Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.  B.pressure C.paid  D.negotiating  E.abandon               F.balance    G.average     H.entitled     I.increasingly      J.reluctantly
Most women in France work. Their average salary is about 75% that of their male co-workers, even though laws passed in 1972 require “professional equality” between the sexes.
The good news is that women are __1__moving into middle management, but a handful are to top executives. The higher their position, the harder it is to __2__family and career. A 38-year-old woman who graduated from the National school of Administration remembers that when she took a senior __3__in a ministry, her male colleagues assured her,” you are one of us, one of the guys”. But when she became a mother, she found it difficult to stick to age-old traditions of being a housewife. Meanwhile, she couldn’t follow the office schedule. “It was too much__4__ to have long lunches and late-night meetings.”, she said.
For those who want to balance family with a job, France is a heaven. Women marry later, on __5__, than in America - at age 25. They stay in the workforce, and part-time jobs are easy to find. Maternity(孕产) benefits are generous, with over six months of __6__ leave. Women who’ve raised three or more children are __7__to get a state-funded pension, and the quality of publicly funded education for children is high.
French businesswomen dress elegantly, argue intelligently and play hardball at the __8__table. They show their wit, intellect, ability to make puns and understanding of politics, history and literature. Unlike most American female executives who dress conservatively in a dark, not particularly flattering suit, with no jewelry and little makeup, Frenchwomen see no need to __9__femininity(妇女特质) and elegance in the business world. They prefer soft colors, stylish clothes, silk scarves, light makeup, and simple but elegant jewelry.

Last year, two days after Christmas, we kicked China out of the house. Not the country obviously, but bits of plastic, metal, and wood with the words “Made in China”. We kept what we already had, but stopped bringing any more in. because it had coated our lives with toys, and useless stuff. Sometimes I worried about jobs sent overseas, but price triumphed over virtue at our house. We couldn’t resist what China was selling.

But on that dark Monday last year, an unease feeling washed over me as I sat on the sofa. It wasn’t until then that I noticed a fact: China was taking over the place.

It stared back at me from the empty screen of the television. I spied it in the pile of tennis shoes by the door. It glowed in the lights on the Christmas tree and watched me in the eyes of a doll lying on the floor, I slipped off the couch and sorted gifts into two piles: China and non-China. The count came to China, 25, the world, 14. Christmas, I realized, had become a holiday made by the Chinese. Suddenly I wanted China out.

I persuaded my husband, and on Jan. 1 st, we started a-year-long household embargo on Chinese imports. The idea wasn’t to punish China. And we didn’t fool ourselves into thinking because we wanted to measure how far it had pushed in. We wanted to know what it would take in time, money, and worry to kick our China habit!

In the spring, our 4-year-old son started a campaign to support “China things”. “It’s too long without China,” he cried. He kept at me all day. I have discovered for myself that China doesn’t control every aspect of our daily lives, but if you take a close look at the underside of boxes in the toy department, I promise it will give you pause. “When we can buy China things again? Let’s never stop.” My son said.

After a year without China I can tell you this: You can still live without it, but it’s getting costlier by the day. And a decade from now I may not be brave enough to try it again.

1. The best title for the text could be _______.

A.China Free Living: A Trouble One

B.A Year without “Made in China”

C.Why I Choose “Made in China”

D.“Made in China”: Good or Bad

2. According to the passage, why did the author stop bringing in things “Made in China”?

A.Because she wanted to bring back job opportunities for her natives.

B.Because she has a strong sense of nationalism against “Made in China”.

C.Because she wanted to learn what life would be like without “Made in China”.

D.Because too much stuff made in China was take over her house.

3. The Underlined word “embargo” in the forth paragraph means ________.

A.reaction                              B.ban

C.restriction                             D.cancellation

4.The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is ________. tell the readers an interesting experience describe the trouble facing a housewife explain the importance of Chinese goods show the difficulty without Chinese goods


She is quiet, soft-spoken and has a kind face and a strong heart. She is my mom, Lili.

When I was nine, Lili quitted her job and started her own business. She said she didn’t want to stay at home and work as a housewife: “It’s a waste of life.” Lili became so busy that she spent less and less time with me. She didn’t help me with my schoolwork. It was, in her words, “so that you can develop your independence”. We quarreled because she rarely showed up at parents’ meetings.

Like mother, like daughter. I have many things in common with Lili. I want everything to be under control. I want to be perfect and I don’t expect other people to help me. I push myself hard to achieve my goals.

After I started to go to high school, Lili and I were too busy to communicate much with each other.

In biology class I began to be depressed. When the teacher showed us a picture of a butterfly, I was scared and screamed. I had a vision of thousands of butterflies flying toward me.

That night I told Lili about it. The next morning, I saw that she had red eyes with black circles around them.

She took me to see a therapist (治疗师). Three hours later, the therapist told Lili that my life was like a wheel spinning (旋转) faster and faster and that was the reason for what had happened to me. I only realized it when my body couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. At these words, Lili burst into tears. “It’s all my fault, she’s just a kid and I didn’t have time to take care of her….” To be honest, I had never seen Lili cry before.

After that, Lili began to spend more time at home, cooking and dragging me to do sports. I realized she was the one who would always be there when I was in real trouble. No mom is perfect, but she is the one who really cares about her kid.

1.Lili quitted her job and started her own business because _________.

A.she wanted to make more money           B.she was not willing to look after me

C.she didn’t want to waste her life           D.she likes keeping busy

2.We quarreled because __________.

