Christmas,Easter and Birthday parties can be difficult times for grandmothers and parents as they rush around trying to arrange the perfect celebration or making everyone as happy as possible! What's better than a birthday party that makes your grandchild smile throughout or a celebration that impresses relatives and close friends?

That is why Granny Look has supplied in this section,one of the most comprehensive guides to making these special occasions that happen perhaps once a year a real success.

From a selection of Advent Calendars to party planning or Christmas-stocking fillers we have all the possibilities covered so that your children and grandchildren will really have a memorable time with attractive gifts and original ideas.

Bring that festive spirit to all those traditional days,and ensure you are always ready for any possibility. Granny Look's extensive links are bound to make every special occasion an entirely different experience from the year before and allow everyone to feel entertained and content.


LOOK no further!! Granny Look helps the family to prepare in time for FATHER CHRISTMAS. Give SANTA CLAUS some ideas.He can fill all the children's Christmas-stockings with goodies! Unique Christmas gifts for children-stocking fillers.

A Granny Look favorite!


All children love the build-up to CHRISTMAS! What is better than choosing one of Granny Look's selection of Advent Calendars! Here you will find a list of websites to buy traditional or fun Advent Calendars for children at Christmas time.

A Granny Look favorite!


LOOKING for a SPECIAL BIRTHDAY GIFT? Explore Granny Look's selection of PRESENTS,PARTY PLANNING,PARTY TOYS and PARTY GAMES for your Children and Grandchildren's BIRTHDAYS.

Plan and organize the KIDDIE'S PARTIES ahead of time!!



LOOK and BOOK now!! Granny Look's selection of CHRISTMAS GIFTS for children.

Some guides to “What's on in your area”...for the kids.PANTOS,SHOWS, Christmas time!

UNIQUE Christmas gifts for Children.Spend QUALITY TIME with your Children's Children this FESTIVE SEASON!

1.From the text,we know that “Granny Look” is .

A.a person who guides you to make your yearly celebration a real success

B.a magazine that helps the family to prepare for special occasions

C.a company that sells all sorts of products on the Internet

D.a website that helps you to prepare for special occasions

2.The purpose of the text is . make children have a memorable holiday show you how to shop on the Internet give you some information about Granny Look introduce some goods

3.You will fail to find any information at Christmas when you need .

A.Christmas cards Advent Calendars

C.Christmas gifts for theatres

Exchange a glance with someone, and then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer and you have made a different situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a person’s stare without being friendly, rude, or aggressive. If you are on a lift, what stare-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no harm. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to send out a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contact----what sociologist Erving Goffiman calls “a dimming(变暗) of the lights”. You look down at the floor, at the indicator(指示) lights, anywhere but into another passenger’s eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on a lift, you will make the other person extremely uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.

If you hold eye contact for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They stare at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, and then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals, “I know you”, “I am interested in you” or “You look peculiar(奇怪) and I am curious about you”. This type of stare often produces hostile(敌意的) feelings.

1. If one is looked at by a stranger for too long, he tends to feel ________.

A. depressed B. uneasy

C. curious D. amused

2. If you want to be left alone on a lift, the best thing to do is _____.

A. to look into another passenger’s eyes

B. to avoid eye contact with other passengers

C. to signal you don’t mean to do harm to anyone

D. to keep a distance from other passengers

3.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ________.

A. every glance has its significance

B. staring at a person is an expression of interest

C. a stare longer than 3 seconds is unacceptable

D. a glance conveys more meaning than words


Eliza worked in an office with twenty other people, and she liked her job. Getting ahead in her career wasn’t to her. But she suddenly changed the promotion of her friend and co-worker Betty who couldn’t have gotten the if Eliza had tried to. In the eyes of the other co-workers Betty was cheerful, hardworking and ambitious, while Eliza had been low-key and easygoing.

Before Betty got the promotion, Eliza had been satisfied with her , even if she had not been happy. But once Betty was made head, Eliza began to fill up with resentment(怨恨)and she disliked her job and Betty. Finally she developed a big mistake she was filled with anger all the time. Eliza began to see Betty as the source of all her problems, and she to remember that she had not particularly wanted the promotion anyway. Now she just thought that it should be hers. Instead of herself to see what her real goal was in the life, she tried to how to trap Betty and regarded Betty as her enemy. Eliza became________focused on her resentment, and she couldn’t get out of the situation.

