
I was at the grocery store one evening. I had finished shopping and was looking for a line to __1__. I chose a line that had one woman ready to __2__, and another woman behind her who didn't have very much.

As I was standing there waiting for my __3__, I noticed the woman directly in front of me. She looked __4__ she had just had some kind of medical treatment. Her __5__ looked as if she had known a lot of pain and was __6__ of everything. She had a backpack to carry her __7__ in and she had bought everything that one would need to __8__ one's self at home. She kept glancing at her groceries and kept __9__ the money in her hand. I kept thinking to myself, I wish I had __10__ to pay for her groceries. What can I do to help her out?

To my __11__, as these thoughts were going through my head, the woman ahead of her softly __12__ to the woman who didn't look well, “Put your money __13__, this one is on me.”

The woman __14__ her head a few times and the front woman kept __15__ until it happened.

As I walked outside the woman who didn't feel well was right there,__16__ her groceries in her backpack. I introduced myself, told her the __17__ I was heading in and asked if she would like a ride. She introduced herself and __18__. As she got out of my car she said to me, “God Bless you,” and I said the same. I just keep thinking, maybe I put it out (明白;清楚)there __19__ the thing I couldn't do someone else did but,__20__, I was presented with some other way to help her out—and that I could do!

1. A. get into          B.  pass by     C. wait for       D. look after

2. A. buy               B.  leave      C. pay           D. stand

3. A. bag               B.  turn       C. change        D. bill

4. A. even though                    B.  as if    

C. so that                          D. in case

5. A. feeling           B.  body       C. hand          D. face

6. A. careful           B.  proud      C. tired         D. considerate

7. A. groceries         B.  books      C. clothes       D. newspapers

8. A. devote           B.  attend     C. convince      D. ask    

9. A. holding          B.  taking     C. counting      D. folding

10. A. money          B.  chance     C. time          D. courage

11. A. disappointment            B.  joy       

C. surprise                  D. excitement

12. A. nodded            B.  waved      C. signed       D. whispered

13. A. away              B.  down       C. up          D. off

14. A. raised            B.  covered    C. shook         D. lowered

15. A. asking            B.  insisting   C. begging       D. buying

16. A. seeing            B.  putting    C. moving        D. taking

17. A. place             B.  store      C. direction      D. seat

18. A. refused           B.  stopped    C. waited        D. accepted

19. A. so                B.  or         C. and          D. but

20. A. in return                B.  in turn   

C. for example             D. or else

 1. 解析:选A。联系空前的looking for a line可推断出,“我”找了一个队并进入这个队,等候付账。pass by从旁边经过,联系后文可知,此时“我”在排队。

2. 解析:选C。由文意可知,“我”选择这个队,在这里等候的原因是,一个顾客即将付账,还有一个顾客买的东西不是很多。B项有一定的干扰性,联系后文“这位顾客为后面的妇女付账”可知,她此时准备付账,而不是准备离开。

3. 解析:选B。联系前文我们知道,“我”在排队,再联系空前的waiting for可知,“我”在等 “我”的顺序。

4. 解析:选B。由空后“she had just had some kind of medical treatment”可知应用as if。even though即使;in case以防;so that以便于。

5. 解析:选D。联系空后的“as if she had known a lot of pain”可知,作者在此处描述妇女脸上的表情。

6. 解析:选C。由空前的“and”表明本空与前面的she had known a lot of pain为并列关系,因此选C。表示她似乎厌倦一切。

7. 解析:选A。联系下文的“her groceries in her backpack”可知,妇女带背包来是为了向里面装食品的。

8. 解析:选B。联系空后的at home可以推断出,妇女身体不好,她到商店来买这些食品是为了在家里自己照顾自己的。attend在这里是“照料”的意思。

9. 解析:选C。联系后文可知,这位妇女前面的顾客为她付了钱,这说明她带的钱不够,因此此处表达她翻来覆去地数着自己手中的钱。

10. 解析:选A。联系空后的“to pay for her groceries”可知,“我”希望自己有支付她食品的钱。B, D两项有一定干扰性,联系后文可知,作者因为能把她的食品放进背包,然后送她回家感到欣慰,并觉得自己做了能做的事情,因此是没有钱支付那人的食品。

11. 解析:选C。由文意可知,那位生病的妇女前面的顾客提出要为她付钱,这是“我”没有料到的,因此“我”很吃惊。其他选项均不能表达事情的发展超乎自己的预料。

12. 解析:选D。联系空前的softly和空后那人说的话可知,那人是很温柔地并低声地对这位妇女说。

13. 解析:选A。联系下文的“this one is on me”可知,那人要为生病的妇女付账,因此她让妇女把钱收起来。put away把……收起来。put down放下;写下;put off脱下;扑灭;put up张贴;穿上;建立。

