






I was really pleased to my purchase of a new pair of shoes from major retailer (零售商). About a week late, on a rainy day, I was in a rush and quick grabbed my shoes from the rack (架子) and made my way into town. To my horrible, I felt a wet sensation inside my right shoe it is leaking.

I returned to the shop to complaining about the leaking right shoe. At customer service, the assistants looked at both shoes and said, “Yes, sir, you’re correct the right shoe leaks, and unfortunately only the left shoe was bought from this store.” My apology was as more swift as my departure.


【1第一句 to---with

【2第一句 在major retailer前面加上a


【4句 quick---quickly

【5第三句 horrible---horror

【6第三句 is---was

【7第四句 complaining---complain


【9第五句 and---but

【10第六句 去掉as more swift as中的more


【1第一句 to---with 考查介词的用法。 这里was pleased with sth是固定搭配,而was pleased to 后面要跟动词原形,故将to 改为with

【2第一句 major retailer前面加上a 考查冠词的用法。在这里应该用不定冠词修饰后面的major retailer,因为是第一次提到,所以要添加不定冠词a。

【3 late---later; 考查形容词比较级的用法。 此处是说一周以后,因此要用later来表示晚些时候,故将late改为later。

【4 quick---quickly 考查副词的用法。因为后面的grabbed是动词,应该用副词来修饰动词,而形容词可以修饰名词,故将quick改为quickly

【5第三句 horrible---horror 考查名词的用法。To ones horror 使某人震惊的;使某人恐怖的,因此要将形容词horrible 改为名词horror

【6第三句 is---was 考查时态的用法。把it is leaking 中的is改为was,此处应该使用过去时态,因为事情发生在过去,说明鞋子当时正在漏水。故将is改为was

【7第四句 complaining---complain 考查动词的用法,前面用了动词不定式符号to说明后面要用动词原形,故将complaining改为complain。这里to complain 用来表示目的。


【9第五句 and---but,考查并列连词的用法。这里应该用but表示转折关系,故将and改为but。句中所要表达的意思是说但是不幸的是,只有左脚这只鞋是从这个商店买的。

【10第六句 去掉as more swift as中的more。考查形容词比较等级的用法,这里是我道歉完就尽快地离开了,而swift在同级比较中用原级,所以要将more去掉。



For generations, people have dreamed of traveling to Mars to explore Earth's closest planetary neighbor. NASA and other space agencies have announced plans to send people to the Red Planet. But such a manned mission is years away.

In the United States, some volunteers are learning how people will react to months of separation from other humans on a Mars base.

What would it be like to live on the planet Mars? Volunteers are spending eight months in an area that looks much like the surface of Mars. But actually, they are living in Hawaii.

Six people are isolated high on top of Mauna Loa, a volcanic mountain on the Big Island of Hawaii. They are living on a simulated, or make-believe, Mars Base. The American Space Agency, NASA, has provided financial support for the work. The project is called HI-SEAS, or Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation.

The six member HI-SEAS crew is mostly self-sufficient. They take care of themselves. Food and supplies are brought to them. But the individuals bringing those supplies cannot communicate with volunteers inside the habitat, or base.

The current crew has been living in the habitat since October, and will stay until June. Two earlier crews lived there before them. Crew members communicate with the outside world through e-mail and blogs. They also produce videos on the YouTube website.

Crew members also are using a smartphone app, or program, that creates a 20-minute delay for communications. That would be the same as if you were communicating from Mars.

This is not the only group of volunteers with sights set on Mars. A group called Mars One has appealed for would-be Mars astronauts from around the world. Mars One is a private, non-government project based in The Netherlands.

Others believe the American or European space agencies are the most likely to put people on Mars, maybe in the 2030s, or later.

For now, on a mountaintop in Hawaii, volunteers are getting a taste of life on a future Mars base.

【1】What's the main idea of the Paragraph 1__________?

A. people have dreamed of traveling to Mars to explore it

B. ther are plans to send people to the Red Planet

C. such a manned mission is years away

D. people dream of traveling in space

【2】What is HI-SEAS___________?

A. volunteers are spending eight months in an area

B. six people are isolated and are living on a simulated Mars Base

C. six people are living in Hawaii

D. NASA has provided financial support for the work

【3】How do the six member HI-SEAS crew live in the Mar Base__________?

A. they can not communicate with the outside world

B. they are not self-sufficient

C. they take care of themselves

D. individuals can communicate with volunteers

【4】Which of the following is TRUE__________?

A. HI-SEAS is the only group of volunteers with sights set on Mars

B. Mars One has not appealed for would-be Mars astronauts from around the world

C. Mars One is a government project

D. the American or European space agencies are the most likely to put people on Mars

【5】Whats the main idea of the passage__________?

A. a program which allows volunteers to experience the life on Mars

B. people are dreaming of traveling to Mars

C. the life on Mars

D. six member HI-SEAS crew’s life

【题目】【改编】Shirley Temple(1928—2014),an American actress,was considered among the most successful child stars in the history of film.Born by an ambitious mother,Temple first appeared in a film at the age of three,and at six she starred in Stand Up and Cheer (1934).Known and recognized for her ability to sing and tap dance in several films,Temple became a famous figure in 1934.At the end of that year she was given a special Academy Award “in grateful recognition of her outstanding contribution.’’

During the Great Depression of the l930s,Temple was celebrated by an adoring public.At the height of her popularity,from l935 to 1938,Temple was the biggest box-office attraction in Hollywood.Temple made a number of films as a teenager,but her appeal had faded,and the films were not successful.In l949, Temple departed elegantly from Hollywood.

Two decades later,she reappeared into the spotlight by announcing her qualification as a candidate for Congress.She lost the election,but Temple displayed her determination and went on to enjoy a long and successful:career with the United Nations and the State Department.

After retirement,she reposed that she was at peace with her life and proud of her accomplishments in two of the nation’s most influential areas.“If I had to do it all over again.’’Shirley Temple once declared,‘‘I wouldn’t change anything.’’

【1】What made Shirley world famous?

A. Her determination and strong will.

B. Her attractive appearance.

C. Her ability in politics.

D. Her ability to sing and tap dance.

【2】What caused Temple to lose her appeal as an actor?

A. The appearance of new stars.

B. Not mentioned.

C. The Great Depression

D. The disappearance of her beauty.

【3】When did Temple return to the spotlight?

A. In her forties. B. In her twenties.

C. In her thirties. D. In her fifties.

【4】From the last paragraph we can infer Temple _____.

A. regretted she was involved in politics

B. was disappointed at leaving the stage so early

C. wanted to lead a different life

D. was satisfied with her choices.

【5】How do you find Shirley Temple?

A. Beautiful and kind-hearted. B. Out-going and adventurous.

C. Tough-minded and gifted. D. Humorous and charming.

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