Ruben lived in a small village. There was no school there and he had to study in a school in the town. It was nearly five kilometres away from his village. His father couldn't buy a bike for him and he had to go to school on foot. He got up early in the morning. Usually he had to run there in order not to miss the first class. He kept running every day and it was helpful to him. He's strong and tall now and he ran faster than any other man in his village. He took part in several sports meetings and won some medals. The young man is proud of(以……自豪)it and always wants to have a race with others.

One day his mother was ill and his father told him to buy some medicine for headache in the town. The young man got there soon. There were many people in the chemist's shop while he was waiting there. And when his turn came, he could't find his money. An old woman hinted(暗示)a young man had stolen it. He saw the thief had already left the shop. He ran towards him quickly. The thief found it and began to run. He was happy and tried to catch up with him.

“Let's have a race and see who will run faster, ”Ruben called out behind.

Soon after that he caught up with the thief. But he didn't stop and went on running. At a crossing one of his friends asked, “What are you running for, Ruben? ”

“I'm running after(追)a thief. ”

“Where's the thief, then? ”

“He wants to show that he'll run faster than me, but he's fallen behind!”

Ruben had to run to school because ____.    [    ]

A. he had no bike

B. he hoped to win some medals

C. his village was a little far from the school

D. he was afraid to be late for class

____ , so he won some medals.     [    ]

A. Ruben is good at running

B. Ruben went to school on time

C. Ruben often took part in the sports meetings.

D. Ruben likes to have a race with others

The phrase “a chemist's shop”in the story means ____.  [    ]

A. 化工商店  B. 药店  C. 化工厂    D. 制药厂

Ruben's money was stolen ____.   [    ]

A. on his way to the town

B. before he went in the shop

C. when he was waiting in the shop

D. after he had left the shop

Ruben was happy because ____.   [    ]

A. he could easily catch the thief

B. he had a chance(机会)to have a race

C. he knew who had stolen his money

D. he would win another medal that day

Little did I know that I was about to see something I would never forget at the Kentucky Association of School Administrators.

They introduced the young musician---Mr Patrick Henry Hughes. He was rolled onto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano. His fingers danced across the keys as he made beautiful music.

About ten minutes into Patrick’s performance, someone came on the stage and said, “I’d like to share a seven-minute video about Patrick Hughes.” Then the lights were turned down.

Patrick Henry Hughes was born with no eyes and a tightening of the joints(关节), which left him disabled for life. However, he was fitted with artificial eyes and placed in a wheelchair. Before his first birthday, he discovered the piano. His mom said, “I could hit any note on the piano, and within one or two tries, he’d get it.” By his second birthday, he was playing records people asked for. His father was ecstatic. “We might not play baseball, but we can play music together.”

Today, Patrick is a junior. His father attends classes with him and he’s made nearly all A’s. He’s also a part of a 214-member marching band(游乐乐队). He’s a blind, wheelchair-bound trumpet player; he and his father do it together. In order to attend Patrick’s classes and every band practice, his father works the night shift(夜班) at United Parcel Service. Patrick says, “My dad’s my hero.”

On stage, between songs, Patrick talked to the audience about his life and about how blessed he was, “God made me blind and unable to walk. BIG DEAL! He gave me musical gifts and the great opportunity to meet new people.”

When his performance was over, the crowd rose to their feet and cheered for over five minutes.

1.The underlined word “ecstatic” could be replaced by “_________”.

A. relaxed    B. disappointed    C. anxious    D. delighted

2.What do we know about Patrick’s father?

A. He taught Patrick to play the piano.

B. He does part-time jobs in the daytime.

C. He accompanies Patrick in class and practice.

D. He expects Patrick to become a famous musician.

3.We know from the text that Patrick Henry Hughes ______________.

A. began to play the piano at age two

B. is in charge of a marching band

C. is now a high school student

D. admires his father greatly.

4.The story of Patrick Henry Hughes mainly teaches us to _______________.

A. develop an interest in music

B. be grateful for what we have

C. be ready to help people in trouble

D. work hard to achieve great success


A Frenchman went to a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One night, he went out for a walk alone. It was late and the small street was dark and quiet. Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him. The man was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided to follow him and get back the watch.

Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian. Neither of them understood the other’s language. The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist(拳头) and pointed at the Italian’s watch. In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman. 

When he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed the watch and it was the Italian’s. 

1.The Frenchman went to a small Italian town _______. 

A. alone            B. with his wife           C. with his friend                D. with an Italian

2.One night he went out for _______ alone. 

A. a ride            B. a walk                    C. a drink                             D. rest

3.Suddenly he found his_______ was gone. 

A. watch            B. money                             C. book                                  D. ring

4.Who was robbed of the watch?

A. The Frenchman was.                                 B. The Italian was.

C. Both of them was.                                       D. Neither of them was.


Dear Aunty,

I work at a supermarket, and another girl and I share tasks we must finish before leaving. But she takes half an hour to do something I can do in ten minutes. She always has a story to tell me and stops working when she does. My boss is angry at both of us, but It’s not my fault. I don’t want to rat on her, but what else can I do?


