the am
completely nee then, so I¡¯ll to
say"yes"£®I' 11 arrive in Bristol at around 8p£®m£®in Friday evening
I feel very happy to receive your letter and here I 'd like to give you some advices on how to leam English£®Above all, don't lose your heart£®
Many students find it hard to learnt English, especially to write good English compositions£®In my opinion, if you want to improve your writing better, you should leam by heart so many English expressions and patterns as possible£®And at the same time try to use it in your compositions£®I think just remember grammar rules is no use. Only by reading and writing a lot can you be able to learn English well in effective way. I think what the most important thing is that you should keep writing every day and never give up.
I feel very happy to receive your letter and here I'd like to give you
some advices on how to learn English£®Above all, don't lose your heart.
Manystudentsfindithardto learnt English£¬especially to write good
English compositions£®In my opinion, if you want to improve your writing
better, you should leam by heart so
many English expressions and patterns
as possible£®And at the same time try to use it in your compositions£®I think
jst remember grammar rules is no use. And Only by reading writing a lot
can youbeabletoleamEnglishwellin/\effectiveway£®I think what most
will an
important thing is that you should keep writing every day and never give up£®