

1.To our (高兴), our football team won.

2.He is (全神贯注于……) in his study.

3.He is a (贪婪的) man.

4.Our class (由……构成)of 60 students.

5.His real problem is that he (缺乏) confidence.

6.There was a (矛盾;冲突) between them.

7.Tickets are ___________ (可利用的;可得到的)free of charge from school.

8.Most students are (渴望的) for their progress.

9.What was your first (印象) of London?

10.Students who pass the test will receive a .(学分;信任)













1. 考查名词。To one’s delight 使某人感到高兴的是。

2. 考查动词。Be absorbed in 全神贯注于。

3. 考查形容词。句意:他是个贪婪的人。

4. 考查动词。Consist of 由。。组成。

5. 考查动词。句意:他的问题是缺乏自信。

6.conflict 考查名词。句意:他们之间有冲突。

7.available 考查形容词。句意:标可以从学校免费得到。

8.eager 考查形容词。Be eager for 渴望。。

9.impression 考查名词。句意:你对伦敦的第一印象是什么样的?

10.credit 考查名词。句意:通过考试的学生可以得到一个学分。



Newspapers in Great Britain vary greatly in their ways of carrying the news. There are serious papers for those who want to know about important happenings everywhere, both at home and abroad. There are popular newspapers for those who prefer entertainment to information.

The London newspaper that is best known outside Great Britain is probably the Times. It began in 1785, and has a high reputation for believable news and serious opinions on the news. It calls itself an independent paper, which means that it does not give its support to a particular political party. Its leading articles give the opinions of the editors, not those of the owners of the paper.

Letters to the editor are printed in the newspaper. These parts of the Times are always interesting. Most of the letters are serious subjects. But from time to time there will be long letters on the subject which is not at all serious, perhaps on a new fashion of dress, or the bad manners of the young people, compared with manners of thirty years ago.

1.If you want to get pleasure, please buy yourself .

A. a serious newspaper

B. foreign newspaper

C. any independent paper

D. a popular newspaper

2.The Times has been famous to outside Great Britain for years.

A. 19 B. 85 C. 221 D. 229

3.The Times is an independent paper because .

A. it supports no political parties

B. it is not controlled by the British Government

C. it gives special support to all the political parties.

D. the editor’s opinions are not examined by the owners of the paper

4.The writer tells us in this passage.

A. all kinds of newspapers in Britain

B. all kinds of news in English papers

C. how Times is liked by people

D. why Times is well-known


Do you want to be pretty? You are the only one who can decide you’re truly pretty. To achieve this, first of all, you should be pretty on the inside. In other words, you have to understand that your beauty comes from yourself, not from any outside source(来源). To practice feeling this way, you can write a list of all the good things about yourself. This includes things like helping someone carrying something or listening to a friend. You also can write a list of things that you think are beautiful about yourself. Maybe you have big brown eyes, a cute nose or a great laugh. What’s more, every morning, when you wake up, go to the bathroom mirror, smile at yourself and say aloud, “I am happy.” The more you say it, the more you’ll convince(使…相信) your brain that it’s true.

To be pretty on the inside, at the same time, don’t forget to be attractive by being kind and respectful. So listen to people when they talk, and they’ll notice you’ve taken an interest in their words. Help others out when they are in need, and also don’t judge other people.

On the other hand, you also should be pretty on the outside. For this, you can do something to change your appearance. For example, change your hairstyle. Wear clothes in which you feel comfortable. Also you can give your skin some extra special care to make it look better.

In fact, the key to being pretty on the outside is working to be healthy. If you’re in poor health, you can’t look pretty on the outside. So, to keep healthy, have enough sleep every day and work out in a regular way.

Title: Be pretty






Tips for being pretty1..________



Realizing your beauty comes from yourself

◆Listing what you feel good about yourself

◆Listing what are 2._______ about yourself

◆3._______ and saying aloud “I am happy ”every morning


Treating other 【小题4______ and respectfully

◆Being a good 4._________

◆Helping those in need

◆Not 5._________




Ways of being pretty on the outside




◆Changing your hairstyle

◆Wearing 7.__________

◆Taking good care of your 8._________


Keeping healthy

◆Having enough sleep every day

◆9.______ regularly


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