7£®Directions£ºWrite an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese£®

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What he wishes is that he didn't go to school any more£®ËûÏ£ÍûÔÙ²»È¥Ñ§Ð£ÉÏѧ£®
What they face is the endless homework£¬which puts so much pressure on them that some students don't want to continue their studies£®ËûÃÇËùÃæ¶ÔµÄÊÇÎÞ¾¡µÄ×÷Òµ£¬ÄÇЩ¸øËûÃÇ´øÈ¥Á˺ܴóµÄѹÁ¦ÒÔÖÁÓÚÓÐЩѧÉú²»ÏëÔÙ¼ÌÐøËûÃǵÄѧҵ£®
¾äÐÍÒ»  ¢ÙWhat he wishes ¸Ã¾äÊÇÒ»¸öÓÉwhatÒýµ¼µÄÖ÷Óï´Ó¾ä£¬whatÔÚ´Ó¾äÖг䵱±öÓï
           ¢Úthat he didn't go to school any more ¸Ã¾äÊÇÒ»¸öÓÉthatÒýµ¼µÄ±íÓï´Ó¾ä£¬thatÔÚ¾äÖÐÖ»×÷Òýµ¼´Ê£¬²»×÷¾äÖгɷÖ
¾äÐͶþ ¢ÙWhat they face is the endless homework ¸Ã¾äÊÇÒ»¸öÓÉwhatÒýµ¼µÄÖ÷Óï´Ó¾ä£¬whatÔÚ´Ó¾äÖг䵱±öÓï
            ¢Úwhich puts so much pressure on them¡­¸Ã¾äÊÇÒ»¸öÓÉwhichÒýµ¼µÄ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬whichÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷ÓÌæ´úÏÈÐдÊpressure

½â´ð The two pictures show some problems in the present education system in China£®A student is on his way home from school£¬a heavy bad of books on his back£®What he wishes is that he didn't go to school any more£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©In the second picture£¬a peasant boy£¬carrying a heavy bundle of rice straw£¬is out of breath under the great pressure£®He hopes to attend school£®
   The children in cities can enjoy bright classroom and adequate facilities£®What they face is the endless homework£¬which puts so much pressure on them that some students don't want to continue their studies£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©However£¬in the countryside£¬especiall in some western parts£¬some children are forced to drop out because their parents cann't afford the tution£®£¨·ÖÎöÔ­Òò£©
   As far as I am concerned£¬the students in the city should cherish the chance£¬trying their best to study£®what's more£¬the government should take measures to ganrantee the study of the students in the countryside£®In that way£¬all the children can receive equal education£®£¨Ìá³ö°ì·¨£©

µãÆÀ ±¾ÎÄÊÇͼ»­Ààд×÷£¬¿¼ÉúÔÚд×÷Ç°Ó¦×Ðϸ¹Û²ìËù¸øͼ»­£¬ÔÙÔËÓÃ׼ȷµÄ¡¢ºÏÊʵÄÓïÑÔ½áºÏʵ¼Ê½«Í¼Æ¬ÄÚÈÝÃèÊöÇå³þ£®Ð´×÷¹ý³ÌÖÐÇмÉÆ«ÀëÖ÷Ì⣬¾¡Á¿×öµ½Í¼ÎÄ´îÅä

