Childhood is a time when there are little duties£®If a child has good parents£¬he is fed£¬looked after£¬and loved no matter when he may do£®It's impossible for him to be given   such much again in his later life£®But a child is not so free to do as he wishes it£®He is continually being told not to do this£¬not to do that£¬or being punished for what he had  done wrong£®
When the young man starts to make their own living£¬he becomes free from the rules  of school and parents£®Therefore£¬he can no longer expect others to pay his food£¬his clothes£¬and his room£®He has to work hard to live comfortable£®If so£¬he can have the great happiness of build up his own position in society£®

·ÖÎö ÎÄÕ´óÒ⣺ͯÄêµÄʱºòÊÇÓµÓкÜÉÙÖ°ÈεÄʱºò£¬Èç¹ûÒ»¸öº¢×ÓÓкõĸ¸Ä¸£¬ÄÇôËû»áµÃµ½Î¹Ñø£¬Õչ˺Ͱ®£®µ«ÊÇÁíÒ»·½Ã棬һ¸öº¢×Ó¿ÉÄÜËû¾­³£

½â´ð Childhood is a time when there are little duties£®If a child has good parents£¬he is fed£¬looked after£¬and loved 
no matter when he may do£®It's impossible for him to be given   such much again in his later life£®But a child is not 
             what                                                                          so
so free to do as he wishes it£®He is continually being told not to do this£¬not to do that£¬or being punished for what he had  done wrong£®
                                    È¥µô                                                                                                                                     has
When the young man starts to make their own living£¬he becomes free from the rules  of school and parents£®Therefore£¬
                                                     his                                                                                                       However
he can no longer expect others to pay¡Ähis food£¬his clothes£¬and his room£®He has to work hard to live comfortable£®
                                                      for                                                                                                 comfortably
If so£¬he can have the great happiness of build up his own position in society

