
  Will crosstalk become extinct? Several years ago, people could switch on the TV and very often would find a crosstalk performance being broadcast.Today, a person could sit in front of the TV set for seven days a week,24 hours a day, and still have trouble finding a single crosstalk show.Many people who were born before the late 1970s can remember a long list of crosstalk performers:Ma Sanli, Feng Gong, Hou Yaowen, Jiang Kun, Li Jindou, Ma Ji, Niu Qun, Su Wenmao.In mid-1980s,many of these performers frequently appeared on television programmes in short comedy skits.But most of them have since disappeared from public view.Only a few-such as Feng Gong, Jiang Kun and Niu Qun-remain fresh in people’s memory thanks to their performances at China Central Television’s annual Spring Festival evening show.These performers, however, are unwilling to devote all their time to crosstalk.Feng has been trying his hand at movies, and Niu worked as a magazine editor for a while before taking up a job as deputy county magistrate in Anhui Province.

  When the art form first made its appearance 150 years ago, performers would put on shows outside or at temple fairs.Its fans were mainly farmers, peddlers and artisans.Many old crosstalk artists performed in the Tianqiao area in old Beijing, where performances of folk art were concentrated.However, for that reason, crosstalk was looked down upon and the performances were regarded as shows for the lower classes at that time.Open-air performances also allowed interaction between artists and audiences, which helped keep the art form full of vitality.The humor of crosstalk is characterized by close observation of ordinary people’s lives.

  While there were hundreds of full-time writers engaged in composing interesting comic routines in the 1950s, there are few professional writers of crosstalk nowadays.Almost all the former crosstalk writers have chosen to move into TV and film scripts, which makes more money and can be done more quickly as well.But there are also new crosstalk scripts, many created by amateur writers.But most of their work lacks appeal because, on the whole, it merely eulogizes what is good in Chinese society, rather than criticizing and satirizing problems, experts said.As a result, few modern crosstalk routines have become popular as the old ones.

  Some experts have called for crosstalk to adapt to keep pace with the rapidly changing world.Crosstalk seems to have a long road ahead before it can prosper as it did in the past.

Information about Crosstalk

Time of first appearance:________

Famous performers:________

Changes to Crosstalk:


       The Auto Show, which is being held right now in Beijing, has risen to the top ranks of global auto industry events, as China has become the world's biggest auto market.For many Chinese youngsters, having a car has become a new lifestyle reflecting freedom and success

       First, there is the thrill of individual mobility and freedom, going from one place to another in their own time, and on their own terms.

       "I like the speed; I like the freedom; I can't imagine not having a car," Hou Mingxin, 39, owner of two cars, told the Financial Times.

       And these youngsters don't just want freedom through car ownership, but also a larger social circle.Thanks to the Internet, car owners can band together for leisure activities, such as going strawberry picking in the countryside.It is an activity that many car lovers would never have attempted without the benefits of a car.

       In China, the car is also a status symbol."It's an opportunity to declare personal success," said Michael Dunne, a Shanghai-based managing director of J.D.Power and Associates, an auto industry group."The small, environmentally-friendly models are not best sellers in China.The Chinese are crazy about big cars, a symbol of achievement," said Dunne.

       Thanks to a growing middle-class, and an increasingly developed network of roads, the number of car owners in China is rapidly increasing. China last year replaced the US and became the world's largest car market with 13.6 million vehicles sold.

       But the car craze(狂热) has raised environmental and traffic concerns. Many worry that car emissions could take pollution to a new level. Heavy traffic also troubles many Chinese cities.

       China is discovering the romance of the road just as developed countries seem to have lost it. “The younger generation in mature markets is unwilling to buy cars, especially in Europe and Japan," says Klaus Paur, of TNS Auto in Shanghai.

       In developed countries, owning a car can be expensive, with the parking fees car insurance and various taxes, said a 2008 article in US magazine Newsweek.

       "Having a car is so 20th century," Kimiyuki Suda, a young white collar worker from Tokyo told Newsweek.He mostly uses subways and trains."It's not inconvenient at all."





根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.(                                                                              1    
     The Chinese have a set of proverbs that I feel truly reflects what lifelong learning attributes(特征)are.
The following are some explanations of what they mean.  
     In Mandarin(中文), it is pronounced "Huo Dao Lao, Xue Dao Lao". Learning is an important part
of existence. As we live and grow old, we should never stop learning. In every life stage, there are more
things to learn. It shouldn't stop.
     There Are No Limits To Learning
     In Mandarin, it is pronounced "Xue Wu Zhi Jing". It means there are no limits to learning. The earlier
lifelong learning attribute speaks about continuity.This speaks about no boundaries. You should not limit
the fields of what you learn.     3    
     The Love For Learning Never Tires You
     Pronounced "Hao Xue Bu Juan" in Mandarin it is loosely translated, as the love for learning should
never tire you. The first two lifelong learning attributes talk about continuous learning and no boundaries.
Learning is dynamic. It is ever moving, ever changing.     4     When you have the perseverance for
self-cultivation then the rewards are becoming more and more in life.
     Only After Learning, Do You Know What You Do Not Know
         5     Self-reflection is an important process in self-directed learning. In Mandarin it is pronounced,
"Xue Er Hou Zhi Bu Zu". Translated - it means that only after learning we know what we do not know.
This lifelong learning attribute of self-reflection creates a sense of insufficiency and thus generates an inner want to learn.
A. This lifelong learning attribute forces you to self-reflect.
B. Proverbs about life learning and career.
C. Continue to learn in the journey of Life.
D. Therefore, we should never be tired of it.
E. Three Persons Walking One Is Bound To Be My Teacher.
F. In life, if we are to improve ourselves, learning is infinite.
G. Lifelong learning attributes for career advancement.

信息匹配. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(注意:涂在答题卡上,E涂 AB  F 涂 AC   G涂 AD)


The Chinese have a set of proverbs that I feel truly reflects what lifelong learning attributes(特征)are. The following are some explanations of what they mean. 


In Mandarin(中文), it is pronounced “Huo Dao Lao, Xue Dao Lao”. Learning is an important part of existence. As we live and grow old, we should never stop learning. In every life stage, there are more things to learn. It shouldn’t stop.

There Are No Limits To Learning

In Mandarin, it is pronounced “Xue Wu Zhi Jing”. It means there are no limits to learning. The earlier lifelong learning attribute speaks about continuity.This speaks about no boundaries. You should not limit the fields of what you learn.     73     

The Love For Learning Never Tires You

Pronounced “Hao Xue Bu Juan” in Mandarin it is loosely translated, as the love for learning should never tire you. The first two lifelong learning attributes talk about continuous learning and no boundaries. Learning is dynamic. It is ever moving, ever changing.     74     When you have the perseverance for self-cultivation then the rewards are becoming more and more in life.

Only After Learning, Do You Know What You Do Not Know

     75     Self-reflection is an important process in self-directed learning. In Mandarin it is pronounced, “Xue Er Hou Zhi Bu Zu”. Translated - it means that only after learning we know what we do not know.This lifelong learning attribute of self-reflection creates a sense of insufficiency and thus generates an inner want to learn.

A. This lifelong learning attribute forces you to self-reflect.

B. Proverbs about life learning and career.

C. Continue to learn in the journey of Life.

D. Therefore, we should never be tired of it.

E. Three Persons Walking One Is Bound To Be My Teacher.

F. In life, if we are to improve ourselves, learning is infinite.

G. Lifelong learning attributes for career advancement.

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