14£®Several months ago£¬my 22-year-old niece phoned me£®"Aunt£¬"she said in her sweet voice£¬"the blood bank called and asked if I would donate blood£®Would you come and donate with me£¿"I couldn't£¨21£©Bher though I had never done that before£®
         I didn't know before going to the blood bank£¨22£©DI would be able to donate blood in the£¨23£©Aof someone specific£®There was a bulletin board with photos of children who were
£¨24£©Cat the Children's Hospital where I lost my daughter to£¨25£©Ctwo years ago£¬so my heart went out to these children who were£¨26£©Dcancer£®One photo was of a little black girl£¬only nine£®I£¨27£©Bto donate my blood in Alexis's name£®A month later£¬I£¨28£©C£¬and then a month after that£¬I went back again£®I felt this was something I could do£¬£¨29£©CI made a promise to myself to go as often as possible£®
         One morning I heard a newscaster£¨²¥ÒôÔ±£©£¨30£©Aabout a young girl named Alexis on TV£®£¨31£©C£¬that's my Alexis from the blood bank who had lost her battle with cancer!My heart£¨32£©A£®As I sat with tears running down my face£¬I listened to Alexis's story she left behind£®I wasn't£¨33£©Bto hear what an extraordinary child Alexis was£¬£¨34£©DI saw it in her eyes when I saw her£¨35£©Aat the blood bank£®She had the most angelic£¨Ììʹ°ãµÄ£©face£¬and a smile£¨36£©Bof joy and courage£®I never met this wonderful child£¬but she surely£¨37£©Ame£®
         I am always telling myself that even though I do something that doesn't take£¨38£©Aof my time£¬effort or money£¬it doesn't mean that what I do has no£¨39£©D£®Every little thing we do to£¨40£©Canother has value to the one who needs it
25£®A£®a fireB£®waterC£®cancerD£®an accident
28£®A£®got throughB£®got alongC£®went backD£®went round
India is the world's largest market for gold jewellery£®In much of Asia£¬the Middle East and India£¬around two-thirds of the jewellery purchased is used as a way of saving money as well as being worn as a decorative item£®The use of jewellery as a way of saving money is often important in rural areas where finding a bank is difficult or even impossible£®People buy gold because its value stays strong even when the value of money goes down£®
Gold jewellery has often been a woman's only valuable possession£¬and in some families this is still true£®A woman's gold can therefore be her only protection against personal misfortune£®Today£¬all around the world£¬sales of gold jewellery have grown by over 20% per year£¬because everyone is confident that gold won't lose its value£®Demand for gold is so high that gold mines cannot supply enough£®
Gold's function as a decoration£¬as jewellery£¬has been evident for thousands of years£®Since the earliest times£¬the beauty and richness of gold£¬along with the fact that it does not change its colour£¬has meant that it has always been the favourite metal of jewellers£®The earliest gold jewellery dates from the Sumerian civilisation that was at its most powerful around 6£¬000years ago£®In the Middle Ages£¬ancient people attempted to make gold from other metals£®They used gold in medicines designed to fight old age and prolong life£®
Gold also performs important functions in many aspects of everyday life£®It does not react when it comes into contact with other substances and this£¬along with other unique properties£¬makes it useful in medicine and many other areas that we consider essential to our modern lives£®
During heart surgery£¬gold-covered"stent"are put into blocked arteries to help the flow of blood£®These gadgets need to be carefully positioned£®Gold is ideal for this because it shows up clearly on X-rays and can easily be located by doctors£®A pacemaker£¬a device inserted in the body to keep the heartbeat regular£¬also contains gold£®Gold is used in all of these applications because of its high level of reliability£®Gold also helps doctors to deliver precise doses of powerful drugs to the parts of the body where they are required£®
Gold has many other applications in modern life as it conducts electricity very efficiently£®The standard touch-tone telephone contains 33contacts made from gold£®Air-bag systems fitted in more than 30million cars around the world rely on gold-coated electrical contacts£®And every time you touch a key on your computer it strikes a gold circuit that sends your command to the computer's microprocessor£®In fact£¬you have probably never realised how much gold there is in your everyday life£®

£¨Note£ºAnswer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS£®£©
78£®Compared with money£¬people prefers gold because ofits stroger value than money£®
79£®Gold were used in medicines because ancient people believed it couldfight old age and prolong life£®
80£®Why can gold be used in pacemaker£¿Because it has a high level of reliability
81£®What makes the application of gold in electronic products possible£¿It is because it conducts electricity very efficiently£®
2£®Below are some tips for women traveling alone£®
Exercise hotel safety
There are many ways you can make a solo stay at a hotel safer£®At cheek-in£¬you might consider asking for a room near the elevator so you won't need to walk down long£¬potentially ill-lit hallways to reach your room£®When filling out guest registration forms£¬consider using your first initial instead of your name£¬and skip the"Mrs/Miss/Mr"check box£®Additionally£¬make sure the clerk writes down your room number instead of saying it out loud£®This will prevent anyone nearby from knowing where to find you later£®
Arrive during the day
Arrive in new cities during the day£®Areas around bus and train stations can be scary and/ojr deserted£¬and small towns tend to shut down early£®Veteran solo traveler Mara Rothman of San Francisco notes that plenty of beautiful towns can appear mysterious at night£¬and locals who are genuinely trying to help you can appear unnecessarily threatening£®Arriving during the day means you'll be able to find a place to stay and get to know where you are before dark£®
Keep your documents safe
If you choose to wear a money belt£¬use it for storage and not as a purse£®Constantly reaching under your shirt for money draws attention to it£¬and tends to defeat the purpose£®Instead£¬keep your passport£¬extra stores of money£¬and other important documents well hidden£¬and use a bag or purse for carrying daily spending money£®
Dress appropriately
To avoid attracting unwanted attention£¬dress as conservatively as the women you see around you£®This doesn't necessarily mean wearing the traditional dress£¬as that can sometimes have the opposite result£®A good rule of thumb is to dress modestly£®Think knee-length or longer skirts£®Bare arms£¬shoulders£¬and legs are considered risked in some countries£¬so do the research before you go and once you're there£®Note which body parts the local women cover and do the same£®
Know when to make friends
Traveling alone doesn't always mean being alone£®There are plenty of situations in which seeking out company can make for a safer and more enjoyable experience£®Smaller hotels and hostels are great places to find like-minded travelers to explore new places with£®In some countries£¬there are women-only sections in trains and women's waiting rooms at train stations£®Sticking close to families on public transportation and in unfamiliar public markets and bazaars is another technique some women use£®
Show confidence to a great extent
Whether you're on a street at home or 7£¬000miles away£¬walking confidently and with direction is an effective technique for deterring unwanted attention£¬since appearing lost or confused can make you weak and easily damaged£®If you are lost£¬walk into a shop or restaurant and ask for directions there£®Try to avoid obviously looking at maps while you're in the street£®Study your route before you go£¬or find one of those wallet-sized maps that you can carefully palm and refer to secretly.4
Use common sense
Using common sense is perhaps the single best tip for staying safe and having a good time while you£¬re traveling alone£®This category includes the usual recommendations£ºdon't walk around late at night£¬don't drink with strange men£¬don't ride in empty compartments on trains£¬don't compromise safety to save a few bucks on a hotel or transportation£¬and know how to use a pay phone£®