1£®little--few  ¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʵÄÐÎʽ£¬littleÐÞÊβ»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬¶ø±¾¾äÖÐÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê¸´Êý£¬ËùÒÔÒªÓÃfew£®
2£®when--what£¬¿¼²é×´Óï´Ó¾ä£® no matter¡­ÔÚ±¾¾äÖÐÒýµ¼Èò½×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ºóÃædoȱÉÙ±öÓËùÒÔÓà no matter what£®
3£®such--so  ¿¼²é¸±´Ê£® soÓÃÀ´ÐÞÊÎÐÎÈÝ´Ê»ò¸±´Ê£¬suchÒ»°ãÐÞÊÎÃû´Ê»òÃû´Ê¶ÌÓµ«ÊÇÓöµ½ÓÐmuch£¬many£¬little£¬fewʱ£¬ÐèÒªÓÃso£®
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8£®pay ºóÃæ¼ÓÉÏfor£¬¿¼²é½é´Ê´îÅ䣮 pay forÊǹ̶¨¶ÌÓ
9£®comfortable--comfortably ¿¼²é¸±´Ê£®±¾¾äÖÐÊÇÐÞÊζ¯´Ê£¬ËùÒÔÓø±´ÊÐÎʽ£®
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1£®Do many people you know drive a car£¿How do you get a license to drive a car in your hometown£¿Read the following handbook and you will find out how to get a learner License and how to drive safely in Australia£®
About your Learner License
To prepare new and young drivers for the complex task of driving£¬all learner driver applicants must successfully complete a special"Road Ready"course to qualify for their Licenses£®
About the Road Ready Course
In the Road Ready course£¬you will take part in exercises to help raise awareness of the complexities of safe driving£®You will be assessed on your level of participation and understanding of the topics£®The final stage of the course is computerized£¬multiple choice road rules knowledge test£®
The course is conducted over several sessions and takes up to 15 hours to complete£®
Obtaining a Learner License
Any person aged 15 years and 9 months or more may apply for a Learner License to drive a car£® The Learner License is valid for 24 months but must be held for a minimum of six months£®The driver must attain the age of 17 years before attempting a practical driving test£®
To obtain a Learner License an applicant must£º
•Provide proof of identity£¬age and residence£®
•Complete and pass a Road Ready course£®
•Pass a knowledge test on the road rules and safe driving practices£®
•Pass an eyesight test£®
When driving£¬learner drivers must be accompanied by a person holding a FULL license£®Learner plates must be displayed on the front and the back of the vehicle while it is being driven by the learner£®
Drive and Survive£¬Avoid Driver Fatigue £¨Æ£ÀÍ£©
Driving when you are fatigued can be deadly£®30% of single vehicle crashes in country areas involve a fatigued driver£®
For long trips over 2 hours£º
•Have plenty of rest breaks at least every two hours£®Have a coffee break or walk around and stretch your muscles£®
•Stay somewhere overnight if it's a really long distance£®
•Don't drive when you would normally be asleep£®
•Get a good night's sleep before the trip£®
•Share the driving£®
•Take a passenger who will chat and keep you alert£®
•Don't drink and drive£®Before and during the trip eat properly£¬avoid any alcohol and don't take medicine that may cause tiredness£®
•When you feel sleepy£¬stop and sleep£®
Remember that you can become drowsy £¨»è»èÓû˯£© even on short trips£®If you have been working or partying hard£¬avoid driving if possible£®
60£®According to the handbook£¬to get a Learner License in Australia£¬an applicant must do the following EXCEPTC£®
  A£®finish and pass a Road Ready course
  B£®pass a knowledge test on the road rules and safe driving practices
  C£®provide proof of identity£¬marriage and educational background
  D£®take an eyesight test and meet the requirements
61£®When driving£¬learner driversD£®
  A£®can drive by themselves on the roads with light traffic
  B£®have to display their Learner Licenses on the front and the back of their cars
  C£®must be accompanied by either of their parents
  D£®can't drive alone without being accompanied by a person with a full license
62£®If a driver has to take a two-day trip£¬which suggestions will you give him£¿B
a£®Take a rest break every 2 hours£®
b£®Ask someone else to go with him so that they can take turns to drive without stopping£®
c£®Start out at 3 in the morning in order to avoid rush hours£®
d£®Stay somewhere overnight£®
e£®Get a good night's sleep before the trip£®
  A£®abd         B£®ade                   C£®bce          D£®bcd
63£®Where does this text probably come from£¿D
A£®A tourist guide book
B£®A news report 
C£®A science text book         
D£®A popular magazine£®
8£®Our grand China tour will show you a different China!
    But you are required to present a US passport when entering China£®For some imlportant information on how to apply for a passport£¬see the following forms£®
¡ïYou have never been issued a US passport or
¡ïYou are under aged 16 0r
¡ïYou were under 16 when your previous passport was issued or
¡ïYour most recent US passport was issued more than l 5 years ago or
¡ïYour most recent US passport was lost or stolen or
¡ïYour name has changed since your previous US passport was issued£®
NOTE£ºIf the above statements do not apply to you£¬you can apply for a US passport by mail!
    Read and understand Steps l and 2 before leaving this page£®
STEP l£ºComplete and Print Form DS-1l
¡ïIf completing Form DS-II  online£¬print the completed form using'black ink on one sided
¡ïlf completing Form DS-II  by hand£¬make sure that all the information is complete and
correct£®The form should be filled in black ink£®Do so legibly or the application processing timemay be delayed£®
NOTE£ºForm DS-II  can be obtained from your local Passport Agency£¬
    STEP 2£ºSubmit Completed Form in Person
You must submit Form DS-II and other required documents in person at a Passport
Agency£¬Form DS-11 may not be submitted by mail£®
You should make an appointment to be seen at a Passport Agency only if£º
¡ïThe US passport is needed in less than 2 weeks for international travel£®'
¡ïThe US passport is needed within 4 weeks to obtain a foreign visa£®
  Call the National Passport Information Center to make an£®appointment or visit a Passport
   If you are overseas and need to apply for or renew your US passport£¬please follow the
instructions in Tips for Americans Traveling Abroad£®

