
However,the Norman Conquest didn’t affect the English language___________ the Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 years earlier,which led to Old English ________ Celtic.

A. so much as;was replaced B. so good as;being replaced

C. as much as;replacing D. as well as;replaced by


At the beginning of the World Series of 1947,I experienced a completely new emotion,when the National Anthem was played. This time,I thought,it is being played for me,as much as for anyone else.This is organized major league baseball,and I am standing here with all the others;and everything that takes place includes me.

About a year later,I went to Atlanta,Georgia,to play in an exhibition game.On the field,for the first time in Atlanta,there were Negroes and whites.Other Negroesbesides me.And I thought: What I have always believed has come to be.

And what is it that I have always believed? First,that imperfections are human.But that wherever human beings were given room to breathe and time to think,those imperfections would disappear,no matter how slowly.I do not believe that we have found or even approached perfection.That is not necessarily in the scheme of human events.Handicaps,stumbling blocks,prejudices — all of these are imperfect.Yet,they have to be dealt with because they are in the scheme of human events.

Whatever obstacles I found made me fight all the harder.But it would have been impossible for me to fight at all,except that I was sustained by the personal and deep-rooted belief that my fight had a chance.It had a chance because it took place in a free society.Not once was I forced to face and fight an immovable object.Not once was the situation so cast-iron rigid that I had no chance at all.Free minds and human hearts were at work all around me;and so there was the probability of improvement.I look at my children now,and know that I must still prepare them to meet obstacles and prejudices.

But I can tell them,too,that they will never face some of these prejudices because other people have gone before them.And to myself I can say that,because progress is unalterable,many of today's dogmas (教条)will have vanished by the time they grow into adults.I can say to my children: There is a chance for you.No guarantee,but a chance.And this chance has come to be,because there is nothing static with free people.There is no Middle Ages logic so strong that it can stop the human tide from flowing forward. I do not believe that every person,in every walk of life,can succeed in spite of any handicap.That would be perfection.But I do believe — and with every fiber in me — that what I was able to attain came to be because we put behind us (no matter how slowly) the dogmas of the past: to discover the truth of today;and perhaps find the greatness of tomorrow.

I believe in the human race.I believe in the warm heart.I believe in man's honesty.I believe in the goodness of a free society.And I believe that the society can remain good only as long as we are willing to fight for it — and to fight against whatever imperfections may exist.My fight was against the barriers that kept Negroes out of baseball.This was the area where I found imperfection,and where I was best able to fight.And I fought because I knew it was not doomed to be a losing fight.It couldn't be a losing fight-not when it took place in a free society.And in the largest sense,I believe that what I did was done for me — that it was my faith in God that sustained me in my fight.And that what was done for me must and will be done for others.

1.Why did the author say he had experienced a completely new emotion?

A. Because he won game.

B. Because he was an American.

C. Because he could compete in the game and won the game.

D. Because the National Game was played for him.

2.From the passage,we know that the author is ___________.

A. an African

B. a Chinese

C. a white man

D. a black man

3.The author firmly believed that____________.

A. humans are imperfect if they all unite together to overcome the difficulties.

B. humans needn't approach perfect even if they can.

C. humans should face the obstacles and fight for it bravely.

D. humans are becoming kind and honest if they have freedom.

4.We can infer from the passage that_________.

A. the fight between Negroes and Whites never ends

B. the civil war broke out because the Negroes fought for their freedom

C. In the past Negroes were kept out of baseball.

D. the fight ended up with a game.

5.The underlined word ‘vanished’most probably means __________

A. disappear

B. increase

C. appear

D. happen

6.The best title of this passage may be_________.

