
  Time talks. It speaks more plainly (明白地)than words. Time communicates (交流) in many ways.

  Consider the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when something is done can give a special meaning to the event. Factory managers in the United States fully realize the importance of an announcement made during the middle of the morning or afternoon that takes everyone away from his work.

  In the United States, it is not customary (通常的,习惯的) to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving(刮脸) or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very urgent(紧急的) and requires immediate attention. It is the same with telephone calls made after 11:00 p. m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he probably thinks it is a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates is important.

  The meanings of time differ in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstanding arises (出现) between people from cultures(文化) that treat time differently. In the United States, people tend (趋向于) to think of time as something fixed in nature, something from which one can not escape. As a rile, Americans think of time as a road into the future, along which one progresses. The road has many sections(段) , which are to be kept separate…“one thing at a time”. Thus, an American may feel angry when he has made an appointment (约会) with someone and then finds a lot of other things happening at the same time.

  Americans look ahead and are concerned(与……有关系)almost entirely with the future. The American idea of the future is limited, however. It is the foreseeable future and not the future of involving(牵连) many centuries.

  Since time has much different meanings in different cultures, communication is often difficult. We will understand each other a little better if we can keep this fact in mind.

(1)According to the passage, an announcement made during the day in a factory must be very important because ________.

[  ]

A.it interrupts the work of all employees

B.it is made by the manager

C.it makes everyone lose his job

D.it communicates in many ways

(2)In the United States, a phone call made after 11:00 p. m. is considered ________, in the view of the writer.

[  ]

A.as important as one made in the morning

B.impolite since it disturbs the receiver's sleep

C.to be a threat (恐吓) to the receiver's life

D.even more urgent than one made early in the morning

(3)An American may feel angry if ________.

[  ]

A.he is to deal with many things at one appointed time

B.people from different cultures misunderstand him

C.he cannot escape from something fixed in nature.

D.others do not keep things separate

(4)The expression “the foreseeable future” could be most suitably replaced by ________.

[  ]

A.the future that will not be far away

B.the future that one looks forward to

C.the future toward which one makes progress

D.the future which involves centuries

(5)The writer concludes that people of different countries will understand each other better if ________.

[  ]

A.they know how to communicate with each other

B.they are concerned with the future

C.they learn the way time communicates

D.they keep in mind that different cultures treat time differently


Typing your password or credit card number into a computer is a moment’s work. But if you think your personal details disappear as soon as you hit the Return key, think again: they can sit on the computer’s hard disk for years waiting for a hacker to rip them off.

  As people spend more time on the web and hackers become more sophisticated, the dangers of storing personal information on computers are growing by the day, security experts say. There are some safeguards, such as never allowing your computer to store your passwords. But even that is no guarantee of security.

  When you type in a password, it is stored in random access memory (RAM), where it is held temporarily until other data overwrites it or the computer is switched off.

  But every so often, the computer copies the contents of its RAM onto hard disk, where it is easy prey for a hacker, who can read it directly or design a worm to e-mail it back. The longer sensitive data stays in RAM, the more likely it is to be copied onto the disk, where it stays until it is overwritten—which might not happen for years.

  Tal Garfinkel and colleagues from Stanford University have created a software tool which simulates the workings of a complete computer system. Within the simulation, sensitive data can be tagged and then tracked as it passes through the system. Next, Garfinkel and his team simulated computers running common software that regularly handles passwords or confidential personal information, such as Internet Explorer, the Windows login script and Apache server software.

  In a paper to be presented, they conclude that the programs took virtually no measures to limit the length of time the information is retained. Some of the tested software even copied the sensitive information, apparently without restraint.

  This is the first time anyone has tried to measure the extent of this problem, says Rebecca Wright, a security expert at Stevens Institute of Technology. Garfinkel hopes the results will arouse software developers to take action.

1.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A.It is secure to use your password as long as you hit the Return key.

  B.Your personal details is likely to be in danger if you spend more time on the web.

  C.Your password will be safe if you have some safeguards.

  D.Never allowing your computer to store your passwords will be safe.

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason for the unsafety of a password?

  A.It will be stored in RAM.

  B.It will be copied onto hard disk.

  C.It might not be overwritten.

  D.It will disappear as soon as you hit the return key.

3.Tal Garfinkel and his team measured the extent of security of    .

  A.simulating the working of a complete computer system

  B.tagging sensitive data

  C.passing through the system

  D.running common software

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.The length of the time the information is stored is not limited.

  B.The programs can not retain the information.

  C.The security problem should be paid more attention to.

  D.Some sensitive information has been copied.


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