36£®What is most probably talked about before this passage£¿B
A£®International travel information£®
B£®An introduction to a journey to China£®
C£®The great chaIloes happenjng in China£¬
D£®Matters needed to be dealt with after going to China£®
37£®You can apply for a US passport by mail if youC£®
A£®have never had a US passport before
B£®got your'most recent US passport 17 years ago
C£®were I7 when you received your previous passport
D£®changed your name after getting your passport last time
38£®Before'submitting Form  DS-Il£¬you shouldA
A£®fill in all information on the form
B£®fill the form in either black or blue ink
C£®print the form on both sides of the paper
D£®connect the local agency by telephone first
39£®Ifyou want to get the passport within halfa£®month£¬you shouldD£®
A£®not Day a visit to Passport Agency
B£®be an adult of more than 18 years old
C£®offer to present your foreign visa to a Passport Agency
D£®call the National Passport Information Center or visit a Passport Agency
40£®What does the underlined word"Iegibly"mean in English£¿A
13£®When I set out to drop my dad of fat the airport£¬it was dark and dreary£¨³ÁÃƵģ©£®It started to rain on the way£®When I left the airport£¬the visibility wasn't clear because of the drops of rain£®It was before 6am£®
Even though the road conditions were poor£¬I drove at my normal speed£®I was angry with the more cautious drivers ahead of me that were delaying my drive£®The exit ramp£¨ÆµÀ£©to the highway was a tight spiral£¨¼±ÅÌÐý£©£®It is a dangerous spot in good weather and totally scary when the weather is miserable or it is dark£®But I didn't want to slow down and arrive home any later than necessary£®I drove down the ramp too fast£®The road was wet and my car slid£¬landing face down on the passenger side£®
I didn't like to drive by myself at the time and had debated taking my husband and son with me on the trip£®Thankfully£¬I was alone in the car£®My accident was slight£®In fact£¬I was lucky enough not to have a single scratch£®I shuddered to think the injuries my son would have suffered had he been in the backseat of that car with no seatbelt when it rolled£®After the ear rolled three times£¬I found my mobile phone was lost in a pile of small things that were all lying in the bottom of the car£®A lady was kind enough to let me borrow her mobile phone£¬but with-out the numbers preprogrammed who could I call£¿I was lucky enough to remember my father's mobile phone number£¬and fortunate that he hadn't yet got on his plane£®
You never know when an accident will happen£®As a driver£¬I will keep safety in mind by obeying all traffic laws and have safe-driving habits£¬especially in bad weather£®Insist your children always wear their seatbehs£®Life is a journey and everyone should value it and enjoy the ride£®

24£®Why was the author angry with those drivers£¿A
A£®She thought they drove too slowly£®
B£®They made much noise on the ramp£®
C£®They didn't pay attention to the safety£®
D£®They tried to stop her car on the ramp£®
25£®What does the underlined word"shuddered"in Paragraph 3probably mean£¿C
A£®Ensured the safety£®    
B£®Remembered clearly£®
C£®Trembled because of fear£®
D£®Took control of the bad situation£®
26£®What is the main reason that resulted in the accident£¿B
A£®The visibility was not clear£®    
B£®The author drove rather fast£®
C£®It started to rain heavily then£®
D£®It was an unsafe spot for driving£®
27£®We can learn from this passage that the authorB£®
A£®had just a single scratch
B£®called her father for help
C£®felt sorry because her son was injured
D£®found her mobile phone with the help of a lady£®
20£®My dear friend had invited me to speak at a women's conference she was holding in Honduras£®
The night before I was to leave£¬I decided a warm bath would help me sleep£®I twisted £¨Ðýת£© the hot water handle on the tub £¨Ô¡¸×£© and waited¡­and waited£®I complained£¬"Let's have some warm water!"It took forever for the hot water to work its way through the pipes to the back of the house£®Needless to say£¬the bath wasn't relaxing£®
The next afternoon I arrived in Honduras£®After the conference£¬my friend took me to meet some of her family members£®They lived in a stick-and-mud house and slept on dirt floors£®The women cooked outside on the stove£®S till£¬even in these awful conditions£¬everyone I met had a smile on his or her face£®They were so generous and almost always insisted we stay for coffee£®
On our way to one home we passed a pond which was covered with green slime £¨Äཬ£©£®One woman pushed the slime back with a stick while the other put the water into a bucket£®I prayed£¬"Please don't let them offer coffee£®"
After we were invited in£¬a little girl ran inside£®She held a mango £¨Ã¢¹û£© in each hand£®The one in her left hand was half eaten£®This little beauty held out her right hand and offered me the other mango£¬which I gladly accepted£®Her eyes danced£®I remember thinking£¬"She has no idea she is poor£®"
When it was time to leave we walked outside and I noticed a muddy stream that ran beside their home£®My friend said£¬"That is where they bathe£®It is also where the animals drink and they push out waste£®"
The evening I returned home I went into my perfect bathroom and twisted the hot water handle£®While bathing£¬I thought of this simple pleasure£®Clean water wasn't my right£» it was luck£®

