

A:  1  Where do I catch the bus to Huangpi?

B: The bus station is on the next corner, not far from here

A: How often do the buses run?

B:  2  Ask someone at the station

A:  3 

B: Your're welcome

      (At the bus station)


A: When's the next bus for Huangpi?

C: It will be at 10:30

A:  4 

C: 5 yuan one way and 8 yuan round trip

A: How long does it take to get there?

C: Oh, usually around 30 minutes unless they run into trouble If the weather's bad, it takes   longer

A: O.   K I'll take a one way ticket to New York    5 

C: Up the stairs and to your left

A I don't   know

B Where's the station?

C Where's the men's restroom?

D It does every ten   minutes

E What's the bus fare to New York?

F Thanks a lot

G Pardon me!


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