
VI. 短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
Dear manager,
I am a student of senior three. Last Sunday I went to shopping in your supermarket. Your service was very good, and I felt worried because there are some problem there. First, the windows of the walls are tightly closed so the fresh air cannot move in, that can easily lead to all kinds illnesses. Second, there is large quantities of goods on the third floor, but they are in a mess. It is not easy to find which I want to buy. In addition, the EXIT signs can’t be see easily, so if something terribly happened, it would be difficult for people to get in quickly. I hope you can make some improvements.

第二行:and改为but   ;problem改为problems 
第五行:which改为what ; see改为seen   ;terribly改为terrible
第六行:happened 改为happens   ;in改为out 



此行多一词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。
When World War II broke out, Disney joined in                  81.____________
the Red Cross (红十字会)and went to France , there               82.____________
he stayed until the war over . After the war, he         83.____________
returned Kansas to work for the only company           84.____________
where made fairy story cartoons . This was                85.____________
the kind of work he likes best . He determined to          86.____________
find better ways of making the cartoons moved                     87.____________
so that the cartoon characters (卡通人物)will seem alive.    88. ____________
Later he joined his elder brother, Roy, in Hollywood,           89. ____________
California. There they soon put up their own company.    90.____________

VI. 短文改错
找出下面一段文章中的错处并改正。如该行缺一词,在文中缺词处标上“  ” ,并在相应的横线上写上正确的词语;如该行多一词,在文中用斜线划掉多余的词,并在相应的横线上写上该词,用斜线划去;如该行错一词,在文中用横线标出,再在相应的横线上写上正确的词语。如该行无错,在相应的横线上打上“  ” 。
Betty wants to be  nurse and works with sick people        a      
who need her helps.                                help     
Last summer Betty  had  broke her leg.                had    
The pain was very great and she couldn’t walk.                   
The telephone rang and I picked out the receiver(话筒). “Hello,”   69.____________
I said.  “Hello,” said the voice. “Bill here, is Betty there?”         70.____________
“I’m sorry,” I said, “You have got the wrong number.”             71.____________
A few seconds late, the telephone rang again. Just                 72.____________
as I expected he was Bill, “You have made a mistake again.”        73.____________
I explained. The telephone rang a third time. This made I           74.____________
angry. I speak in a big voice, “Hello, Bill, Betty here.”             75._____________
For a moment there was a dead silent. Then someone said,         76._____________
“What’s the wrong with you, Tom?” It was my mother.            77._____________
I could do anything but say sorry to my mother.                  78_____________

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