28£®According to the second paragraph£¬after the bath the author felt a littleA£®
29£®What is the local people's attitude towards their life£¿B
30£®By referring to the little girl£¬the author seems toB£®
A£®criticize the unfair treatment of local children
B£®appreciate the good education of local children
C£®recommend the local mangos to the readers
D£®show sympathy for the lovely and poor girl
31£®What did the author learn from her experience in Honduras£¿A
A£®People should value the simple pleasures in life£®
B£®It is everybody's right to have access to clean water£®
C£®Some people in Honduras like bathing in muddy rivers£®
D£®Giving guests mangos is a unique custom in Honduras£®
10£®Hope Pure and Simple with free DVD
316 Thoughts to Lift Your Soul
By Max Lucado
There are more than 300dollars heartwarming"quotes"from the world's number one inspirational author£®In his trademark warm and conversational style£¬Max Lucado delivers a fresh message of God's love and grace in the midst of even the toughest of times£®Readers will rediscover joy and find their lost smile and they can gain a new outlook on life£®
Charging the Human Battery                       
50£®Ways To Motivate Yourself
By Mac Anderson
Each of us has different triggers£¨´¥·¢Îfor self-motivation£®Within these 50ideas to motivate yourself£¬you will learn to set goals£¬welcome problems as opportunities£¬and focus on what is important in your life£®
Mac has authored or co-authored 10books that have sold more than 2million copies£®But he says£¬"This one is very special£®For 5years£¬Charging the Human Battery has been one of the topics for my keynote speeches£®People£¬I've found£¬are like sticks of dynamite £¨°ô×´Õ¨Ò©£©£» the power is inside£¬but nothing happens until the fuse £¨µ¼»ðÏߣ© gets lit£®Therefore£¬it is my hope that as you read this little book£¬there will be many¡®a-ha moments'to light your fuse£¬and keep it lit£¬through good times and bad£®"
Courage Does Not Always Roar with free DVD
By Mary Anne Radmacher
Courage Does Not Always Roar is a book about ordinary women with extraordinary courage£®Their incredible stories about fighting through challenges in their lives will provide you with inspiration when you need it most!Inspired by the poem by Mary Anne Radmacher£¬Courage Does Not Always Roar is a perfect gift for any woman£®Courage does not always roar£®Sometimes courage is that quiet voice at the end of the day saying¡­"I will try again tomorrow"£®
Encouragement for Life
Price£º20.00dollars 20% discount for students
By Charles R£®Swindoll
Encouragement for Life is a collection of powerful£¬warm£¬comforting£¬humorous and always uplifting thoughts from the pen of NY Times best selling author£¬Charles Swindoll-one of the most beloved priest and productive storytellers of our day£®In a world buffeted£¨´ò»÷£©by storms£¬conflict£¬and heartache£¬Encouragement for Life reminds us of our true source of comfort and hope£®It is a great gift to someone who needs hope and encouragement£®It is a great gift to give you as a spiritual pick-me-up to start each day!

