
【题目】【原创】A bit shocked with the current rise of airfares? They have gone up not 3% or 5%, but 10%, and sometimes even higher! Yes, its sad; conventional traveling has become almost unaffordable to most of us travel junkies(旅游迷)。But heres the good news! Theres a chance you can travel for free! In fact, you can even get paid while doing so. Its true. Below are some clever suggestions that you can try to get paid while traveling.

1.Work as a Tour Guide

If you love mingling and hanging around with people, this one is perfect for you. As a tour guide, you can see and study different cultures while leading tourists to historic places around the world. And you can have a substantial income while enjoying foreign cultures. There are always two sides to a coin, though.

2. Teach English

Latin America, the Middle East and Asia have abundant jobs for English teachers. If you are bent on having a cultural and educational trip to a land that has mystified(使惊奇)you for the longest time, teaching could be the thing that can carry you through. In many cases, youre not required to be certified. Your students just need to know one thing --- that youre a native speaker.

3. Become a Travel photographer

For those who are camera experts, theres a huge opportunity to sell the travel photos that they take. One way is to set up a shop on websites. Via these platforms, you can sell photos either to a variety of travel magazines, or to business organizations with stock photography collections.

4.Bcome a Flight Attendant

You can also choose to get a nine-to-five job. A great option is working as a flight attendant. These flying professionals make around $25,000 to $50,000 a year. They get fantastic travel benefits which include going on trips with family members if they choose to. The salary may be a bit in the lower range, but remember that the average time on the job for attendants is about hours per month. Cool, isnt it?

1According to the author, ____________.

A. traditional traveling is becoming more and more unpopular

B. some clever suggestions can help people get paid while traveling

C. the rise in airfares has discouraged a lot of travel junkies from traveling

D. traveling is a good way for people to make a lot of money

【2】A travel photographer can earn money through__________.

A. teaching photographing online

B. setting up some platforms

C. selling their travel photos

D. working for travel magazines

【3】What does the author think of working as a flight attendant?

A. Its well-paid.

B. It needs working long hours.

C. It has good travel benefits.

D. It needs good spoken English.







1B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的But heres the good news! Theres a chance you can travel for free! In fact, you can even get paid while doing so. Its true. Below are some clever suggestions that you can try to get paid while traveling. 可知选择B,这些建议不仅让你有报酬还能旅游。

2C 细节理解题。根据文章中的theres a huge opportunity to sell the travel photos that they take. One way is to set up a shop on websites.可知,可以把旅游时拍的照片给卖了来赚钱,故选择C。

3C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的They get fantastic travel benefits which include going on trips with family members if they choose to.可知选择C。



Do you know the famous Icehotel at Jukkasjarvi in Swenden? Every year a team of builders and artists from 【1】 over the world come to the little village of Jukkasjarvi and build 2 hotel out of snow and ice. In the spring it 3 (melt) and the next year they start all over again. The hotel is a short drive form the airport, and is 4 (suit) for most people except families with very young children.

5 late December and early January ice rooms will be ready for guests 6 other parts of the hotel will be unfinished. If you come at this time you will be able to watch the artists 7 (make) their sculptures. If you prefer to see the hotel once everything is completed then the best time to travel is from the middle of January. Various activities 8 (organization) for guests at the Icehotel. There are guided tours of the hotel in English and Swedish at various times of the day. You’ll also have the chance to make your own ice sculpture. Classes are at 11a.m. daily. The hotel provides all the ice and tools you need and hot drinks---- you just bring your ideas. There are also two different trips, both quite 9 (reason) priced. 【10 is a climbing trip to the top of Mount Puimonen. The other is a 5km cross country skiing trip. A driver takes you out and then you ski back to the hotel. It is a good idea to book these activities at least three weeks before your arrival as they fill up quickly.

【题目】【原创】There are no signs of little green men on Mars. But new discoveries offer a bit more hope that some form of life existed there in the past --- and perhaps is still there in the present. Methane gas(甲烷) and water have been found on the Red Plane. The presence of both suggests at least the possibility of life.

According to a new report in the journal, Science, the Mars rover, Curiosity, has detected spikes of methane in the Martian atmosphere. This gas is also found in the Earths atmosphere, and comes from animal and plant life, as well as from the environment itself. If theres methane in Mars atmosphere, where is it coming from? Scientists arent sure. But it marks a big change. In September 2013, Curiosity found almost no traces of methane in the Martian air. Just weeks later, however, the rover picked up a whiff of(一点点) the gas.

The scientists dont know whether the methane spikes are caused by some form of biological matter or by the geology of the planet. Christopher Chyba, a professor of astrophysics and international affairs at Princeton, says its best not to be too hopeful about biology on the Red Planet. Hopes for biology on Mars have had a way of disappearing once Martian chemistry has been better understood, he says. But figuring out whats responsible for the methane is clearly a key astrobiological objective --- whatever the answer turns out to be.

The discovery of water on Mars is nothing new. For decades, scientists have had evidence that it flowed across the surface of the planet billions of years ago. But according to another new report in Science, while the surface water on Mars seems to be long gone, theres a lot more of it left than most of people realize.

This report is also based on findings from Curiosity. Paul Mahaffy, of NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, led the study. He says there is enough water on Mars to cover the surface to a depth of about 165 feet.

It is not easy to reach this water. Most of it is locked up in ice at the planets poles.

1Why do scientists think there might be life on Mars?

A. Because the Mars rover has detected water on the planet.

B. Because there is evidence that little green men exist on the planet.

C. Because the Mars rover has found some plants on the planet.

D. Because both methane and water have been found on the planet.

【2】What is the attitude of professor Christopher Chyba towards life on Mars?

A. Optimistic B. Negative

C. Neutral D. Indifferent

【3】The water on Mars _______________.

A. still flows on its surface

B. covers the whole planet

C. is locked up in ice at the planets poles

D. only existed on it billions of years ago

【4】In which column of a website can we read this text?

A. Culture B. Entertainment

C. Science D. Education

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