
In the past few years development in medical technology has made it possible for people to live longer than in the past. New medicines and machines are being developed every day to extend(延长) life. However, some people, including some doctors, are not in favor of(支持) these life extending measures, and they argue that people should have the right to die when they want to. They say that the quality of life is as important as life itself and that people should not be forced to go on living when conditions of life have become terrible. They say that people should be allowed to die with dignity (尊严) and to decide when they want to die. Others argue that life under any conditions is better than death and that the duty of doctors is always to extend life as long as possible. And so the argument goes on and on without a final answer.
小题1:The best title for this passage is _____.
A.The Right to LiveB.The Right to Die
C.The Doctor’s DutyD.The Right to Live or Die
小题2:In recent years, people can live longer than in the past. It’s because of __ .
A.the development of medical technology
B.big hospitals
C.good doctors
D.both B and C
小题3:According to some people whether a dying patient has the right to die or not is decided by _____ .              
A.the doctors
B.the head of the hospital
C.his or her family
D.the patient himself or herself
小题4:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Most of the medical workers join in the argument.
B.The argument has ended in favor of the patient.
C.The argument hasn’t ended yet.
D.The quality of life is not as important as life itself.

小题2:细节题。根据第一段1,2行In the past few years development in medical technology has made it possible for people to live longer than in the past。
小题3:推理题。根据第四行they argue that people should have the right to die when they want to.人有权决定自己的生死。
小题4:细节题。根据文章最后一句And so the argument goes on and on without a final answer.
Several months ago I was involved in a car accident. That moment  36  my views on life.All my life 1 had been waiting  37  I could get my driver’s  38  and my first car. When I  39  got my license and my dad brought the car to the house, I felt very  40 . From that day on, the most  41  thing in my life was that car. Every day I would get home and  42  what else I could do to make it better. My car was my  43  and joy and when 1 had fixed it up into "perfect" condition, I finally began to  44  it. Every time I got into my car I felt the greatest, _ 45  nothing could stop me, but one day I was  46  that just like every other person, I could be broken.
One night, though it was too  47  outside to see clearly, I was in the  48 with my friends. I felt unstoppable while driving,   49  soon enough I was shown that I wasn’t. While driving down a main street I felt 1 was  50  the car. It was flying. When I  51  what was happening, the only thing I could do was protect my friends from being hurt badly.
After the accident I don’t remember much, but I do remember the  52  I was in, not only physical but also the thought that the lives of others were  53  for a few seconds and I may have dropped them. The memory of that day will never  54  me. I learned that material things should   55  be the most important things in your life. I also learned that I need to appreciate the things and people around me.
A.thoughB.as ifC.even thoughD.despite
A.taking advantage ofB.losing control of
C.making use ofD.putting an end to
A.in my handsB.within my reach
C.beyond my imaginationD.at my mercy
“Yes, I’ll be ready at nine in the morning. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again.” It had not been an easy telephone call for Mrs. Robson to make. Her daughter had been very kind, of course, and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station, but Mrs. Robson hated to admit that she needed help. Since her husband had died ten years before, she had always been proud of her independence. She had continued to live in their little house, alone.
On this evening, however, she was standing at her living-room window, staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden. Her feelings were mixed. Of course, she was sad at the thought of leaving the house, as it was full of so many memories. But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea, back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale of the house, she had bought a little apartment there. She turned from the living room window, and looked round at the walls. There was a small fish tank, with two goldfish in it. When asked why, her husband used to say, “It’s nice to have something alive in the room.” Since he had passed away, she had always kept some goldfish, had always had “something alive in the room.”
The next morning, as her train was pulling out of the station, Mrs. Robson called to her daughter, “Kate, you won’t forget to collect the goldfish, will you? The children will love them. It’s …” “I know,” Kate interrupted gently, “It’s nice to have something alive in the room.” 
小题1:According to the passage, we know that Mrs. Robson _________.
A.was tired of living alone
B.was not liked by her daughter
C.did not like asking people for help
D.did not want to be visited by her daughter
小题2:Mrs. Robson was going to _______.
A.be in hospitalB.live with her daughter
C.travel abroad aloneD.live where she was born
小题3:The feelings of Mrs. Robson on her last night in the house were________.
A.sad and hopefulB.regretful and excited
C.sad and regretful D.excited and hopeful

