Mary Buendia once spent a day in an airplane, looking for a cat.She didn't find it that day.The plane flew around all over the world for three weeks with the cat on board. She finally found it in the cargo hold and sent it home first-class.Another time, she found two suitcases full of birds from Turkey.But her strangest experience was when she pulled a snake out of a man's pants.

Mary Buendia is an animal health inspector at JFK Airport in New York.She takes care of all the animals that pass through the airport and checks that they are healthy.In the Animal Health Center, there are areas for dogs, cats, reptiles, birds, and fish. There is also an area for very big animals.The biggest they ever had was a black rhino."It was no problem," she says.

At the center, they receive all types of animals—monkeys, wild cats, poisonous spiders.It's impossible for one person to know about all of these, but there are 20 people working with Mary.Between them, they understand how to take care of the animals.She recently had to feed a group of toucans, which are rare birds."Luckily," she says, "there is a supermarket nearby which is open 24 hours.I had to go at 2 buy bananas."

Mary often works at night. "It's quiet between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m.," she says, "because we don't have night flights. We try to give the animals a quiet night." Mary clearly loves her job. "You never know what the day will bring," she says, and goes off to feed the birds.

71.The best title of the passage will probably be ____________.

A.JKF Airport in New York. B.Airport Health Inspector.

C.Mary Buendia                 D.Animal Health Center.

72.From the first paragraph, we can know that ___________.

A.Working as an Airport Health Inspector, Mary Buendia has various experiences.

B.After the cat was found, it was sent home to New York.

C.Mary got frightened when she pulled a snake out of a man’s pants.

D.Mary was tired of dealing with animals at the airport.

73.We can infer from the passage that ______.

A.Mary often works at night during flights.

B.It took Mary a whole day to find a lost cat in an airplane

C.Only healthy animals can be permitted to go aboard the airplane.

D.Mary knows everything about the animals by working with 20 other people.

74.An Airport Health Inspector should do the following Except ___________.

A.inspect whether the animals are healthy.

B.go shopping at night

C.take care of animals with colleagues and learn from each other

75.What kind of animals is "reptile" (in Para2) _________

A.a kind of large animals           B.a kind of wild spiders

C.a kind of rare birds                D.The passage doesn't mention

Dear editor,
Mary is my friend and she is a very good-hearted girl. She’s always the first to help out others. But her habits make me mad sometimes and she just won’t change her ways. For most situations, that’s just fine with me, as I know it’s what make her who she is. However, sometimes it’s just so hard for me to bear her behavior. She has recently got a cellphone, but she often borrows mine to make calls. My phone has a chain with it. She always tries to open it like her own phone. I usually open it for her, but not always, as sometimes I’m driving my car, so she needs to get it out of my purse and open it herself.
This weekend we were at a party in a faraway village. She borrowed my cellphone. As it was cold outside, I let her take it outside without opening it. Now it’s broken because she didn’t open it properly. I wouldn’t be so mad, but over the weekend she also borrowed my car and never offered to pay for the gas, which made me very angry. She should have offered to pay for the gas. As I have mentioned, she’s the type to help out others when and where she can. Perhaps because of that, she thinks others should also do the same for her. Sometimes I just think she is very childish. I don’t want to hurt her, but I do want to let her know that not everyone can accept that. What should I do to let her know that?
【小题1】What is Lily’s purpose in writing this letter? advise us to be careful when making friends.
B.To tell others what kind of person Mary is.
C.To tell Mary what she thinks of her.
D.To ask for advice from an editor.
【小题2】We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _____.
A.Mary doesn’t have a cellphone
B.Mary doesn’t have any good habits
C.Lily is sometimes not pleased with Mary’s behavior
D.Lily has asked Mary to change her ways.
【小题3】What happened at the weekend party?
A.Mary lost Lily’s chain.
B.Mary left before the party was over.
C.Lily’s cellphone was broken.
D.Lily had a quarrel with Mary.
【小题4】What kind of person is Mary?
A.Friendly and beautiful.
B.Kind and careful.
C.Careful and childish.
D.Warm-hearted but childish

Mary got a little white lamb(羊羔). She tied it to a tree in her field during the day and went to take it home every evening. One evening, she found the lamb gone. Someone had cut the rope and stolen the lamb. When her husband came home, she told him what had happened. Henry at once set out to look for the thief.
It was easy to find the thief in the small village. Henry heard that his neighbor Alex got a lamb. He went to the neighbors’ house and said angrily, “Return the lamb to me, or I’ll call the police.”
Alex explained that he had bought a lamb, but it was black. Henry looked out of the window. There in the garden was a little black lamb. He felt ashamed. Then he apologized to his neighbour. While they were talking, it began to rain. He stayed in Alex’s house until the rain stopped. When he went outside, he was surprised to see the lamb changed. The lamb, which had been black half an hour before, was now almost white.
“What colour on earth is the lamb,” Henry wondered, “black or white?”
【小题1】When her husband came back Mary told him __________.

A.she had got a lamb
B.someone had stolen the lamb
C.she had tied the lamb to the tree
D.her son was gone
【小题2】Henry said to Alex, “If you ______ return the lamb to me, I’ll go to the police office.”
A.willB.won’tC.don’tD.have to
【小题3】Henry didn’t leave the neighbor’s home ______.
A.until it began to rain
B.until it stopped raining
C.when it was raining
D.before it began to rain
【小题4】To his surprised, he found a _______ lamb there instead.
【小题5】Which of the sentences is right?
A.The lamb was stolen by Alex.
B.The lamb was bought by Alex.
C.The lamb could change its colour.
D.The lamb went to Alex’s house by itself.

Neighbors rescued a woman from her burning home early Monday morning,and three firefighters were hurt putting out the flames in Green Bay.

The fire was discovered around 4 o'clock at a three-story home in the South Quincy Street on the city's east side. Investigators(调查者) say 68-year-old Mary Taylor lives there with her two dogs.

“I got out of bed and went to the front window and could hear somebody was yelling(叫喊),‘Fire!’” Curt Dworak said.When he realized what was happening, he threw on some clothes and ran to help. “I was just hoping Mary wasn't in there,but her car was in the driveway,so I just reacted,” he said, “I just broke the glass and then went in through the window.”

Dworak yelled for Mary but got no response. As he searched,the fire grew and debris(碎片) started falling around him. I didn't know what to do. I yelled for her a couple more times,and then I heard her. Disoriented(分不清方向的)and unable to move, Mary was sprawling(趴) on the floor in the back of her house,so Dworak picked her up and carried her to safety.

Dworak, who has been hailed as a hero by Green Bay Fire Department but shrugged of the praise,said,“They would have done the same thing. Mary is a nice lady,and how could you live with yourself if you didn't do something like that?”

Mary was up and talking before she was taken to the hospital to be checked out. Dworak escaped without a thin cut.


 As soon as Dworak realized there was a big fire,he         .

    A. went to his front window and stood watching

    B. put on his clothes quickly and rushed there

    C. searched for Mary's crying in her room

D. put away his clothes and jumped off his house


 The sentence “ but her car was in the driveway” in Paragraph 3 implies(暗指) that


   A. Mary was just in the house.          B. Mary's car was in Dworak's way.

   C. Mary's car was broken.          D. Mary's car was in good condition.


The underlined Word “ hailed” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “          ”.

A. named         B. checked              C. praised              D. trained


What can we learn from the passage?

   A. It was Dworak who found the fire first.

 B. Dworak was badly injured by the fire.

   C. Mary lost consciousness in the flames. 

D. Mary is friendly to her neighborhood.


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