A.she began to spend less and less time with me

B.she didn’t help me with my schoolwork.

C.she seldom attended the parents’ meetings in my school.

D.Lili and I were too busy to communicate much with each other.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Most women don’t want to be a housewife.

B.Most children want their mothers to accompany them at home.

C.We need to understand our mothers’ busy life.

D.Although mothers are not perfect, they all love the children

4.Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A.Lili is a quiet, strong-willed woman.

B.Lili began to spend more time at home after visiting the therapist.

C.I was scared and screamed in biology class because I hate butterflies.

D.I only realized my life was like a wheel when my body couldn’t stand the pressure anymore.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Mom Does Care.                        B.A Busy but Successful Mother.

C.Change From Mother to Businessman.        D.A Student’s Opinion on Mother.




A. Cornwall

You can find that 'weekend feeling' every day of the year, in the country's favourite holiday destination. Some find it in a rock pool on a golden beach, while for some it can only be discovered on wild moors and quiet woods. Art lovers are sure to find all the inspiration they could wish for in a lively arts scene, while gastronauts can savour the secret ingredients that make Cornwall a foodie's heaven.                                                   

Start planning, start discovering; get your free 2011 official Cornwall guide and visit the website.

B. Cornwall, paradise found

The gardens of Cornwall are the envy of the world. With its warm sunshine Cornwall is the perfect home for a flourishing variety of plants, trees and flowers. For seasoned horticulturists, keen amateurs or energetic families looking for a fun day out, there is maybe a hidden vista or a startling splash of colour.

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C. Peak District

Come to the Peak District and get right to the heart of a great holiday - right at the heart of the UK. Our world-class destination is a stone's throw from everywhere. From Hollywood film locations to superb landscapes and quality accommodation to luscious local food, we've got it all. You have the perfect recipe for a brilliant break. Order your free copy of our 2011 Visitor Guide now!

D. Discover the stunning Channel Island of Guernsey in 2011

It doesn't take long to get to the stunning Channel Island of Guernsey, but once you're here, you'll feel a long way from home - Discover its unforgettable blend of stunning scenery, unique character and rich heritage for yourself in 2011.

Welcome to the islands of Guernsey. Lying close to the north coast of France and bathed by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, the islands are the perfect escape.

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E. Visit the English Riviera - South Devon’s Beautiful Bay

Torquay, Babbacombe, Paignton and Brixham boast stunning beaches and award-winning visitor attractions.

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F. Pure Jersey

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1. Doris , an amateur photographer , is now learning English in the UK. She is planning for a short visit to a place where she can not only has inspiration but also enjoys good food. Any season would be fine as long as there are colourful flowers and warm sun shine.

2. Rainy, a housewife, is taking a short break to relax herself from boring daily routine, but wishes to spend some days outdoors with her three young girls. She hates the cold winter and is ready to travel by any means of transportation so long as it won’t take a long time. She prefers street shopping to on line shopping.

3.Shirley, a professional column writer, is expecting to experience the UK in a special and unforgettable way. She writes about review on food, introduction to customs and lifestyle of the British.

4.Kathy, an artist, has great passion for nature. She is enthusiastic about exploring the unknown , learning from tradition, enjoying the amazing scenery and bathing the sun on the beach. She wants to pain Agatha Christie. She usually reads a lot about the persons she paints before she starts working on it.

5. King, a scholar, a nature lover, has written quite a few books on wars. On the other hand, he is particular about food. He is planning to spend one or two days simply enjoying the beauty of nature and quietness of the woods.



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Wild World——this exciting show takes you around the world to places of unimaginable natural beauty and danger. Learn more about our world and see animals as they live in nature.

Time:Friday 8.30-9.30 pm

Sports Sunday—learn what’s happening in the world of sport. See how your team performed, find out who is playing and watch interviews with all your favourite sports stars.

Time:Sunday 1-5 pm

The Music Man——John Rogers is a musician by day but a secret superhero crime fighter by night in this long—running television action drama.

Time:Weekdays 3.00-4.00 pm

Lateline——All the latest news and opinions from around the world. If you want to know where there is trouble in the world or the reasons behind the global economic crisis,join our team of award winning journalists.

Time:Weekdays 9—10 pm

Entertainment This Week—Covers the world of entertainment. Hear this week’s number one song, watch the newest movie reviews and listen to all the latest gossip about the stars.

Time:Saturday 6 pm

Pop Star—Hundreds of young and (sometimes) talented performers sing the latest songs and compete to see who will become the nation’s newest Pop Star.

Time:Thursday 7.30 pm


Sarah O’connor. Sarah is trying to decide where she will spend her summer vacation. She has a number of different places in mind but is worried about terrorism and her safety so she doesn’t want to go anywhere that is dangerous or may become dangerous soon. 

John Smith. John loves football and as a senior company manager needs to know the latest economic news. He seldom gets home before 10 o’clock at night during the week so he likes to relax in front of TV on the weekend. 

Robert Wise. Robert is a fan of action. He loves to watch exciting TV shows whether they are fictional or real. He usually only has time to watch TV on weekday evenings as he works during the day and on weekends he likes to go hiking and camping.

Joan Johnson. Joan is a housewife who sometimes feels bored at home so she enjoys watching exciting TV shows. When the kids are home on the weekends and after school she never gets a chance to watch TV as they want to watch the shows they like. 

Bill West. Bill is a music fan and a musician. He is always trying to hear the newest and most popular songs and learn more about his competitors. He is usually free after he finishes work at 5 pm except on weekends when he plays with his musical group in a local club. 


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