
FU Yuan has been left at home with his grandparents since he was one month old. His mom and dad left to work in Fujian Province. For the past eight years, Fu has only seen his parents three times although they send home 500 yuan every two or three months.
Fu Xiaoyu, 16, has had to live alone since her grandmother passed away three years ago. Her parents do not want to renounce their jobs at a clothing factory in Guangdong Province. Nor can they afford the cost of sending her to a school in the city where they work.
These are just two of the 29 kids that 16-year-olds Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna at Beijing No 4 High School talked with this summer in Guixiang Village in Sichuan Province.
What Huang and Zhang learned from their three-day visit shocked them. They wrote down all the kids’ stories in a moving 40-page essay filled with statistical charts.(统计表)
In the poor village with a population of 2,118 people, 582 adults have left to find work, leaving 156 children without parents. Among these so-called left-behind kids, 88 percent of them live with their grandparents, five percent live with uncles or aunts and seven percent have to live on their own.
To Huang and Zhang’s surprise, 80 percent of the children said they love going to school. Even
though, some children have to walk along the hilly roads for two hours to get there.
However, for this village’s students studying is not their first task. Housework, such as helping feed pigs or buffalos(水牛) and taking care of old grandparents, younger sisters or brothers, takes up a considerable amount of their time.
Despite having to work hard at home, over 65 percent of the young interviewees would prefer their parents’ stay away working rather than returning to live with them.
“These kids are understanding and considerate and know how important money is for their families. Their little wishes like having dinner with their parents inspire us never to take what we have had for granted,” Zhang said.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.Fu Xiaoyu’s parents can’t earn enough money to send her to school.
B.Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna talked with 29 children this summer during their research.
C.Some left-behind kids live with uncles, aunts, or grandparents and others live by themselves.
D.More than half of the left-behind kids prefer their parents’ staying away working.
It is implied but not directly stated that    
A.Fu Yuan’s parents send him 500 yuan every 2 or 3 months
B.Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna wrote an essay according to the left-behind kids’ stories
C.Many left-behind kids love studying and going to school in spite of many hardships
D.The time that the left-behind kids spend on housework is more than that on study
What’s the exact meaning of the underlined word “renounce”in the second paragraph?
A.KeepB.continueC.give upD.get
Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Kids Are Left AloneB.The True Story of Home Alone
C.Kids Miss ParentsD.Parents and Kids






A 71-year-old man, surnamed Wang, in Northwest China Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous (adj. 自治的) Region who won a lottery jackpot(彩票奖金) of 5 million yuan has donated all of the money to charity. On November 21 when Wang arrived at the lottery complex in Urumqi to receive his prize, he donated the first batch of 500,000 yuan to a charity project. It aims to finance schooling of students in poverty.

“ I donated the money because I want to help others and I am very happy to do something for our society, ” he said. “Too much money means nothing to me. But this money will be very helpful for those in need.”

The old man was a retired worker with the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in Changji. His pension was only 600 yuan per month, but he said the income from his pension was enough for him.

Wang came to Xinjiang in 1956 from North China’s Henan Province. He had been engaged in farming before retirement. His wife has passed away. Wang revealed he did not tell his only daughter, who lived outside Changji, he had won the prize.

“ My daughter lives in a good condition,” he said. “ I will not leave a single penny to her. Those people that urgently need help deserve the prize.”

Although his pension was merely 600 yuan per month, Wang claimed he never said no to others who wanted to borrow money from him if he could afford it. He began to buy welfare lottery tickets in 2003 when he learned that lottery jackpot would help those in need.


1 请用大约30个字,转述上文中老人所说的话;



2)任何人都需要钱,其实老人的生活并不富裕,他完全可以把钱花在自己需要          的地方;


【写作要求】      可以使用实例或论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能抄袭阅读材料中的句子。题目自拟。


FU Yuan has been left at home with his grandparents since he was one month old. His mom and dad left to work in Fujian Province. For the past eight years, Fu has only seen his parents three times although they send home 500 yuan every two or three months.

Fu Xiaoyu, 16, has had to live alone since her grandmother passed away three years ago. Her parents do not want to renounce their jobs at a clothing factory in Guangdong Province. Nor can they afford the cost of sending her to a school in the city where they work.

These are just two of the 29 kids that 16-year-olds Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna at Beijing No 4 High School talked with this summer in Guixiang Village in Sichuan Province.

