
9.The Huangyan Island,______________ island in South China Sea,has been a part of China since _________________ ancient times.(  )

分析 黄岩岛,中国南海的一座岛屿,自古就是中国的一部分.

解答 答案:A
题干中an island是作主语的同位语,第一次在句中出现,要用不定冠词,island是元音开头的单词,要用an;ancient times古代,名词短语,不需要加冠词.故选A.

点评 冠词是一种虚词,本身不能独立使用,只能放在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物,它是英语词性中最小的一类,只有三个,一种是不定冠词a,an;一种是定冠词the.此外也有些特定场合不用冠词,即通常所称的零冠词.不定冠词表示泛指,定冠词表示特指.


In my opinion, classical music is a bit like mushrooms! You don’t see the link? Let me explain. When I was younger, I didn’t like mushrooms. They had a horrible texture(质地)and no taste at all, and I used to pick them out of every dish in which my mum tired to hide them. But gradually, as I got older, my view changed. I started to enjoy mushrooms-flavoured things like soups and sauces, and eventually I found I could eat mushrooms without grimacing(痛苦的表情). And now I even quite enjoy them! So my mum’s prediction that I would “grow into them” was proved quite correct.

Similarly, I always thought of classical music as this boring genre(类型)that only boring grown-ups liked. Whenever my parents played it in the car, I would count down the minutes until we could change it to my preferred genre: pop. But while at university, I found that calming orchestral music was just the thing for library revision playlists---it had no lyrics to stop me concentrating on my study, and the pieces tended to be very long; perfect for long work sessions!

Recently, my developing relationship with classical music reached a new level when I voluntarily chose to go to a ballet. Admittedly, it was the dancing that originally attracted me, but once there I thoroughly enjoyed the music too. It was The Nutcracker, and I was surprised by just how much of music I recognized! The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, The Russian Dance, The Waltz of the Flowers—they all sounded familiar. I didn’t know how I knew them, I just knew that I did! And I loved them. My parents would be proud.

1.Why did the author first hate eating mushrooms?

A. The author’s mother always cooked them

B. The mushrooms had terrible look and no taste

C. Some mushrooms had bad effects on health

D. Some mushrooms tasted terrible

2.How does the writer connect classical music with mushrooms?

A. By comparison B. By the order of time

C. By telling facts D. By imagination

3.What did the author’s parents think of classical music?

A. Uninterested B. Favorite

C. Curious D. Bored

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. The Art and Life

B. The Change of Hobbies

C. Classical Music and Mushrooms!

D. Music or Mushrooms?

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