
-What are you going to do next weekend?

-_______-,if time permits ,I may go to Beijing with my friends.

A. Don’t mention it B. It doesn’t

C. Forget it D. It depends




试题分析:句意:---下个周末你打算做什么?---看情况再定吧,如果时间允许,我可能和朋友们去北京。A. Don’t mention it 别客气 B. It doesn’t它不会 C. Forget it 没关系 D. It depends看情况而定,故选D。




How long has 3-D technology been around? Most of us might think of crowds of teenagers in a 1950’s movie house watching Bwana Devil in 3-D. But 3-D technology made its first appearance on the scene in 1838 with the first stereoscope(体视镜). And the first actual 3-D movie was a 1903 film called Le Ariveed’un Train.

Although it has such a long history, the technology has still remained based on one simple principle-----to make 3-D effects you must find a way to project two slightly different pictures to each eye. Modern 3-D technology works by rapidly flickering(闪动) two versions of the movie and projecting them onto each eye. The brain does the rest of the work, combining the two pictures together into one and giving the show the appearance of depth, the third dimension.

But does this exposure, especially long exposures, cause harm to the child’s developing brain and visual system? Unfortunately, long-term studies on new flicker digital 3-D technology and children aren’t yet available. We do not know if regular or daily 3-D viewing over years affects the developing visual system, although older 3-D methods basically do the same thing and are not considered harmful.

The question of possible harm in modern 3-D use in TV is really based on two facts: the amount of time children will now be watching 3-D TV each day and the sensitivity some children show in reaction to 3-D viewing. It is difficult to make actual lab studies of longer term 3-D viewing in children because of the possible harm of the experiment. Researchers will have to wait until 3-D TV technology is already in the marketplace for a number of years, then check heavy 3-D TV watchers and compare them with non-watchers.

With a 3-D television technology in the home, we will soon be able to answer the question of whether or not longer and more frequent periods of 3-D exposure cause more changes in the visual system. We may find that the bigger problem is the introduction of a new technology that leads to even more time spent on TV rather than playing outdoors.

1.According to the text, 3-D technology ______

A. was refused by people when it first appeared.

B. will soon change the way we watch TV.

C. does no good to our visual system.

D. has a history of nearly 200 years.

2. Paragraph 2 is mainly about________

A. how 3-D technology works.

B. why 3-D movies are popular

C. the history of 3-D technology.

D. the influence of 3-D technology.

3.What’s the method suggested in paragraph 4?

A. To wait and see B. To carry out lab studies

C. To stop making 3-D movies D. To improve 3-D technology

4.The author’s purpose in writing the text is to _______

A. ask children not to watch 3-D movies

B. discuss if 3-D viewing is harmful to children.

C. introduce the advantages of 3-D technology.

D. predict the development of 3-D technology.


Do you want to be pretty? You are the only one who can decide you’re truly pretty. To achieve this, first of all, you should be pretty on the inside. In other words, you have to understand that your beauty comes from yourself, not from any outside source(来源). To practice feeling this way, you can write a list of all the good things about yourself. This includes things like helping someone carrying something or listening to a friend. You also can write a list of things that you think are beautiful about yourself. Maybe you have big brown eyes, a cute nose or a great laugh. What’s more, every morning, when you wake up, go to the bathroom mirror, smile at yourself and say aloud, “I am happy.” The more you say it, the more you’ll convince(使…相信) your brain that it’s true.

To be pretty on the inside, at the same time, don’t forget to be attractive by being kind and respectful. So listen to people when they talk, and they’ll notice you’ve taken an interest in their words. Help others out when they are in need, and also don’t judge other people.

On the other hand, you also should be pretty on the outside. For this, you can do something to change your appearance. For example, change your hairstyle. Wear clothes in which you feel comfortable. Also you can give your skin some extra special care to make it look better.

In fact, the key to being pretty on the outside is working to be healthy. If you’re in poor health, you can’t look pretty on the outside. So, to keep healthy, have enough sleep every day and work out in a regular way.

Title: Be pretty






Tips for being pretty1..________



Realizing your beauty comes from yourself

◆Listing what you feel good about yourself

◆Listing what are 2._______ about yourself

◆3._______ and saying aloud “I am happy ”every morning


Treating other 【小题4______ and respectfully

◆Being a good 4._________

◆Helping those in need

◆Not 5._________




Ways of being pretty on the outside




◆Changing your hairstyle

◆Wearing 7.__________

◆Taking good care of your 8._________


Keeping healthy

◆Having enough sleep every day

◆9.______ regularly


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