
【小题1】He arrived at his hometown, tired and _____ (dust), on Sunday night.
【小题2】I was most _____ (grate) to John for his kindness of sending me the book immediately.
【小题3】The teacher seems to _____ (like) the idea of testing children in such a narrow way to find out who is the most excellent.
【小题4】The ______ (actually) price was lower than I had thought.
【小题5】I’m not really a country girl, but I suppose I’m _____ (gradual) getting used to looking after the animals.
【小题6】From the changing ______ (express) on speakers’ faces and the tones of their voices, they can tell lies from truths.
【小题7】They’ll trade with _____ (east) European countries.
【小题8】I never know that encouragement is so ______ (power) that it can change a person.
【小题9】When I travell with my friends, my parents are always ______ (concern) about me.
【小题10】The mother looks at the door ______ (frequent), wishing the children’s coming.

【小题1】 dusty

【小题1】和tired并列的应该是形容词: dusty
【小题2】most后面修饰形容词grateful,句型:be grateful to sb 对…感激
【小题3】从后面的句子:the idea of testing children in such a narrow way to find out who is the most excellent.可知老师不喜欢这种想法: dislike
【小题4】修饰price用形容词 actual
【小题5】修饰动词:getting used to looking after the animals.应该是副词 gradually
【小题7】修饰European countries可知是形容词eastern
【小题9】考查词组:be concerned with对…担心
【小题10】修饰looks at the door 用副词frequently


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