Dear Flustered,

Let me propose a better way. Make a log of all the tasks you share, then suggest to your boss that for efficiency your duties could be divided into two separate checklists. If he’s reluctant, go to plan B: the next time this girl starts telling you a story, stop working to listen and call your boss over to hear what a great storyteller she is. I’m sure he’ll take it from here.


Dear Aunty,

I’m a college student in the Philippines who wants to be wise with money. I’m not an economics or business major student and I don’t know anything about stocks. But I really want to buy assets and invest. I receive about 15,000 pesos(比索)every school term from my education plan. I don’t have any idea how I should spend it. I don’t want to just buy new clothes, or hang out with my friends because it would not be wise. I want my money to grow. Please enlighten me.


Dear Fastbreakplay,

Being wise with money is the No. 1 thing to learn. Start with a disciplined and systematic savings plan. When your savings reach a sizeable amount, then you may start investing. In the meantime, invest in yourself by reading up on stock markets and capital markets. Follow the news. Before I started investing during my senior high school years, I had already studied stock market data of the past century as I believe markets tend to repeat themselves. If you master this skill, you will master your reading of the markets.


1.When Flustered’s boss isn’t willing to separate their work, Flustered can _____.

A.follow the second advice                 B.invite the boss to listen to the girl

C.stop working or do other things    to the boss on time

2.Fastbreakplay writes a letter to Aunty in order to _____. some pesos                        B.become an expert on stocks

C.get ways to grow money         economics as his major

3.In Aunty’s opinion, one should _____ at the beginning to be wise with money.

A.start investing                          B.have a saving plan stock markets                      D.master market reading

4.From letters above, we know Aunty should be ________. elder kind woman                    B.a lady in the community

C.a famous singer                         D.a name of a columnist


The dirty, homeless man sat on the pavement, staring at the atones. He thought back more than twenty years to when he was a boy living in a small red brick house on this very street. He recalled the flower garden, the swing his dad made, and the bike he had saved up for months to buy.

         The man shrugged impatiently, for the brightness of those pictures hurt him, and his memory travelled on another ten years. He had a job by then, plenty of friends and started to come home less. He did not really want to remember those years, nor the day when, because o' debts, he had gone home planning to ask for money. He felt embarrassed, but he knew exactly where his dad kept the money. When his parents stepped out of the room, he took what he wanted and left.

         That was the last time he had seen them. Ashamed, he went abroad, and his parents knew nothing about the years of wandering or time in prison. But locked in his cell he often thought of home. Once free, he would love to see his parents again, if they were still alive, and still wanted to see him.

         When his prison time was up, he found -a job, but couldn't settle. Something was drawing him home. He did not want to arrive penniless, so he hitchhiked most of the long journey back. But less than a mile from his destination he started to feel sick with doubt. Could they ever accept this man who had so bitterly disappointed them?

         He spent most of that day sitting under a tree. That evening he posted a letter which, although short, had taken him hours to write. It ended with:

         I know it is unreasonable of me to suppose you want to see me ... so it's up to you. I'll come early Thursday morning. If you want me home, hang a white handkerchief in the window of my old bedroom. If it's there, I'll come in; if not, I'll wave good-bye and go.

         And now it was Thursday morning and he was sitting on the pavement at the end of the street. Finally he got up and walked slowly toward the old house. He drew a long breath and looked.

         His parents were taking no risks. ________________________________________________


         The man threw his head back, gave a cry of relief and ran straight through the open front door.

1. Why did the man shrug impatiently (paragraph 2) while he was thinking of his childhood?

   A. The thoughts made him angry.

   B. He felt he had wasted time.

   C. He was anxious to go home.

   D. The sweet memory caused him much pain.

2.Why did it take him hours to write the letter?

   A. He doubted if his parents still lived in that house.

   B. He had much news to tell his parents.

   C. He felt ashamed to ask for forgiveness.

   D. He was longing to return home and felt excited.

3. In what order did the following events take place?

   a. He took the money from his parents.

   b. He bought a bicycle with his savings.

   c. He was sentenced to prison.

   d. He wrote the letter home.

   e. He sat on the pavement.

   f. He hitchhiked back home.

   A. b, a, c, d, e, f                            B. b, a, c, f, d, e

   C. a, c, b, d, f, a                            D. a, d, b, c, e, f

4.Which of the following best fits into paragraph 8 ?

   A. Every inch of the house was covered in white. Sheets, pillowcases and table clothes had

      been placed on every window and door, making it look like a snow house.

   B. The house before him was just as he remembered: the red bricks, the brown door and

      nothing else.

   C. A colourful blanket was over the front door. On it, in large letters, was written, "Welcome

      home, son

   D. A police car was parked in the drive way, and two officers stood at the front door.

5.The best title of the passage is _______.

   A. Sweet Memory              B. White Handkerchief

   C. Abandoned Son              D. Leaving Home


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