14. 解析:选C。联系空后的内容可知,这名妇女拒绝了好几次,因此此处应为她摇头拒绝。

15. 解析:选B。联系空后的until it happened可知,尽管生病的妇女一再拒绝,她前面的人一直坚持要为她付钱。

16. 解析:选B。联系空后的in her backpack可知,“我”把生病妇女买的东西放到背包里面。

17. 解析:选C。联系空后的I was heading in可知,“我”告诉了她“我”去的方向。A项有一定干扰性,如果用place,与之搭配的介词应该是to。

18. 解析:选D。联系下文的“As she got out of my car she said to me”可知,她搭乘了“我”的车,因此对于“我”的邀请,她接受了。

19. 解析:选C。分析句子结构及根据句意可知,空前后为并列关系,故选C。

20. 解析:选B。句意为:别人能做的,“我”做不了,然而“我”也运用了“我”能帮助他人的其他方式。in turn反过来;in return作为回报,or else否则。


A few months ago I was at a bus stop in town in the evening. The bus came on time and I took the window seat. The bus route was by the seashore and I was enjoying the breeze (微风) while watching the sea waves. After a few minutes the bus made its next stop. A young boy and a girl got on. They were standing on my left when the bus pulled off. I looked at them curiously and realized that all the window seats were occupied (占据). They could sit but not together. Suddenly a different wave passed through my body and my inner mind gave me the advice to get up. I got up and offered them my seat. The young lady smiled kindly and said thanks. I occupied another seat and we parted our ways. I don’t remember whether I got off the bus before them or not.

       Months passed by. Suddenly one day while I was standing at the same bus stop waiting some time for the bus to arrive I heard a voice.

       “Excuse me, Uncle.” I looked in the direction of the voice. It was a beautiful young lady.

       Puzzled, I said, “I do not recognize you.”

       She said, “Do you remember you gave us your window seat?”

       Puzzled, I said, “Maybe, but what is so great in that?”

       She said, “If you had not given your seat that day, perhaps I would have not sat with my friend. By sitting together it helped us bridge a misunderstanding that had been between us forever. Do you know we are getting married next month?”

       “Good! God bless both of you,” I replied.

       The young lady again said thank you and went on her journey. I realized the importance of giving that day.

Why were the young boy and the girl standing on the bus?

A. Because they wanted to enjoy the sea view.

B. Because they couldn’t sit together.

C. Because there were no empty seats.

D. Because they preferred to stand.

The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means that the author had a feeling that ______.

A. he wanted to do something special        

B. the sea wave made him upset

C. a wave from the sea flooded him  

D. he wanted to make a sea wave in his heart

The author’s act of kindness helped the young boy and the girl ______.

A. begin to talk to each other again after a quarrel

B. sit together and become friends very soon

C. clear up a misunderstanding between them

D. know each other and get married

From the story, we can conclude that ______.

A. small things can create great happenings in life

B. it is giving rather than receiving that matters

C. offering one’s seat to others may win respect

D. we sometimes forget what happened in the past

The best title for the passage would be “______”.

A. The empty seat on the bus 

B. The pleasant travel

C. The lovers on the bus            

D. The bus ride

第二节   完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Teaching second grade is always a challenge. Each student arrives at school with his own needs and difficulties. One year a student called Billy   36   me with his behavior as well as his academic requirements. He struggled daily with his   37   emotions and often became angry or violent. I knew that, to make   38   progress, his emotions needed controlling. 
One   39   I tried to help Billy was to have him come directly into the classroom when he arrived at school. Billy’s mom would   40   me to alert (警告) me to a particularly emotional morning at home. Then, I would focus on   41   his anger and calming him down before the other students arrived.
One week our class was studying   42  . I thought one way to bring learning into the classroom was to bring my dog Rocky to school for the day.
That day began as normal. I was preparing activities focused on dog themes   43   I was told that Billy had a   44   morning at home and I might need to get him   45  . As I was talking to his mom, Billy   46   into the classroom. To Billy’s   47  , Rocky immediately ran up to his new   48  , wagging his tail and licking Billy’s face with doggy affection. Billy couldn’t   49   Rocky’s charm (魅力) and began laughing as his anger melted away.
Throughout the day, Billy never left Rocky’s side, feeding him, being gentle with him and even   50   the other students while Rocky was sleeping.
Billy was known for doing anything he could to avoid   51  , but on this day he found a good dog story, “Clifford’s Puppy Days,” and read it to Rocky. How   52   I was at the sight of Billy reading happily!My little dog was able to   53   Billy’s day from one of anger and frustration to one of laughter, gentleness and   54  .
That day Rocky more than helped me with my   55  ; he helped to change the life of a child! After that Billy’s behavior definitely improved.
36. A. challenged     B. cheated C. benefited    D. betrayed  
37. A. unforgettable    B. uncontrollable    C. unconscious       D. unfortunate   
38. A. physical         B. mental      C. academic         D. authentic 
39. A. advantage      B. agenda      C. reason             D. way
40. A. awake        B. call          C. visit             D. sign
41. A. tolerating       B. observing     C. relieving          D. ignoring
42. A. emotions       B. pets          C. botany          D. diet   
43. A. after      B. as          C. when             D. before
44. A. boring    B. fantastic       C. busy               D. rough
45. A. settled    B. punished      C. treated              D. excited
46. A. fled            B. stormed       C. jogged              D. floated
47. A. surprise         B. delight     C. shame         D. fear
48. A. protector       B. trainer       C. friend         D. owner
49. A. resist          B. describe       C. reduce         D. forget
50. A. educating    B. envying   C. comforting     D. quieting
51. A. exploding      B. reading C. arguing            D. apologizing
52. A. surprised       B. disappointed C. amused         D. confused
53. A. urge          B. shorten        C. transform          D. expand
54. A. admiration   B. curiosity  C. anxiety           D. love
55. A. family       B. teaching        C. housework         D. performance