What Huang and Zhang learned from their three-day visit shocked them. They wrote down all the kids’ stories in a moving 40-page essay filled with statistical charts.(统计表)

In the poor village with a population of 2,118 people, 582 adults have left to find work, leaving 156 children without parents. Among these so-called left-behind kids, 88 percent of them live with their grandparents, five percent live with uncles or aunts and seven percent have to live on their own.

To Huang and Zhang’s surprise, 80 percent of the children said they love going to school. Even

though, some children have to walk along the hilly roads for two hours to get there.

However, for this village’s students studying is not their first task. Housework, such as helping feed pigs or buffalos(水牛) and taking care of old grandparents, younger sisters or brothers, takes up a considerable amount of their time.

Despite having to work hard at home, over 65 percent of the young interviewees would prefer their parents’ stay away working rather than returning to live with them.

“These kids are understanding and considerate and know how important money is for their families. Their little wishes like having dinner with their parents inspire us never to take what we have had for granted,” Zhang said.


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.Fu Xiaoyu’s parents can’t earn enough money to send her to school.

B.Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna talked with 29 children this summer during their research.

C.Some left-behind kids live with uncles, aunts, or grandparents and others live by themselves.

D.More than half of the left-behind kids prefer their parents’ staying away working.


It is implied but not directly stated that    

A.Fu Yuan’s parents send him 500 yuan every 2 or 3 months

B.Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna wrote an essay according to the left-behind kids’ stories

C.Many left-behind kids love studying and going to school in spite of many hardships

D.The time that the left-behind kids spend on housework is more than that on study


What’s the exact meaning of the underlined word “renounce”in the second paragraph?



C.give up



Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Kids Are Left Alone

B.The True Story of Home Alone

C.Kids Miss Parents

D.Parents and Kids


FU Yuan has been left at home with his grandparents since he was one month old. His mom and dad left to work in Fujian Province. For the past eight years, Fu has only seen his parents three times although they send home 500 yuan every two or three months.
Fu Xiaoyu, 16, has had to live alone since her grandmother passed away three years ago. Her parents do not want to renounce their jobs at a clothing factory in Guangdong Province. Nor can they afford the cost of sending her to a school in the city where they work.
These are just two of the 29 kids that 16-year-olds Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna at Beijing No 4 High School talked with this summer in Guixiang Village in Sichuan Province.
What Huang and Zhang learned from their three-day visit shocked them. They wrote down all the kids’ stories in a moving 40-page essay filled with statistical charts.(统计表)
In the poor village with a population of 2,118 people, 582 adults have left to find work, leaving 156 children without parents. Among these so-called left-behind kids, 88 percent of them live with their grandparents, five percent live with uncles or aunts and seven percent have to live on their own.
To Huang and Zhang’s surprise, 80 percent of the children said they love going to school. Even
though, some children have to walk along the hilly roads for two hours to get there.
However, for this village’s students studying is not their first task. Housework, such as helping feed pigs or buffalos(水牛) and taking care of old grandparents, younger sisters or brothers, takes up a considerable amount of their time.
Despite having to work hard at home, over 65 percent of the young interviewees would prefer their parents’ stay away working rather than returning to live with them.
“These kids are understanding and considerate and know how important money is for their families. Their little wishes like having dinner with their parents inspire us never to take what we have had for granted,” Zhang said.

  1. 1.

    Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

    1. A.
      Fu Xiaoyu’s parents can’t earn enough money to send her to school.
    2. B.
      Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna talked with 29 children this summer during their research.
    3. C.
      Some left-behind kids live with uncles, aunts, or grandparents and others live by themselves.
    4. D.
      More than half of the left-behind kids prefer their parents’ staying away working.
  2. 2.

    It is implied but not directly stated that    

    1. A.
      Fu Yuan’s parents send him 500 yuan every 2 or 3 months
    2. B.
      Huang Ruoqing and Zhang Linna wrote an essay according to the left-behind kids’ stories
    3. C.
      Many left-behind kids love studying and going to school in spite of many hardships
    4. D.
      The time that the left-behind kids spend on housework is more than that on study
  3. 3.

    What’s the exact meaning of the underlined word “renounce”in the second paragraph?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      give up
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

    1. A.
      Kids Are Left Alone
    2. B.
      The True Story of Home Alone
    3. C.
      Kids Miss Parents
    4. D.
      Parents and Kids

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