46£®The main purpose of the passage is to tell womenB£®
A£®where to travel alone    
B£®how to make a safe and enjoyable trip
C£®what to read on travel   
D£®how to meet new people when traveling
47£®Mara Rothman£¬s notes are mentioned in order toD£®
A£®build up her reputation 
B£®show admiration for her£®
C£®compare the experience 
D£®make the tip convincing
48£®To avoid being damaged£¬a woman traveling alone shouldD£®
A£®stay away from the crowds    
B£®use a money belt rather than a bag
C£®wear the traditional dress     
D£®find like-minded travelers for company
49£®Which is the safest way for a woman when she gets lost along the wayC£¿
A£®Keeping the important documents well hidden£®
B£®Looking at maps when she is in the street£®
C£®Asking the way in a store or in a restaurant£®
D£®Finding a place to stay and get her bearings before dark£®
19£®Recently£¬South Korean star PSY's¡®Gangnam style"video has been popular on the Internet£®It has become most people's favorite music£®
In fact£¬the song has set the Guinness World Record for the most popular video in the history of the Internet£®More than two million people have said"like"since the song was on the Internet on July 15£®
PSY"s special dance moves and funny horse riding style have attracted many people£®Although many people do not understand the language£¬the video has become the talk of the Internet£®The song has come to first place in the music charts£¨ÅÅÐаñ£© in 31countries£¬including the United States£¬the United Kingdom£¬and Canada£®
"I just sang for my South Korean fans£®I have never expected it to be popular in other countries£¬"PSY told the reporters on a concert£®The song was so popular that a few of South Korean's politicians showed PSY's moves to attract supporters£®
"The song came out in mid-July£®It sings about the rich life of South Korea-especially Gangnam in Soeoul£¬where a lot of rich people live£®
Millions of people have watched the video£®Many stars£¬such as Katy Perry£¬Robbie Williams and Nelly Furtado said that they love the song£®These stars performed part of the song at a recent concert£®
Riding high on the success of"Gangnam Style"£¬PSY was signed by Scooter Braun to Braun's Schoolboy Records£¬a label distributed by Universal Republic£®
PSY has written many hit songs of varying styles for different singers£®Prior to"Gangnam Style"his most famous composition perhaps was Lee Seung Gi's debut£¨Ê×´ÎÁÁÏࣩ song"Because You Are My Woman"£®

36£®What makes PSY's"Gangnam Style"the famous music of millions of people£¿C
A£®The song has set the Guinness World Record£®
B£®The song has come to first place in the music chart£®
C£®They like the dance moves and the horse riding style£®
D£®They don't understand the words of the song£®
37£®Why did some of South Korea's politicians show PSY"s moves£¿B
A£®They wanted to tell people that they were also fond of music£®
B£®They wanted people to support them£®
C£®They were PSY's fans£®
D£®They liked PSY's dancing style£®
38£®What's"Gangnam Style"about£¿B
A£®The way of horse riding£®B£®The rich life of people of Gangnam in Seoul£®
C£®The Guinness World Record£®D£®The love of stars£®
39£®What is the best title of the passage£¿B
A£®Life of the Music Star PSY
B£®"Gangnam Styly"--Most people's favorite Music
C£®PSY's Famous Compositions
D£®Meaning of"Gangnam Style"

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