A. Nothing matters except fighting

B. Success lies in hard work

C. freedom is everything

D. Free Minds and Hearts makes a difference

We need a logo that will be the perfect symbol of our new Wheelsville Skate Park. We would like those of you who are counting the days until the opening of the park to design a proper logo.
?Designs must be original and easy to recognize.
?They should include no more than two colors in addition to black and white.
?Artwork should be reproducible at different sizes from business cards to posters.
?The words “ Wheelsville Skate Park” must appear in the logo.
?Competitors are required to be 18 years old or younger.
?There is no limit to the number of submissions.
?The name and address of the designer must appear on the back of the logo design.
?Competitors need to include a one-page written explanation describing the key features of the design.
?All submissions sent to Wheelsville Skate Park will not be returned.
?All works must be sent to skateman4x@comlink.com no later than May 15.
?Files (文件) should be .jpg, .gif, .png, .pict, or Photoshop files.
?The winning design will be posted on our website at www.wheelsville.skatepark.com on May 20, one week before the opening celebration.
?First Prize: Digital camera, one-year pass to Wheelsville Skate Park, and two T-shirts with the prize-winning logo.
?Second Prize: Six-month pass to Wheelsville Skate Park and a T-shirt with the prize-winning logo.
?Honorable Mention: One free ticket to Wheelsville Skate Park and a T-shirt with the prize-winning logo to two competitors from grades 6–8, and two from grades 9–12.
?Among the judges are a professional designer, two technology teachers, four local skaters, and three members of Wheelsville Skate Park Board of Directors.
?The judges’ decisions are final.
1.In Paragraph 1, the underlined part “ counting the days” suggests a feeling of ________.
A. nervousness
B. amusement
C. excitement
D. uncertainty
2.Why does the following logo design show a misunderstanding of the rules?

A. It does not use the full park name.
B. It is not as big as it is expected.
C. It does not use three colors.
D. It just shows a skateboard.
3.As the top winner of the activity, you may ________.
A. win a camera and a free ticket to the park
B. get a T-shirt with your own photo on it
C. visit the park free of charge for one year
D. receive a half-a-year pass to the park
4.The text is probably a(n) ________.
A. news report
B. advertisement
C. lesson plan
D. travel guide

Frank Lloyd Wright is often called the father of American modern architecture.He designed buildings and homes across the United States for more than 70 years.He created most of his works from 1900 through the 1950s,but his open-living spaces and imaginative designs still appear very modern today.

Last week,the United States nominated(提名)10 of his buildings for the UN Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization—or UNESCO—the World Heritage List.The World Heritage List recognizes the most,important cultural and natural sites worldwide.

The 10 buildings,titled.“Key Works of Modern Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright,”were built between 1906 and 1969.They include several of his personal homes and studios,churches,government buildings,private residences,and one very famous museum—New York City’s Guggenheim Museum.

The Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum is one of the most visited sites in New York City.About one million people visit it every year.Frank Lloyd Wright worked on it from 1943 to 1959.It was designed to create a new type of space for new types of art.The museum remains an international symbol of modern architecture that represents Wright’s unique design.

Many of Mr.Wright’s modern buildings and homes in the U.S.Midwest have also become symbols of modern American architecture.Richard Longstreth is the president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy.He calls Mr.Wrisht“the father of modern architecture,fundamentally redefining the nature of form and space during the early 20th century that would have enduring impacts of modern architecture worldwide.”

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee will announce its decision in mid-2016.If Frank Lloyd Wright’s 10 buildings were chosen for the list,they would be the first World Heritage listings for modem U.S.architecture.The World Heritage List already includes 22 other American sites,including the Grand Canyon,Yellowstone National Park and the Statue of Liberty.

1.We can learn from the passage that_____.

A.Mr.Wright’s designs are out of style today

B.Mr.Wright’s designs have been widely recognized

C.Mr.Wright’s designs on modern buildings and homes are a failure

D.Mr.Wright is the owner of ten buildings

2.Which of the following statements about Guggenheim Museum is true?

A. It is a masterpiece showing Mr.Wright’s unique design.

B.It is a good example of traditional design.

C.It is the most famous site in New York City.

D.It is the symbol of New York City.

3.In which section of the newspaper can you probably find this article?

A.News B.Science C.Biography D.Economy

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Frank Lloyd Wright—the Father of American Modern Architecture

B.The World Heritage List—Cultural Collection Worldwide

C.Guggenheim Museum—International Symbol of modern Architecture

D.Frank Lloyd Wright’Buildings—On the way to World Heritage List

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