
W:What is it like when the days are so short in Sweden?

M:Well,it is very cold in winter. Sometimes it is as cold

1.      26 degrees below centigrade. And of course when you go out,you'll wrap up warm. But inside the houses it's always very warm,much

2.       than at home. Swedish people always complain that

3.      they visit England,the houses are cold even in the good win?ter.

W:And what 4.        the darkness?

M:Well,yeah,around Christmas time there's only one hour of day- light,so you 5.      (real) look forward to the spring. It is some- times a bit 6.      (depress) . But you see the summers are amazing:from May to July in the north of Sweden the sun never 7.      (set) . It's still light in the midnight. You can walk in the mountains and read a newspaper.

W:Oh,yeah,the land of the midnight sun.

M:Yeah,that's right,but it's wonderful. You won't stay up all night. And the Swedes make the 8.        of it. Often they start work earlier in summer and then leave at about 2 or 3  in the afternoon,9.        they can really enjoy the long summer evenings. They would like 10.      (work) hard,but play hard,too. I think Londoners work longer hours,but I'm not sure whether this is a good thing.

1. as   2. warmer   3. when   4. about   5. really   6. depressing   7. sets   8. most   9. so that   10. to work



  Leaf was in love with Wind. Wind rocked Leaf to 1        and shook her awake every day,and always told Leaf about the beautiful places he had been to,2          her feel excited.

  "I will never leave you,3        you make me happy," Leaf whispered to the gentle Wind.

  When Tree heard these 4        he laughed and said, "Remember that you will wither (枯菱) ,become brown,and be 5        by Wind.”

  Leaf was 6        to hear this. "That's a lie!” she cried. She had heard the stories of 7 leaves turn old and die,but didn't 8        them.

  Time passed,and Leaf grew bigger and stronger,but then came the period of 9     yellow and old.

  "Your 10        has come. You'll be blown away by Wind and become nothing but dust.”

  Leaf laughed. " Your words cannot 11        me. Others may be sad,12      I won't. I choose to be happy with my fate.".

  Tree was angry, "You'll regret.”

  But one day,when Leaf actually was carried away by Wind,she laughed 13        the air. "Oh,I'm 14        with Wind!" Instead of feeling     15     ,she felt free. She could 16      the soft song of Wind,and felt her?self flying higher and higher.

  When springtime came again,Leaf passed by Tree and heard him 17        the young leaves about their 18 .      But Leaf whispered to them, " Listen,my children. It doesn't have to be your fate. If you choose to be 19     ,you will soar into the sky. But if you bend to your fate,you will be 20        forever.”

1. A. relax   B. comfort   C. rest   D. sleep

2. A. causing   B. leaving   C. making   D. staying

3. A. although   B. while   C. because   D. until

4. A. languages   B. words   C. songs   D. shouts

5. A. blown away   B. put away   C. thrown away   D. given away

6. A. happy   B. unhappy   C. interested   D. important

7. A. why   B. where   C. how   D. when

8. A. touch   B. experience   C. see   D. believe

9. A. growing   B. staying   C. keeping   D. having 

10.A. time   B. age

   C. friend   D. family 

11.A. destroy   B. hurt   C. beat   D. affect 

12. A. or   B. and   C. but   D. for 

13. A. at   B. with   C. on   D. in 

14.A. playing   B. running   C. singing   D. flying 

15.A. weak   B. old   C. huge   D. light 

16.A. hear   B. feel   C. listen   D. say 

17.A. giving   B. suggesting   C. explaining   D. telling 

18.A. fate   B. story

   C. guest   D. destination 

19.A. golden   B. happy   C. fluent   D. foolish 

20. A. doll   B. flesh   C. dust   D. brick

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