For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My mother became very ill, and soon she knew that she was dying. Just before she died, she asked Elizabeth and me to go to her room. She held our hands and said, “Victor and Elizabeth, my children, I’m very happy because you love each other, and because one day you’ll get married. Everyone in the family loves you, Elizabeth. Will you take my place in the family, my dear? I can die happy if you look after them when I have gone.”
My mother died and we were very sad, because we loved her dearly. Elizabeth was brave and helped us; her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother’s death. The time came for me to go to university. I didn’t want to leave my sad family, but we all knew that I should go. It was hard to leave, too, because the parents of my good friend Henry would not let him go to university with me. So I had gone alone.
On my first day at university I met my teacher, Professor Waldman, who was one of the greatest scientists in the world. He gave a wonderful talk to all the students who were starting at the university. He ended his talk by saying, “Some of you will become the greatest scientists of tomorrow. You must study hard and discover everything that you can. This is why God made you intelligent—to help other people.”
After the professor’s talk, I thought very carefully. I remembered the storm when I was 15; I remembered how the lightning had destroyed the tree. From then on, I wanted to use electricity to help people, and I wanted to discover the secrets of life. I decided to work on these two things.
I started to work the next day. I worked very hard and soon Professor Waldman and I realized that I could learn to be a very good scientist.
The professor helped me very much, and other important scientists who were his friends helped me, too. I was interested in my work and I did not take one day’s holiday during the next two years, I did not go home, and my letters to my family were very short.
After two years, I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was the best in the university. My machine would help me answer the most important question of all. How does life begin? Is it possible to put life into dead things? To answer these questions about life I had to learn first about death. I had to watch bodies from the moment when they died and the warm life left them. In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead. Day after day, month after month, I followed death, so it was a dark and terrible time.
I built a tall mast about 150 meters high, which is higher than the tallest building in the city, to catch lightning and send the electricity down to my machine in the lab. I believed I could use that electricity to give life to things that were dead.
Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Elizabeth married shortly after Victor’s mother died.
B.Elizabeth was a brave girl who loved Victor and gave him much help.
C.Victor’s mother was very angry when she knew he loved Elizabeth.
D.Victor did not want to leave his family because his mother died not long before.
小题2:Victor did all the following during his research in the university EXCEPT that       .
A.he discovered many things and built a scientific machine
B.he learnt much about death both in the hospitals and in the university
C.he worked hard and took only one day’s holiday during the next two years
D.he built a tall mast to catch lightning and send the electricity down to the lab
小题3:According to the author, the secret of life is to        .
A.give life to things that were dead
B.use electricity to help others
C.build the best machine to learn about death
D.become the greatest scientist of tomorrow
小题4:Which is the correct order about the life of Victor?
① Victor’s mother passed away.
② Victor got help from the professor and other scientists.
③ Victor went to university and attended the professor’s talk.
④ Victor found the answer to giving life to things that were dead.
⑤ Victor experienced a storm, seeing the lightning destroying the tree.

Have you ever been sad because of failure? Please remember, for often, achieving what you set out to do is not the most important thing.
A boy decided to dig a deep hole behind his house. As he was working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch. “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “I want to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” the boy answered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh, telling him that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. After a while, the boy picked up a jar. He showed it to the visitors. It was full of all kinds of stones and insects. Then he said calmly and confidently, “Maybe I can’t finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I’ve found during this period!”
The boy’s goal was far too difficult, but it did cause him to go on. And that is what a goal is for — to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen, in other words, to cause us to keep working!
Not every goal will be fully achieved. Not every job will end up with a success. Not every dream will come true. But when you fall short of your aim, maybe you can say, “Yes, but look what I’ve found along the way! There are so many wonderful things having come into my life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digging that life is lived. It is the unexpected joy on the journey that really makes sense.
小题1:The older boys laughed at the boy because he was thought to be         .
小题2:Why did the boy show the jar to the older boys?
A.To drive them away.
B.To show what he had found in digging.
C.To show how beautiful the jar was.
D.To attract them to join him in the work.
小题3:What can be learnt from the fourth paragraph of the text?
A.Not dream can come true.B.All work will end successfully.
C.Goals shouldn't be set too highD.Goals will make us work harder.
小题4:The best title for the text should be         .
A.Joy in the JourneyB.A Boy Dug a Hole
C.No Pains, No GainsD.Failure Is the Mother of Success

When I was a child, my mom liked to make food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night   36  when she made dinner after a long,   37  day at work.
On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone   38  ! Yet all my dad did was to   39  his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school. I don’t remember what I   40  him that night, but I do remember   41  him smear(涂上)butter on that toast and eat   42  bite!
  43  I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom   44  to my dad for burning the toast.   45  I’ll never forget what he said: “Baby, I   46  burnt toast.”
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy   47  and I asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, “Son, your mom   48  a hard day at work today and she’s really   49 . And besides, a little burnt toast never   50  anyone!”
You know, life is full of imperfect things…and imperfect people. I’m not the best housekeeper or cook. What I’ve learned over the years is that learning to accept each other’s   51  and choosing to celebrate each other’s differences is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy and   52  relationship.
And this is my prayer for you today: you’ll learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and   53  them at the feet of God, because   54 , he’s the only one who will be able to give you a relationship where burnt toast isn’t a deal-breaker(煞风景)!
We could extend(推广)this to any relationship in fact   55  understanding is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!
A.in timeB.in turnC.in factD.in particular
A.enter forB.answer forC.reach forD.make for
A.UntilB.SinceC.WhenD.As long as
A.bring in B.put inC.get inD.take in
A.on the topB.in the endC.in surpriseD.in the long term