One of the major problems with resentment is that you ________ that your anger is completely caused by others. You ________ looking for what you can do to improve your situation, because you are sure that your ________ feelings are the result of someone else’s fault. You give up trying to find real ________ to solve your problem. Dealing with resentment needs ________ . Because of that, you are able to have a clear mind so that you can admit you are feeling resentful. Then try hard to force yourself ________ready to be less resentful. You believe you are to blame for resentment, and you actively look for the way that can ________ the problem in your life.

1.A. important B. ordinary C. simple D. challenging

2.A. during B. before C. after D. until

3.A. agreement B. chance C. prize D. business

4.A. always B. sometimes C. seldom D. never

5.A. partner B. work C. teammates D. leader

6.A. mainly B. perfectly C. exactly D. extremely

7.A. supported B. disclosed C. hated D. forced

8.A. because B. if C. but D. while

9.A. decided B. started C. managed D. failed

10.A. noticing B. ensuring C. persuading D. warning

11.A. get at B. deal with C. figure out D. make up

12.A. partly B. completely C. finally D. usually

13.A. strange B. boring C. funny D. dangerous

14.A. doubt B. analyze C. believe D. find

15.A. mind B. stop C. enjoy D. keep

16.A. negative B. inspiring C. childish D. social

17.A. details B. effects C. solutions D. causes

18.A. freedom B. calmness C. experiment D. courage

19.A. luckily B. hurriedly C. strongly D. truly

20.A. solve B. avoid C. predict D. face

Speed-reading is a necessary skill in the Internet age. We skim over articles, e-mails and We Chat to try to grasp key words and the essential meaning of a certain text. Surrounded with information from our electronic devices, it would be impossible to cope if we read word by word, line by line. But a new trend calls on people to unplug and enjoy reading slowly, listing benefits beyond the intelligent stimulation.

A recent story from The Wall Street Journal reported on a book club in Wellington, New Zealand, where members meet in a cafe and turn off their smart phones. They sink into comfortable chairs and read in silence for an hour. Unlike traditional book clubs, the point of the slow reading club isn't exchanging ideas about a certain book, but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet, relaxed environment. According to the Journal, the Wellington book club is just one example of a movement started by book lovers who miss the old-fashioned way of reading before the Internet and smart phones.

Slow readers, such as The Atlantic's Maura Kelly, say a regular reading habit sharpens the mind, improves concentration, reduces stress levels and deepens the ability to sympathize(共鸣,同感). Another study published last year in Science showed that reading novels helps people understand other's mental states and beliefs, a fundamental skill in building relationships. Yet technology has made us less attentive readers. Screens have changed our reading patterns from the staight and information left-to-right sequence to a wild skimming and skipping pattern as we hunt for important words and information. Reading text punctuated(加标点符号)with links leads to weaker comprehension than reading plain text. The Internet may have made us stupider, says Patrick Kingsley from The Guardian. Because of the Internet, he says, we have become very good at collecting a wide range of interesting news, but we are also gradually forgetting how to sit back, reflect, and relate all these facts to each other.

Slow reading means a return to an uninterrupted, straight pattern, in a quiet environment free of distractions. Aim for 30 minutes a day, advises Kelly from The Atlantic. “You can squeeze in that half hour pretty easily if only during your free moments, you pick up a meaningful work of literature,” Kelly said. “Reach for your e-reader, if you like.Kindles make books like War and Peace less heavy, not less substantive, and also ensure you'll never lose your place.”

1.The book club in Wellington mentioned in Paragraph 2 shows____________.

A. the new trend of slow reading

B. the decline of electronic devices

C. the importance of exchanging ideas

D. the increasing number of club readers

2.According to Patrick Kingsley, people are stupider partly because of_____________.

A. a non-stop reading pattern

B. the straight, left-to-right screen

C. wide range of interesting news

D. the lack of reflection

3.According to the passage, slow reading___________.

A. contributes to understanding among people

B. promotes the current technology advances

C. provides people with a quiet environment

D. cures the memory loss of elderly people

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A. Benefit of Reading Clubs

B. Return of Slow Reading

C. Reading of the Internet Age

D. Influence of Speed Reading

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