
20.When he was there,he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.(  )

分析 他在那儿时,明天下班后都会去街角的那家咖啡店.

解答 答案:C
句意表达的是过去的习惯,要用would来表示,类似的还有used to,would表示过去的习惯本身,与现在无关,used to表示过去的习惯现在已经没有了;must必须,should应该,might也许都没有这样的含义.故选C.

点评 情态动词的用法是英语中常考的语言点.通常考查的方式有虚拟和推测,本题考查的是情态动词的特殊含义.学习时要注意积累.

20.Apple former CEO Steve Jobs died on Wednesday at the age of 56after a year-long battle with cancer.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco,California,USA on February 24,1955.He was given up for adoption shortly after birth and raised in Silicon Valley.When he was young,he was interested in engineering.In 1976,Jobs dropped out of Reed College when he teamed up with Steve Wozniak to sell personal computers put together in Jobs'garage.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked together to start Apple I Computer-now just called Apple.By 25,Jobs was a millionaire,and made the cover of Time Magazine at 26.He was forced out of the company in 1985and started the NeXT Corporation,but returned to his old company in 1996when Apple bought NeXT.Steve Jobs soon became Apple's chief executive officer (CEO) and sparked a resurgence(复兴) in the company with products like the colorful iMac computer and the iPod music player.
Jobs was awarded the National Medal of Technology from President Ronald Reagan in 1985,and the Jefferson Award for Public Service in 1987.In 2007,Jobs was named the most powerful person in business by Fortune Magazine.In the same year,Jobs was admitted into the California Hall of Fame(名人堂),located at The California Museum for History,Women and the Arts.
Jobs was diagnosed with cancer in 2003and had an operation in July of 2004.His health was in the news again in 2008,when his extreme weight loss sparked rumors that his cancer had occurred again.Jobs refused to speak publicly about his health,but in January of 2009he took a formal six-month leave of absence from Apple,saying that his health problems were more complex than he originally thought.He had a liver transplant that year and returned to work at Apple in June 2009.In January of 2011he again announced,without offering details,that he was taking a medical leave of absence.He resigned as Apple CEO on August 2011.
21.What happened to Steve Jobs shortly after his birth?A
A.He was deserted by his parents.
B.His mother died.
C.He was found to have suffered cancer.
D.He was adopted by Steve Wozniak.
22.Which of the following is the right order of Steve Job's life?D
a.become Apple's CEO
b.left Apple
c.returned to Apple
d.dropped out of Reed College
e.was diagnosed with cancer
f.became a millionaire
23.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?C
A.His friendship with President Ronald Reagan.
B.His winning the Jefferson Award for Public Service in 1987.
C.The honours he received.
D.His struggle against the cancer.
24.How long did Steve Jobs work for Apple?C
15.The honking of horns (喇叭),as anyone who has tried to get more than a few minutes of sleep in New York will tell you,is one of the city's most widely enjoyed common pastimes.But Aaron Naparstek has had enough of it.On one occasion,the 31-year-old website developer approached the open window of a 4x4.waited for the driver to finish honking,offered a polite"excuse me"and then yelled"Ho-o-o-o-o-o-onk!"in his face.(The response was fierce anger.) Then a few months ago he lost his patience and threw three eggs from the window of his Brooklyn apartment on to the windscreen of a car honking loudly below.But the driver threatened to kill him.So,nobly,he chose the path of non-violence.He started writing anti-honking haiku verses-honku,he called them-and taped them to local lampposts:
Oh.forget Enron*
The problem around here is
All the damn honking
(*Enron a major American company that recently caused a scandal by going bankrupt because of corrupt mismanagement)
"Then this really weird thing started happening,"Naparstek says."All these other haiku started appearing that I hadn't written."Naparstek's section of Brooklyn is now covered in anti-honking poetry,written by everyone from scary environmental activist types to violent revolutionaries;
Patience slowly fades
Residents store up their eggs
That day is coming soon.
Inevitably Naparstek has started a website-www.honku.org-and now people from across the country send him news of their own anti-honking campaigns.Poetry,it turns out,can change the world after all (if you've got enough tape ).Then,just recently,anti-anti-honking haiku started to appear,taped up by locals who thought Naparstek should stop worrying about honking and start worrying about starving children,say,or war in the Middle East instead.Naparstek has an answer for that."Stop me if this is too tenuous(不靠谱的),"he says,"but they talk about the violence in the Middle East like it's a force of nature,like it's beyond our control.But actually it's kind of like the honking-the violence is man-made.If we can figure out how to stop honking on Clinton Street,I think we could learn some things that we could use on a large scale."He pauses for a moment."I told you it was tenuous."

55.We can learn from the beginning of the passage thatA
A.honking noise has influenced people's life in New York
B.most New Yorkers enjoy sleeping late in the morning
C.New Yorkers have formed a habit of honking while driving
D.New Yorkers enjoy listening to the honking of horns
56.What is Naparstek's final response to the honking of horns?D
A.Ignore it. 
B.Yell at the driver.
C.Write to the government.
D.Act in a peaceful way.
57.The underlined word"haiku"in the passage is most probablyC
A.a type of game         B.a kind of language      C.a style of poem    D.a websile
58.According to the passage,most New Yorkers think Naparstek's response is.
A.pointless    B.reasonable      C.strange       D.abnormal
59.In response to the criticism of his anti-honking campaign,Naparstek believesA
A.finding the solution to anti-honking is as meaningful as that to starvation
B.violence in the Middle East is more of an issue worthy of note
C.big issues are beyond our control while small ones are under our control
D.if not handled properly,honking may cause serious problems like starvation
60.Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?
A.Matter-of-fact.  B.Pessimistic.  C.Humorous.  D.Serious.

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