project Hope in 1989, which calls on people across the country to donate money to help poor children to continue their schooling.

  By the end of last year, she said, CYDF had collected nearly 700 million yuan in donations, which has helped the establishment(建立) of 2, 074 Hope primary schools and enabled more than 1. 25 million dropouts to return to school classrooms.

  Three “Hope Stars” also attended the party. They were model teenagers chosen among students who are economically supported by the Project Hope to further their nine-year compulsory(义务) studies in the poverty-stricken regions. They will be torchbearers(火炬接力者) for the Chinese Team for the up coming Atlanta Olympic Games this year.

1. Children can grow healthily and happily as long as _______.

A. parents take good care of them both at home and in society

B. the whole society care for children as well as their parents

C. Schools and teachers pay much attention to the growth of children

D. Chinese people always give special attention to children who are in special need

2. Every year the Beijing Children’s Welfare Home spends _______ on the orphans

A. 1, 920, 000 yuan         B. 2, 160, 000 yuan

C. Over 2, 400, 000 yuan      D. 2, 200, 000 yuan or so

3. CYDF collected 700 million yuan with the purpose of _______.

A. reducing dropouts

B. helping homeless orphans

C. supporting the Chinese Team for the coming Atlanta Olympic Games

D. establishing 2, 074 Hope primary schools all over the country

4. We can infer from the text that _______.

A. Every Chinese child has its own special need, so we should pay special attention to each.

  B. All the children in the poverty-stricken regions of China are too poor to go to school.

  C. Ever since liberation. the Chinese Communist Party has been concerned (关心) about the growth of the younger generation.

  D. With the help of UNICEF officials, there are no more dropouts in China.

5. It is possible that this passage was written in _______.

A. 1992     B. 1996     C. 1998     D. 2000

Below is a selection about Guinness(吉尼斯) World Records.
Top 6 Unusual Guinness World Records
? Fastest 100 m running on all fours
The 2008 Guinness World Records Day was, according to CWR, their biggest day of record-breaking ever, I- h more than 290.000 people taking put in record attempts in 15 different countries. Kenichi Ito's record attempt was port of this special day. He is just another example of Japanese with "super powers". His "super power" is to run with great speed on all fours. Kenichi Ito ran 100 m on all fours in 18.58 seconds. The Japanese set this record at Setagaya Kuritsu Sogo Undojyo, Tokyo, in 2008.
? Most people inside a soap bubble
The Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana, Califomia celebrated this year the 15th anniversary of the Bubble (泡泡) Festival. A bubble's math principles and science were presented and demonstrated at the three-week-long exhibition. The intriguing Bubble Show was also part of the program. Fan Yang and Deni Yang impressed the audience with their awesome skills for bubble making. The Yang family cooperated with the Discovery Science Center to set a new Guinness World Record for mow people inside a scup bubble and they succeeded.
The family that has been working with soap bubbles for 27 years created a huge soap bubble and got 118 people inside it. The record was set or. April 4, 2011.
? Longest ears on a dog
A bloodhound from Illinois has the longest ears ever measured a dog. The right ear is 13.75 inches long and the left one 13.5 inches. The dog named Tigger earned this title in 2004 and is owned by Christina and Bryan Flessner.
Mr. Jeffries is the previous record holder of this title. Each of his ears measured approximately 11. 5 inches long. His grandfather used to hold this amazing world record, but when he died Mr.Jeffries look over.
? Most living generations
Did you ever wonder what is the Guinness World Record for most living generation in one family? Seven is the answer.
The ultimate authority on record-breaking mentions on the website that the youngest great-great- great-great grandparent of this family was Augusta Bung "aged 109 years 97 days, followed by her daughter aged 89, her granddaughter aged 70, her great grand-daughter aged 52, her great-great grand-daughter aged 33 and her great-great-great granddaughter aged 15 on the birth of her great-great-great-great grandson on January 21, 1989".
? Most T shirts worn at once
Believe it or not, there is a record also for this category. Krunoslav Budiseli set a new world record on May 22,       2010 for wearing 245 T-shirts at the same time. The nun from Croatia was officially recognized as the new record bolder by Guinness World Records after he managed to put on 245 different T-shirts in 1ess than two hours. . The T-shirts weighted 68 KG and Budiseli said he began struggling around T-shirt No. 120. He dethroned the Swedish Guinness record holder who wore 238 T-shirts.
?Heaviest pumpkin
Guinness World Records confirmed on October 9. 2010 that a gigantic pumpkin (南瓜) grown in Wisconcin was officially the world’s heaviest. It weighed 1,810 pounds 8 ounces and was unveiled by Chris Stevens at the Stillwater Harvest Festival in Minnesota. Stevens' pumpkin was 85 pounds Javier than the previous re I, another huge pumpkin grown in Ohio. The proud farmer said his secret is a precise of rain, cow mature, good soil, sea grass and fish emulsion. Some of the world's heaviest pumpkins, including the record bolder, were on public display at the Bronx Botanical Gardens in New Yost for a dozen days.
【小题1】Why is Kenichi Ito described «s a man with a "super power"?