Alone in the light at the dining room table, surrounded by a nearly dark house, I sat in tears.

Finally, I  36  in getting both kids to bed. As a new single  37 , I had to be both Mommy and Daddy to my two little children.

With full rights of my children, I  38  to give them a normal and comfortable home life. I  39  a happy face for them.

I rose slowly, trying not to  40  even the least sound which might start them up  41 . I tiptoed(蹑手蹑脚地走) out of their room,  42  the door part way, and went downstairs.

And loneliness(孤独). I  43  as thought I were at the bottom(底部) of a great sea of loneliness. It all  44  together and I was at once lost. I sat there,  45  crying.

Just then, a pair of little  46  went around my middle and a little face looked up at me. I looked down into my five-year-old son’s  47  face.

I was shy to be  48  crying by my son. “I’m sorry. Ethan, I didn’t know you were stillo awake.” I don’t know why, but so many people  49  when they cry and I was no exception. “I didn’t  50  to cry. I’m just a little  51  tonight.”

“It’s okay, Daddy. It’s okay to cry; you’re just  52 .”

I couldn’t express(表达) how happy he made me, this little boy, who was simple, gave me  53  to cry. He seemed to be saying that I didn’t have to always be  54 , and that sometimes it was possible to allow myself to feel weak and let out my  55 .




















A.put on

B.took on

C.put down

D.took in











































































A.a person

B.a male
























    It was a cold winter morning. Half asleep at the train station, I stared into the distance,   31   for the train to take me to my   32   in Boston. The world was quiet. The very few people on the street kept to themselves,   33   their steaming cups of coffee.

Reaching into my pocket as the   34   was approaching, my numb hand searched for the $ 20 bill to pay my fare. The pocket was   35  ! I searched through my bag and then I felt   36  . Unless the money dropped from the sky, I’d be   37   there.

“What’s the matter?” A short, elderly man stood before me.

“Oh, nothing…Well, I   38   my money and now I can’t pay for the ticket. I’m going to   39   my math class and the train is leaving.”

“Here, use this.”

The man held a $ 20 bill. I looked up,   40  . People just didn’t do that any more. Everyone worried about their own   41  , rarely stopping to think about others, especially teenage strangers.

“Thank you, but no, I can’t.”

  42   it—go!” The man pushed me   43   the train. I bought a round-trip ticket, and he refused the change I   44   to give him back. I did not know what to say — a million thoughts raced through my mind, yet I stood   45  .

For the train ride I was silent. I began to see the world through   46   eyes. That man made a difference with such a simple   47  .

A week later I was at the train station again, with an extra $20   48   I saw the man. And there he was.

“Excuse me, sir, I believe I owe you this.” I   49   the money into his hand.

Failing to refuse, he said, “Just remember to do the same for someone in your shoes some day.” I smiled,   50  .

The elderly man is my hero. For many, heroes are famous, but my hero is a giving stranger who taught me a lesson in life. I will never forget his kindness.


1.A. watching           B. looking          C. reaching         D. arranging

2.A. home               B. class            C. office           D. factory

3.A. serving            B. carrying         C. minding          D. making

4.A. chance             B. crowd            C. driver           D. train

5.A. deep               B. empty            C. messy            D. tight

6.A. hopeless           B. useless          C. relieved         D. dissatisfied

7.A. blocked            B. drawn            C. stuck            D. tied

8.A. wasted             B. counted          C. spent            D. lost

9.A. miss               B. skip             C. fail             D. stop

10.A. frightened        B. disturbed        C. surprised        D. concerned

11.A. problems          B. complaints       C. positions        D. challenges

12.A. Seize             B. Get              C. Catch            D. Take

13.A. in                B. beyond           C. toward           D. on

14.A. offered           B. managed          C. happened         D. attempted

15.A. unconsciously     B. silently         C. seriously        D. uncomfortably

16.A. curious           B. changed          C. bright           D. widened

17.A. task              B. act              C. example          D. performance

18.A. so that           B. even if          C. now that         D. in case

19.A. dropped           B. pushed           C. pressed          D. placed

20.A. content           B. scared           C. annoyed          D. numb



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