50£®According to the passage£¬the books mentioned in the passage are worth reading because they areC£®
A£®newly published£®
B£®from famous authors£®
C£®full of inspiration£®
D£®very attractive£®
51£®Which statement about the second book in the passage is true£¿C
A£®It delivers a fresh message of God's care£®
B£®It is a great gift to one who lacks courage£®
C£®It can help arouse your inside power£®
D£®It can help you to charge the battery£®
52£®If 20college students buy the book Encouragement for Life£¬how much money should they
pay in total£¿D
53£®The book Courage Does Not Always Roar is different from the other books in thatA£®
A£®it is especially intended for women£®
B£®it offers free DVD£®
C£®it helps you to build up self-confidence£®
D£®it can help you get timely inspiration£®
17£®Summer Rain
 The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones£®We spend all year looking forward to nice weather and long£¬hot days£®All of winter£¬with its cloudy days and bitter cold£¬we dream of those endless days at the beach£¬lying on the sand and enjoying the bright and burning sun£®And then£¬summer comes£¬and it rains£®
 As a child£¬I would wake up to rainy summer days and come close to crying£®It wasn't fair£®We suffered through months of school and experienced bad weather for those short ten weeks of freedom and pleasant weather£®
 On those rainy summer days£¬I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside£¬staring out at the rain like a bird in a cage£®I was an only child£¬so there was no one else to play with£®My father worked from home£¬so I was not truly alone£¬but he could not actively play with me since he was at work£®It was those days that I would watch whatever was on television or read any books that I could find lying around£®I'd drag through the day and pray each night that the rain would not be there the next day£®
 As an adult£¬though£¬my opinion of summer rain has changed£®When you have to work every day£¬summer is not as exciting£®Everything seems dull£®Such a mindset makes you cheer for anything new or different£®I spend the winter dreaming of summer and the summer dreaming of winter£®When summer comes£¬I hate how hot it is£®And then I look forward to the rain£¬because the rain brings with it a cold front£¬which makes me comfortable£®Rainy days are still the worst days of the summer£¬but summer rain today means positively beautiful-and considerably cooler-weather tomorrow£®
56£®When the author was a child£¬heA£®
A£®hated rainy days        
B£®liked staying indoors
C£®preferred cooler weather    
D£®dreamed on summer days
57£®We can learn from the passage that the authorA£®
A£®had no brothers or sisters    
B£® was often left alone at home
C£®could enjoy the brilliant sun in winter  
D£®preferred reading to playing outside
58£®As an adult£¬the author views summer rain differently becauseB£®
A£®he knows it won't last long
B£®rain makes the weather cooler
C£®his summer holiday is very short
D£®he can better deal with his downtime£®
2£®This brief book is aimed at high school students£¬but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life£®
    Its formal£¬serious style closely matches its content£¬a school-masterly book on schooling£®The author£¬W£®H£®Armstrong£¬starts with the basics£ºreading and writing£®In his opinion£¬reading doesn't just mean recognizing each word on the page£» it means taking in the information£¬digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of himself£®The goal is to bring the information back to life£¬not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees£®Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other£» in fact£¬the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text£®I've seen it again and again£ºsomeone who can't express an idea after reading a text is just as ineffective as someone who hasn't read it at all£®
    Only a third of the book remains after that discussion£¬which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages£¬math£¬science and history£®He generally handles  these  topics  thoroughly £¨Í¸³¹µØ£©  and  equally£¬except  for  some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion £¨¼¤Ç飩 regarding history£®Well£¬he was a history teacher-if conveyed only a tenth of his passion to his students£¬that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across£®To my disappointment£¬in this part of the book he ignores the arts£®As a matter of fact£¬they demand all the concentration and study that math and science do£¬though the study differs slightly in kind£®Although it's commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally acquired£¬actually£¬learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics£®My other comment is that the text aged£®The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s-none of the references£¨²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ×£© seem newer than the late 1950s£®As a result£¬the discussion misses the entire computer age£®
    These are small points£¬though£¬and don't affect the main discussion£®I recommend it to any student and any teacher£¬including the self-taught student£®

63£®According to Armstrong£¬the goal of reading is toC£®
A£®gain knowledge and expand one's view
B£®understand the meaning between the lines
C£®express ideas based on what one has read
D£®get information and keep it alive in memory
64£®The author of the passage insists that learning the artsA£®
A£®requires great efforts
B£®demands real passion
C£®is less natural than learning maths
D£®is as natural as learning a language
65£®What is a shortcoming of Armstrong's work according to the author£¿D
A£®Some ideas are slightly contradictory£®
B£®There is too much discussion on studying science£®
C£®The style is too serious£®
D£®It lacks new information£®
66£®This passage can be classified asB£®
A£®an advertisement     B£®a book review
C£®a feature story       D£®a news report£®

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