A.He set a good example to all Japanese.
B.He made record attempts in 15 different countries.
C.He set a new record for "Fastest 100 m running on all fours".
D.He participated in the 2008 Guinness World Records Day activities.
【小题2】Jeffries is the name of    .
A.the owner of the dog with the longest ears
B.the grandfather of the dog with the longest care
C.the present holder of the record for "Longest care on a dog"
D.the former holder of the record for " longest care on a dog'
【小题3】How many T-shirts had Krunoslav Budiseli put on before he felt it difficult to go on?
【小题4】According to the given information. which Guinness World Record was most recently set?
A.The record for "Most people inside a soup bubble".
B.The record for "Most living generations'".
C.The record for "Most T-shirts worn at once".
D.The record for " Heaviest pumpkin".


______1. Arthur has been working in China for about two years. Now he needs a car. He wants to buy a car which is popular with people throughout the world and is made in China.

___2.Cindy has just passed her driving test. She wants to buy a car of less than 60,000 yuan. She likes that kind of car especially suitable for women.

_______3. Dennis is successful in his business in China, but he doesn’t like to show off. He likes a popular car of less than 200,000 yuan and it should be made in China.

______4. Betty wants to buy a very famous car. She likes that kind of car which is comfortable in driving and suitable for women.

______5.Gary is a very successful businessman who is now working in China. He wants to buy a rather expensive car made in China. The car should be safe in quality and luxurious in appearance.

A. QQ is such a good car. It is becoming more and more popular. It has a lot of advantages such as a very low price, especially suitable for females, smart in its appearance, small outside but spacious inside. It is worth no more than 51,000 yuan.

B. When it comes to Ford car, almost everyone will think of Ford brothers. These two brothers had an era in making the car popular. The company still produces lots of cars for people all over the world. Now it has many branches in the world, for example, Ford Mondeo, which is made in China, enjoys a very good market throughout China. The car is also liked by Americans working in China.

C. Santana 3000 enjoys a very reasonable price. It dates from Santana 2000. The factory is located in Shanghai. The top speed can reach 178 km/h. The present price is falling to 152,000 yuan.

D.Many people rank Benz first and BMW second. In actual fact, every coin has two sides, so do cars. Benz is very comfortable to sit in while BMW is comfortable in driving. Benz is suitable for males while BMW is suitable for females.

E. Honda Accord is made in Japan. It stands for a statue of society. One accident in Xiaoshan last year brings about amounts of doubts on its quality. Then the car was going at a slow speed when it hit the edge of the road. It was torn into two halves. Two young men died.

F. Bora 1.8T, luxury in its appearance, which is made in Germany, can also be made in China. The car is especially liked by some businessmen. It is much more expensive than Santana 3000. It is very safe because of its fine steel.




Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. contents       B. taking       C. carefully       D. plastic      E. packaging

F. declined       G. freely        H. typical        I. contracts      J. registered


If the package looks pretty, people will buy just about anything. So says an advertising executive in New York, and he has proved his point by selling boxes of rubbish for the price of an expensive bottle of wine.

Justin Gignac,26, has sold almost 900    1.presented plastic boxes of rubbish from the street of Big Apple at between $50 and $100 each. Buyers from 19 countries have paid for the souvenirs(纪念品). The idea has been so successful that he is thinking of promoting it around the world.

It all began when Mr Gignac was at a summer workshop, “We had a discussion about the importance of   2.,”he recalls.” Someone said packaging was unimportant. I disagreed. The only way to prove it was by selling something nobody would ever want.”

He searches the streets of Manhattan and typical   3.include broken glass, subway tickets, Starbucks cups and used   4.forks. “Special editions” are offered at a high price. He charged $100 for rubbish from the opening day of the New York Yankees’ stadium.

Mr Gignac denies   5.his customers for fools: “They know what they’re getting. They appreciate the fact that they’re taking something nobody would want and finding beauty in it.”

Some   6.customers include people who used to live in the city and want a down-to-earth souvenir. He claims he has even sold to art collectors.

Realizing that the concept appears to be a real money-maker, Mr Gignac has   7.a company and is employing his girlfriend as vice president. He   8.to discuss his profit margins: “It’s actually quite a lot of effort putting them together-but yes, garbage is free.”

Mr Gignac is considering more varieties of souvenirs. He maintains that he has signed   9.with people interested in similar projects from as far as Berlin and London.


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