
 Marry me! During the "Idol" finale, season 5 singer Ace Young proposed live to season 3 runner up Diana DeGarrno. She was genuinely surprised in one sense but the two have bonded closely since they met on Broadway during a production of“Hair." The first true“ldol' couple (though others have dated) have already set a wedding date on June  l  of 2013,

    Ten years and still relevant. Season one winner Kelly Clarkson has survived a decade in the brutal music business with her dignity intact and enough chart-topping songs to generate a greatest hits album at the tender age of 30. Her career is as strong as ever. She sang the “Star Spangled Banner” at the Super Bowl. Her song “Stronger” was a No. I hit.  She was a mentor on an ABC summer series“Duets.” She became engaged to Reba McEntire's stepson in November. All in all, life is good for Clarkson and we as“Idol" fans couldn't be more proud.

     Keep calm and Carrie on! Season four victor Carrie Underwood has now sold more albums than any other "Idol" with about 14 million to date. Her current album “Blown Away” has generated two top two hits in 2012: “Good Girl” and the title track. That makes 15 consecutive top 2 hits on the Billboard country chart over seven years dating back to "Jesus, Take the Wheel." She hosted the CMAs for a fifth year with Brad Paisley. Last month, she landed a role as lead in a remake of“The Sound of Music.” She toured to sold-out crowds again, hitting Gwinnett Arena earlier this month, where she thankecl "Idol" for getting her to where she's at, something, she certainly no longer needs to do but still does. Class act, that lady.

1.What may the ldol probably be?

A. A popular Ainerican singer                     B. A American year figure of

C. A popular American programme                 D. A famous American avenue

2.Who hit Gwinnett Arena of the following?

A. Carrie Underwood                            B. Kelly Clarkson

C. Ace Yong                                   D. Diana DeGarmo

3. Who was the Idol winner of ten years ago?

A. Reba McEntire                               B. Kelly Clarkson

C. Carrie Underwood                            D. Not mentioned

4.In which year was the Idol first held according, to the text?

A. In 2012          B. In 2007           C.ln 2008          D.In 2002

5.Where can we probably read the news?

A. In business section                            B. In advertisement section

C. In sports section                             D. In entertainment section










试题分析:文章主要报道了美国偶像节目5季决赛选手Ace Young向3季亚军Diana DeGarmo求婚成功.同时简要的介绍了从2002年第一季冠军Kelly Clarkson.起的其它几季冠军的发展情况。

1.纵观全文,文章提及各个赛季冠军歌手均诞生于"Idol",说明ldol 是美国一个著名的节目,即“美国偶像”

2.文章最后一段讲述的是第四季冠军得主Carie的情况,结合本段倒数第三行 She toured to sold-out crowds again, hitting Gwinnett Arena earlier this month可以得知答案为A

3.根据文章第二段第一行Ten years and still relevant. Season one winner Kelly Clarkson.... 可以得知正确答案为B。

4.从第二段Ten years and still relevant. Season one winner Kelly Clarkson has survived a decade in the brutal music business 可知得知美国偶像第一次举行是在十年前,故选答案D。

5.singer art-topping songs music 各个赛季音乐冠军得主,与娱乐有关,故文章信息来自娱乐版块。




Embracing a 'naked marriage'
Zhang Yi, a 28-year-old editor at the fashion magazine Sunshine, imagined her boyfriend's proposal like this: In a nice restaurant, he gets down on his knees, flourishes a diamond ring and asks: "Will you marry me?" 
She would then scream, and with tears of joy in her eyes, throw herself into his arms.
But the reality was totally different. Her boyfriend simply said: "My mother has asked us to register for the marriage certificate as soon as possible."
Zhang agreed – and that was it.
"I understand my husband has little money. Besides, I love things to be simple. So I agreed," Zhang says.
The couple took a day off and registered their marriage. Instead of a banquet, their wedding ceremony was a 100-yuan ($15) dinner at a small restaurant where they first met.
Wang Zhiguo, chief marriage consultant at China's largest matchmaking website baihe.com, believes “naked marriages” benefit society. "It teaches young people the core spirit of marriage - love each other deeply, no matter rich or poor," Wang says, adding that some newlyweds save marriage costs for other expenses like their children's education, traveling or charity.
Wang thinks, however, that naked marriages may affect a relationship's stability.  
"If we see a marriage as a contract, it includes three items: love, responsibility and a material base. Any missing link will lead to some problems in the relationship between husband and wife."
Wang suggests that if a couple's financial situation does not permit them to build a solid material base, an exchange of tokens(象征) is necessary for a long-lasting relationship.
1. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Zhang is inconsiderate towards her husband.
B. There is no long-lasting relationship without any token of love.
C. Doing without a ring, apartment and car, is becoming more acceptable to young people who want to get married sooner rather than later.
D. Newlyweds should save money for traveling or charity.
2. What is Wang’s attitude towards naked marriages?
A. positive     B. negative     C. indifferent     D. neutral
3. What is a naked marriage?
A. Getting married without clothes on.
B. A simple marriage with little material support.
C. A contract including love, responsibility and a material base.
D. A marriage without love, responsibility or a material base.
4. The author arranges the article with    .
A. stories and explanation      B. facts and descriptions
C. examples and conclusion     D. evidence and argument

