Imagine that you are sitting in a park and suddenly remember that you need to send an urgent email. You have your laptop computer with you and you connect it to a wireless access point and access the Internet. Then you send your email. This wouldn’t have been possible if there were no wireless Internet for laptops. Wireless Internet has come into our life in so many ways that we don’t even realize what a necessary part it has become of our day-to-day lives.
How do we connect to a wireless Internet service for laptop computers? There are two ways to do this. They are Wi-Fi connection and Bluetooth connection. Wireless networking is very easy. You just switch on the Wi-Fi button that has been provided in the laptop for Wi-Fi scanning. Once that is done, the computer will connect to the Internet.
An interesting fact about Wi-Fi networking is that you can create a network between similar wireless equipment. Consider a situation where you and your friend both have Wi-Fi laptops, and there is some data you want to exchange. Traditional networking architecture demands that you have a wireless router (路由器). But the beauty of Wi-Fi networking technology is that you can set up a network between you and your friend’s laptop, and share all the data you want.
Broadband (宽带) Internet connection is typically preferred by any user as it provides better speed for Internet surfing. Up until the invention of 3G mobile phones, Internet speed on mobile phones was very slow. 3G has the promise of changing the entire face of broadband technology. Just imagine browsing at speeds of more that 2MB per second. To give you a measure of the speed, 3G enables you to watch high quality live videos on the Internet.
It is amazing to see how technology changes and the rate at which it changes. There may come a time when you may be able to browse using mobile wireless Internet for laptops anywhere in the world.
【小题1】What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.Wireless Internet will become a reality soon.
B.We can send emails outdoors through wireless Internet.
C.Laptops enable us to do business everywhere.
D.People can easily find a laptop to surf the Internet.
【小题2】People can enjoy a wireless Internet service for laptop computers by      .
A.connecting to another computerB.switching off the Wi-Fi button
C.using bluetooth connectionD.connecting bluetooth to Wi-Fi
【小题3】What should we do to share some data with a friend through Wi-Fi networking?
A.Use the same computer.B.Surf online.
C.Have a wireless router.D.Set up a network.
【小题4】One main advantage of 3G mobile phones mentioned in the passage is      .
A.their low priceB.their different functions
C.their high Internet speedD.their bright future

Over three million people will do their Christmas shopping entirely online this year without once visiting an actual shop, a poll (民意调查) has found. Overcrowding and long queues in shops are forcing people away from the high street as the hassle (烦扰) of Christmas shopping becomes too much.
The number of people turning their backs on the high street is almost one million higher than it was last year, according to the poll by YouGov. Last Christmas 2.4 million shoppers did not do any of their shopping in actual shops. The figure this year is predicted to be around 3.4 million, equal to around 7 percent of the adult population.
Over a third of people said that the main turn-off about shopping on the high street is 0ver-crow-ding. Meanwhile almost a quarter said that long queues at the cheek-out are the worst thing about it.
Of the 2.065 people pored, even those who are stir taking to the shops plan to spend less time in them this Christmas. Around 31 percent of shoppers who plan to spend at least some time on the high street will spend less than half of their shopping time in actual shops, using the rest of the time to shop remotely via the internet. This compares to 28 percent of people last year. Meanwhile the proportion of people spending over half of their shopping time in high street shops has dropped from 41 percent last year to 39 percent this year. Just 2 percent of people said that they are looking forward to dealing store staff this festival season.
Guy Boxall, senior product marketing manager at Casio Business Solutions Division, which commissioned the research from YouGov, said that despite the fall in people visiting the high street,humans are "social creatures" who actually like spending time together.
"Although the high street is facing a big challenge Christmas, retailers (零售商) should see this research as a challenge to improve the in-store shopping experience, rather than the nail in the coffin. We are social creatures, and the desire to spend time with each other, particularly at Christmas, is never going to go away," said Mr. Boxall.
【小题1】According to the poll, in this year's Christmas       

A.about 7 % of the population will do both online and actual shopping
B.about 31% of shoppers will do half of their shopping in actual shops
C.about 39% of shoppers will do more than half of their shopping in actual shops
D.over three million shoppers will quit actual shopping just because of the long queues
【小题2】What's the meaning of "turn-off" in Para.5?
A.Something that makes people lose heart
B.Something that makes people lose face
C.Something that makes people lose interest
D.Something that makes people lose courage
【小题3】It can be inferred from Mr. Boxall's words that                                                                                                   
A.retailers should reduce their in-store goods.
B.retailers wiR be pessimistic about the result of this research.
C.retailers should focus on the advantage of in-store shopping.
D.retailers will make more profits this Christmas than last Christmas
【小题4】Wheat's the writer's attitude towards Christmas online shopping?

 For those who are tired of doing the laundry, Samsung has found an answer: a washing machine that can tell you when your laundry is done via a smartphone app (application).

Strange though it may seem — "my wife already does that" was a common response among attendees viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week — Samsung is just one of many appliance makers racing to install a large number of internet-connected features in machines in an effort to make them "smart".

Last year, it was a refrigerator that tweeted. This year, it's Wi-Fi-enabled laundry machines and fridges that can tell you when your groceries are going bad.

The washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application. The phone can then be used as a remote control, so the machines can be turned on and off while their owner is at work or on the bus.

Samsung says it's not just something new — the app connection actually has some practical uses.

"If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go." said spokesperson Amy Schmidt.

