About ten per cent of spending on primary and secondary education in the United States comes from the federal government. 9 States have been required to show progress through yearly testing.

But states say testing tells only part of the story about efforts by schools and students to improve. So the Obama administration has eased the limits on states in measuring performance.

10    This new measurement tool is called the Colorado Growth Model. 丁he idea is to show academic growth, not just achievement on tests. It combines test scores, family income levels, school size, the ethnicity of the student and many other factors.

11    The graph shows a school's average score on standardized tests as well as its academic growth.

On average, students enter Sixth Grade at West Den?ver Prep performing below grade level. 12

The new assessment method shows that, each year , the average West Denver Prep student learns more maths than ninety-four per cent of all the students in Colorado. 13

Josh Smith says perhaps the most important thing they should learn is to believe in themselves.

A.    The results from schools across the state are shown online on a graph.

B.    Reading and writing scores also show growth.

C.    For ten years now, federal law has tied this spend?ing to students' performance.

D.    Therefore, the government feels it a great pressure.

E.    But three years later, most are outperforming other students across the state.

F.    However, the limits don't work at all.

G.    The western state of Colorado, for example, has a new assessment method.

A romantic message-in-a-bottle discovered by a mother and her daughter at a Scottish beach has sparked (触发)a mystery about whether it could have travelled 5,000 miles across the seas from China.

Nicola MacFarlane, 41, and her daughter Lucy, 4, from Portobello , near Edinburgh , were looking for driftwood(浮木)on Portobello Beach when they came across an old glass bottle containing a note inside written in Mandarin. Now the family are trying to work out if the letter has managed the extraordinary journey across the Philippine Sea, into the Indian Ocean and through both the South Atlantic and the North Atlantic Ocean before washed up on the shores of Great Britain. It was written on Chinese Valentine's Day or Qixi Festival as it is more traditionally known, lunar July 7, 2012, so it could have been sent off as recently as six days ago if it followed the modern calendar , which celebrated the occasion on August 23. Nicola was still excited to read about the Chinese love story after having it translated.

"I really do hope that it is from China but even it is from nearer to home, it's still a lovely gesture and an inspiring find. It's a love story regardless of where it came from. ,, Nicola, who runs a beach art business in Portobello, added, "I'm always at the beach looking for bits of driftwood but I've never come across anything like this before. We knew it was Chinese, but we had no idea what it said."

Unable to read the Mandarin text, Nicola turned to the Internet and her Australian friend, Julie Gould, whose daughter attended a Chinese school in Sydney.

Several hours later Julie returned with the news that it was in fact a love letter.

The translated letter reads, "Da Hai (Ocean) , I hope no one xvill get this bottle , as ive just vuish you can hear our voice, and get your blessing,   Today is the

Chinese Valentine's Day. We pray that our relationship 'will last forever and uue vuill have a long happy life together…,,

Nicola said, "It sounds to me like the couple are in love but cannot be together so they have sent the message to tell the world of their love.,,

1.    When did Nicola and her daughter come across the message-in-a-bottle?

A.    On July 15, 2012.

B.    On August 29, 2012.

C.    On August 31, 2012.

D.    On September 2, 2012.

2.    What were Nicola and her daughter probably doing when they found the bottle?

A.    They were walking on the beach.

B.    They were washing hands and feet.

C.    They were looking for driftwood.

D.    They were lying on the beach resting.

3.    The underlined word " Mandarin" probably means

A. Scottish     B. British

C.  English    D. Chinese

4.    We can learn from the passage that Nicola    .

A.    thought the letter was written to show love

B.    had expected to get something unusual

C.    knew a little Chinese

D.    found the bottle was from a nearby place

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