On June 21, 1982, Prince (王子) William, the future King of England, was born. Since then, he has won all the hearts of the public.
When he was very small, he got a number of nicknames (绰号):King Tot, Willys, Billy, and William the Terrible!He was often found climbing into wastebaskets, trying to flush (冲刷) Dad’s shoes down the toilet (厕所) and pressing buttons, which often made alarm ring!
Prince William has a lot of rules to follow:no drinking in public, no smoking or taking drugs, no kissing girls in public. William was especially close to Diana. However, he has been brave beyond his years since his mother’s sudden death because of the car accident.
Prince William’s fans are growing in number every day. He got more than 12, 000 fan letters a week. When he made a trip to Canada, thousands of girls went frenetic and screamed, “William, will you marry me?” His favorite drink is coke and his favorite foods are burgers, fries, pizza, and chocolate. William also loves to search the World Wide Web. So next time when you’re online, you might be chatting with the future King of England.
Want to write to him? Here it is:
HRH Prince William             
Kensington Palace  Kensington, London W8 4PN  Great Britain
【小题1】William’s mother died when he was_____.     .
A. 13                   B. 20                C. 19                  D. 15
【小题2】What does the underlined word “frenetic” mean?  
A. Angry.               B.Excited.           C. Stupid.                D. Comfortable.
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Prince William loves his mother very much.   
B. Prince William likes western food.
C. Prince William has two brothers.    
D. Prince William loves to use the computer.
【小题4】Where can you probably see the article?
A. In a magazine       B. In a textbook      C. In a sports report   D. On TV

I was in a rush as always, but this time it was for an important date I just couldn’t be late for! I found myself at a checkout counter behind an elderly woman seemingly in no hurry as she paid for her groceries.  Being a PhD student without a lot of money, I had hurried into the store to pick up some flowers. I was in a huge rush, thinking of my upcoming evening. I did not want to be late for this date

     We were in Boston, a place not always known for small conversations between strangers. The woman stopped unloading her basket and looked up at me. She smiled. It was a nice smile—warm and reassuring(令人宽慰的)-and I returned her gift by smiling back.

     “Must be a special lady, whoever it is that will be getting those beautiful flowers,” she said.

     “Yes, she’s special,” I said, and then to my embarrassment, the words kept coming out. “It’s only our second date, but somehow I am just having the feeling she’s ‘the one,’” jokingly, I added, “The only problem is that I can’t figure out why she’d want to date a guy like me.”

     “Well, I think she’s very lucky to have a boyfriend who brings her such lovely flowers and who is obviously in love with her,” the woman said .”My husband used to bring me flowers every week—even when times were tough and we didn’t have much money. Those were incredible days; he was very romantic and—of course— I miss him since he’s passed away.”

      I paid for my flowers as she was gathering up her groceries. There was no doubt in my mind as I walked up to her. I touched her on the shoulder and said “You were right, you know. These flowers are indeed for a very special lady.” I handed the flowers and thanked her for such a nice conversation.

      It took her a moment to realize that I was giving her the flowers I had just purchased. “May you have a wonderful evening ,”I said. I left het with a big smile and my heart warmed as I saw her smelling the beautiful flowers.

      I remember being slightly late for my date that night and telling my girlfriend the above story. A couple of years later, when I finally worked up the courage to ask her to marry me, she told me that this story had helped to seal it for her—that was the night that I won her heart .

41.Why was the writer in a hurry that day?

A. He was to meet his girlfriend.             B. He had to go back to school soon.

C. He was delayed by an elderly lady.          D. He had to pick up some groceries.

42.What does the underlined phrase “her gift” (Paragraph 2 ) refer to?

A. Her words.                 B. Her smile.        C. Her flowers.             D. Her politeness.

43.Why did the writer give his flowers to the elderly lady?

A. She told him a nice story.                       B. She allowed him to pay first.

C. She gave him encouragement.                  D. She liked flowers very much.

44.What is the message conveyed in the story?

A. Flowers are important for a date.        B. Small talk is helpful.

C. Love and kindness are rewarding.         D. Elderly people deserve respecting.


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