The company also says that with electricity rate (电价) varying depending on the time of day, more control over when the machines are used can help save money.

Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do — enable laziness. Rather than getting up to check on whether the laundry is done, users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.

1. What can be inferred from the common response of the attendees at the CES?

A.The machine will be a big success.

B.their wives like doing the laundry.

C.The machine is unrelated to their life.

D.This kind of technology is familiar to them.

2.We can conclude from Samsung's statements that ________.

A.the app connection makes life easier is better to dry clothes in the morning

C.smartphone can shorten the drying time

D.we should refresh clothes back at home

3.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.The laundry should be frequently checked

B.Lazy people like using such machines

C.Good technologies also cause problems

D.Television may help do the laundry


Imagine that you are sitting in a park and suddenly remember that you need to send an urgent email. You have your laptop computer with you and you connect it to a wireless access point and access the Internet. Then you send your email. This wouldn’t have been possible if there were no wireless Internet for laptops. Wireless Internet has come into our life in so many ways that we don’t even realize what a necessary part it has become of our day-to-day lives.

How do we connect to a wireless Internet service for laptop computers? There are two ways to do this. They are Wi-Fi connection and Bluetooth connection. Wireless networking is very easy. You just switch on the Wi-Fi button that has been provided in the laptop for Wi-Fi scanning. Once that is done, the computer will connect to the Internet.

An interesting fact about Wi-Fi networking is that you can create a network between similar wireless equipment. Consider a situation where you and your friend both have Wi-Fi laptops, and there is some data you want to exchange. Traditional networking architecture demands that you have a wireless router (路由器). But the beauty of Wi-Fi networking technology is that you can set up a network between you and your friend’s laptop, and share all the data you want.

Broadband (宽带) Internet connection is typically preferred by any user as it provides better speed for Internet surfing. Up until the invention of 3G mobile phones, Internet speed on mobile phones was very slow. 3G has the promise of changing the entire face of broadband technology. Just imagine browsing at speeds of more that 2MB per second. To give you a measure of the speed, 3G enables you to watch high quality live videos on the Internet.

It is amazing to see how technology changes and the rate at which it changes. There may come a time when you may be able to browse using mobile wireless Internet for laptops anywhere in the world.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.Wireless Internet will become a reality soon.

B.We can send emails outdoors through wireless Internet.

C.Laptops enable us to do business everywhere.

D.People can easily find a laptop to surf the Internet.

2.People can enjoy a wireless Internet service for laptop computers by      .

A.connecting to another computer           B.switching off the Wi-Fi button

C.using bluetooth connection                D.connecting bluetooth to Wi-Fi

3.What should we do to share some data with a friend through Wi-Fi networking?

A.Use the same computer.                  B.Surf online.

C.Have a wireless router.                   D.Set up a network.

4.One main advantage of 3G mobile phones mentioned in the passage is      .

A.their low price                         B.their different functions

C.their high Internet speed                 D.their bright future


Lawmakers in the United States have expanded an investigation into the use of location-tracking systems on mobile devices. The action follows recent reports about the storing of information on the Apple iPhone. Some people consider location tracking to be a threat to personal privacy and security.

    Allan Friedman, the research director, says, “All wireless companies do some location tracking as part of their networks. This information is usually stored by the companies, not the devices, and there are laws to protect it. Law enforcement(执法) agencies, for example, have to have a fairly high standard before it can access that data. And the phone company is also prohibited from selling that information.

    Now, two researchers report that location tracking information is being stored directly on Apple devices. They said Apple’s newest operating systems gather global positioning system and timestamp information. The information is stored on the device in a file that is also uploaded (上传) to any computer that the device is connected to. The researchers say the information is available to anyone who has access to the device or computer.

Allan Friedman says, “This raises additional concerns. There’s the idea that because it’s on my phone and on my computer, rogue applications(恶意程序) that I pay for or that I’m tricked into downloading may be able to access this data and somehow misuse it.”

Apple says it is “not tracking the location of your iPhone”. It is simply keeping a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cellphone towers near the user’s location. This information is meant to help the iPhone quickly find its location when needed.

Letters have been sent to some of the leading mobile device developers, including Apple and Google. The letters asked for more information about their location tracking systems. Allan Friedman calls this an important start to strengthening privacy laws. He says, “There aren’t strong controls over things like location information, what they are doing with it, how long they are keeping it. And perhaps the most important question is, is my location data with other facts about me?”

1.Why did American lawmakers investigate the use of location-tracking systems on cell-phones?

A.Because the systems can store users’ information

B.Because many users have suffered loss after using them.

C.Because it is thought to threaten users’ privacy.

D.Because many reporters have shown the problem of the systems.

2. Allan Friedman believes that ________.

A.wireless companies focus on personal privacy.

B.people are forbidden to get access to private data at will companies may sell private information secretly

D.customers may ask wireless companies to locate their tracking

3. What do we know from Paragraph 3?

    A.  Location tracking information is stored online.

B.Apple’s newest operating systems collect all kinds of information.

C.Location tracking information may be uploaded to any iPhone.

D.Apple’s newest operating systems may reveal the private information of users.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Apple denies that it tracks the location of users.

B.The researchers may misunderstand the Apple’s systems.[来源:Z,xx,k.Com]

C.The global positioning system is to blame for rogue applications.

D.The iPhone can quickly find its location by using its user’s information.


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