Last winter, when I was heavily pregnant(怀孕), I was visiting my sister and brother-in-law’s house. I had to park my car in a nearby parking lot because they didn’t have a place for parking. The snow was extremely heavy and there was lots of    1   on the ground, so not many people dared to go out that evening! When I left their house and    2   to my car around 11pm, I noticed that my car was the only one    3  .
Surrounded by silence, I rushed into the car nervously. When I finally tried to   4   away, my wheels began to spin(打滑). I realized I was stuck! I wondered what I should do.   5  , in my rear-view mirror(后视镜), I saw four teenage boys    6   my car. They were walking side by side in a line and behaved a bit like    7   ------ at least I thought that was what they looked like. My car was in a very    8   area and I was so frightened when I saw them. I was certain they were coming to my car to    9   me.
Terrified, I just froze. One of the young men tapped on my window    10   and said, “Excuse me, Madam, would you like some    11  ? You seem to have a problem with the car.” Still a little afraid, I said, “I am stuck.” And the young man said, “It’s okay. Stay in your car and we’ll    12   you out of the snow.” And they did! When they finally got my car out of the snow, they   13  and waved good-bye to me. I rolled down my window and thanked them,    14   to have judged them so poorly.
People like to judge the person they come across, and they are in turn judged by others. It’s natural that we judge others, but when we do this, we shouldn’t    15   the old saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
A.Actually B.SuddenlyC.ObviouslyD.Finally

Known as the Animal Lady in this area which I lived in, I was always asked to lend a hand in animal   36  . One afternoon three little neighbor girls ran up   37  my door, saying a baby squirrel was on the sidewalk. I quickly   38  the kids and they led me to a tiny squirrel still with milk teeth. I  39  and held the little creature up gently in my arms to check it for   40  . It seemed fine. I figured the mother must have been killed,   41  it an orphan(孤儿). Now, the baby was pretty hungry for milk and then left its nest to   42  the neighborhood for help.
I was about to carry it into my   43  when I found several other babies starting to run down the tree from where their nest was. With the first squirrel hid into my   44  , I stood at the base of the tree and was   45  when three more babies ran right down into my hands. Those dear little creatures were so happy to feel safe and   46  ,and they all held each other close in my shirt. I took them home and   47  them bread and milk to eat. The poor starving things went   48  as they swallowed the meal.
I phoned a lady in the next town who   49  a small squirrel shelter. She had a big back yard with large   50  surrounded by a tall wooden fence. She assured me she was well   51  to care for the babies and provide a natural home for them when they were grown.
I love that those little girls cared enough about the squirrels to seek out the   52  of the Animal Lady! And I really   53  getting to help the baby creatures. And then the   54  of caring continued    55   the lady with the squirrel shelter took them in. How wonderful to be part of a chain of kindness.
A.huntB.loveC.cure D.rescue
A.toB.through C.forD.from
A.followed B.glancedC.comfortedD.persuaded
A.came downB.bent downC.put downD.broke down
A.fur B.legsC.teethD.injuries
A.research B.huntC.search D.watch

A man found the cocoon (茧) of a moth (蛾). He took it home so that he could    1  the moth come out of the cocoon. On that day a small   2  appeared. He sat and watched the moth for several hours as the moth struggled to   3  the body through that little hole. Soon it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had    4  as far as it could and it could go no further. It just seemed to be stuck. So the man, out of his kindness, decided to help the moth. He took a pair of scissors and cut off the  5___  bit of the cocoon. The   6  then came out easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriven (无用的) wings. The man continued to watch the moth because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and   7  to be able to support the    8  , which would get smaller in time. Neither happened! In fact, the little moth spent the rest of its life   9  around with a swollen body and shriven wings. It was   10  able to fly.
What the man in his kindness   11  was that the small cocoon and the  12__of the moth to get through the   13  opening was a way to push fluid (液体)   14  the body of moth   15   its wings so that it would be ready to fly   16  it got out of the cocoon. Freedom and    17  would come only after the struggle. By taking the struggle away, he also took away the moth’s health.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If we were to   18  our lives without any difficulties, we would become disabled. We would not be as    19  as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance. Leave no room for   20   .
A.help B.protect C.watch D.see
A.opening B.line C.moth D.butterfly
A.push B.draw C.make D.force
A.got B.done C.tried D.struggled
A.covering B.remaining C.shell D.skin
A.moth B.butterfly C.cocoon D.worm
A.lessen B.widen C.expand D.shorten
A.standing B.flight C.themselves D.body
A.flying B.crawling C.walking D.lying
A.already B.certainly C.never D.seldom
A.shouldn’t do B.thought C.didD.didn’t understand
A.crawling B.struggle C.fight D.force
A.tiny B.beginning C.right D.above
A.in B.on C.by D.from
A.into B.to C.in D.onto
A.after B.once C.before D.until
A.courage B.hope C.flight D.survival
A.stand on B.get on C.go through D.live
A.great B.determined C.brave D.strong
A.regrets B.death C.failure D.wishes

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