Our brains work in complex and strange ways.There are some people who can calculate the day of the week for any given date in 40,000 years, but who cannot add two plus two.Others can perform complex classical piano pieces after hearing them once, but they cannot read or write.

       Dr.J.Langdon Down first described this condition in 1887.He called these people idiot savants.An idiot savant is a person who has significant mental impairment (损伤) , such as in autism ( 孤独症,自闭症) or retardation.At the same time, the person also exhibits some extraordinary skills, which are unusual for most people.The skills of the savant may vary from being exceptionally gifted in music or in mathematics, or having a photographic memory.

       One of the first descriptions of a human who could calculate quickly was written in 1789 by Dr.Benjamin Rush, an American doctor.His patient, Thomas Fuller, was brought to Virginia as a slave in1724.It took Thomas only 90 seconds to work out that a man who has lived 70 years, 17 days, and 12 hours has lived 2,210,500,800 seconds.Despite this ability, he died in 1790 without ever learning to read or write.

       Another idiot savant slave became famous as a pianist in the 1860s.Blind Tom had a vocabulary of only 100 words, but he played 5 ,000 musical pieces beautifully.

       In the excellent movie Rain Man, made in 1988 and available on video cassette, Dustin Hoffman plays an idiot savant who amazes his brother played by Tom Cruise, with his ability to perform complex calculations very rapidly.

       Today we more clearly recognize that the idiot savant is special because of brain impairment.Yet not all brain impairment leads to savant skills.Some studies have shown that people who have purposeful interruption of the left side of the brain can develop idiot savant skills.However few people wish to participate in such experiments.There are many excellent reasons for not undergoing unnecessary experimentation on one's brain.The term idiot savant is outdated and inappropriate.Virtually all savants have a high degree of intelligence and are thus not idiots.

What does the passage mainly talk about?

       A.Idiot savants have areas of outstanding abilities.

       B.Human Beings have complicated thinking process.

       C.The brains of the idiot savants are partly impaired.

       D.The reasons why people have wonderful skills vary.

Which of the following can be done by Rain Man?

       A.He can play wonderful pieces of classical music.

       B.He can guess out exactly the length of a man's life.

       C.He can memorize the contents of the pictures fast.

       D.He can count matches dropped on the floor quickly.

What can you infer from the passage?

       A.Idiot savants have real talents for art and math.

       B.Dr.Down is the first person who found idiot savants.

       C.Few people wish to risk becoming savants by brain operations.

       D.Intentional left brain impairments will surely lead to idiot savants.

Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

How did your friendships begin? Most start with a short conversation on a random day. Asking about a homework assignment in class or complaining about your painful legs after playing in a soccer game, you found your best pal by accident.

“Small talk is where all your relationships begin,” Forbes magazine summed up.

The following is a five-step guide to making small talk from Bernardo J. Carducci, the director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast, US. Let’s have a look.

Getting started

Begin by talking about the setting, such as the weather outside or the room you are in (“It’s cold in here, isn’t it?”). The purpose of talking about the setting is to show the other person that you are willing to make a conversation.

②The personal introduction

You should mention something about yourself, such as your name. A good personal introduction helps move the conversation forward.

③Looking for topics

At this point, you and your conversation partner need to find common ground. This is a good time to ask questions or to refer back to things you’ve said or heard earlier. Don’t worry if it gets quiet. The other person is probably just thinking of something to say.

④Expanding the topic

The goal is to keep the conversation going. At every stage, you should be careful not to talk too much. But don’t let the other person dominate the conversation either. If that starts to happen, mention something about yourself when he or she takes a breath.

⑤A polite ending

When ending a conversation, let the person know you’ll be leaving soon, express gratitude for the conversation and set the stage for a future conversation. For example, you could say, “I really must be going soon, but I had a great time chatting with you. I really liked hearing your opinion about that new movie. Here’s my phone number. Call or text me if you know of any other movies you think I might enjoy.”

1.According to the article, starting by talking about the setting is meant to ________.

A. find common ground                          B. impress the other person

C. make a conversation                         D. make the room warmer

2.What does the underlined word “dominate” mean in Tip④?

A. interrupt                   B. control                  C. adapt          D. simplify 

3.When ending a conversation, you’d better ________.

A. talk about how much you want to keep talking

B. show that you’ve not enjoyed the talk

C. mention a specific movie that you love          

D. give your opinion about the other person’s earlier comments

4.The main purpose of the article is to ________.

A. encourage students to make more friends

B. give students tips on making small talk

C. introduce popular topics for students  

D. teach students how to create friendships


Coming from the Bronx, Jennifer Lopez knew from an early age it would be tough to achieve her dream. In an interview in 2002 she remembered, “I had such a will in me. I had such a passion in me. I could overcome my situation. But a lot of people will get beaten down and be held back by that.” Lopez was not beaten by her situation. She worked hard dancing, singing, and acting in theaters and her hard work paid off with small roles in television and films.

Lopez’s big breakthrough came in 1996 when she played the main role in the movie Selena. For this movie, Lopez got paid $1 million and became the highest paid Latin actress of all time. Since then, she has had starring roles in several successful movies, including Out of Slight(1998) with George Clooney.

Then, Lopez turned her attention toward music. In 1999, she released first album, On the 6. Two songs from the album, “If You Had My Love” and “Waiting for Tonight,” both reached number one on the Billboard music charts. The album sold more than three million copies around the world.

After starring in The Cell (2000), Lopez released her second album, J. Lo, in 2001. The album went straight to the top of the Billboard chart. At the same time that her album came out, Lopez’s new movie, The Wedding Planner, opened in theaters. It became the number one movie at the box office. This meant that Lopez was the first entertainer to ever have a number one album and a number one movie at the same time! Like her first album, J. Lo went tripe-platinum.

But her entertainment career was not the only thing Lopez focused on that year. 2001 was also the year Lopez started her own line of clothing, called J.Lo, and she married Cris Judd, a dancer who performed in her videos. The marriage did not last long, and Lopez and Judd divorced nine months later.

In 2002, Lopez starred in the films Enough and Maid in Manhattan. Maid in Manhattan became Lopez’s biggest movie yet, earning $19 million during its first weekend in theaters. Lopez also put her third album, This Is Me… Then, and the single “Jenny from the Block” hit number one for a week. To go with her line of clothing, Lopez introduced her own perfume.

In an interview, Lopez was asked if she planned to do more acting, singing, designing, or something new. She answered, “Yes, yes, yes, and yes! All of those things. I love making music, I love doing movies and all the other things. I think that everyone should do everything that they have a passion for.”

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Lopez is better at singing than acting.     

B. Lopez has done many things in her career.  

C. Lopez grew up in a poor family.

D. Lopez has had many problems in her personal life.

2.Which of the following was most important in helping her career take off?

A. acting in the movie Selena       B. getting married to a dancer

C. releasing a second album        D. starring with George Clooney

3.Which is NOT true about Lopez?

A. She has had several number one songs.

B. She was a famous singer before she started acting.

C. She wants to do other things besides acting and singing.

D. She wanted to be an entertainer when she was young.

4.“… J. Lo went triple-platinum.” What does this mean about the album?

A. It was made by an actor or actress.

B. It sold more than three million copies.

C. It had songs from a movie on it.

D. It sold most of its copies outside the United States.


  Russian President Putin named Time magazine’s“Person of the Year”

  Russian President Vladimir Putin was named Time magazine’s“Person of the Year”on December 19th.2007 for strengthening stability(稳定)that made Russia a world power again.

  The magazine recognized Putin’s“extraordinary feat(技艺)of leadership in taking a country that was in a mess and bringing it stability,”said Richard Stengel,Time’s managing editor.

  The magazine noted that“Person of the Year”is not an honor or an endorsement(认可)but a recognition of leadership that shapes the world.

  Putin,who is 56 years old,is very popular in Russia,making a great effort to cause economy to come to life on revenue(收入)from oil and natural gas.

  Putin recently supported vice-PM Dmitry Medvedev’s presidential bid,and said he would accept Medvedev’s offer to serve as prime minister if Medvedev is elected on March 2.

  The Kremlin said Wednesday the Time recognition was seen there as an acknowledgement of Putin’s role in helping Russia pull out of its social and economic troubles in the 1990s.

  Others considered for“Person of the Year”included Nobel Prize-winner Al Gore and author J.K. Rowling.

  This year’s choice was a return to the magazine’s tradition of picking an individual rather than last year’s choice of“You”,which refers to anyone creating or using content on the World Wide Web.

  Putin is the fifth Russian(or Soviet)leader to be named Person of the Year:Gorbachev,Andropov,Khrushchev and Stalin,who was named twice.

55.How did Putin try to make Russia a world power again?

A.By performing arms race.

B.By making war.

C.By strengthening stability.

D.By getting foreign help.

56.Which of the following is Not True according to the passage?

A.Russia used to be in a mess.

B.Time always picks an individual to be the“Person of the Year”.

C.Oil and natural gas caused Russia’s economy to come to life.

D.Putin will leave office on March 2,2007.

57.What does the underlined word“acknowledgement”mean?

A.Praise.            B.Support.

C.Scold.             D.Recognition.

58.How many times have Russian leaders been named“Person of the Year”so far?

A.Five times.          B.Six times.

C.Seven times.          D.Eight times.


Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.  Each word can be used only once.  Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. exchange B. constant  C. involve  D. spend  E. traditional

F. offer     G. strength  H. familiar  I. engage  J. element

    We,in the world of fast growth, are now witnessing the appearance of an advanced economy based on information and knowledge. Physical ___1___, raw materials, and money are no longer the key factors in the creation of wealth. Now, the vital ___2___ in our economy is knowledge. Tomorrow’s wealth depends on the development and ___3___ of knowledge.  And individuals entering the workforce ___4___ their knowledge, not their muscles. Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn.  Knowledge workers ___5___ in mind work. They deal with symbols: words, figures, and data.

     What does all this mean for you? As a future knowledge worker, you can expect to be communicating information. Currently, many jobs ___6___ some form of mind work, and that number will increase sharply in the future.

     In the new world of work, you can look forward to being in __7___ training to get new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies. You can also expect to be taking greater control of your career. Gone are the nine-to-five jobs, lifetime security, easy promotions, and even the ___8___ workplace, which you are __9___ with now. Don’t expect the companies will provide you with a clear career path. And don’t wait for someone to “encourage” you. You have to encourage yourself.




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