
Anne is six years older than me. Growing up, we were very poor, and my mother worked evenings at a factory in a small town. Not seeing my mother much, Anne looked after me and my younger sister. During those hard years, Anne was always there for me, not only as a big sister, but as a mother and my best friend.

When I was seventeen and had no money, I thought my only chance of going to college was if I could win a scholarship. I had an important interview for such an award. Anne at that time was struggling, surviving on a part-time job as she put herself through the local community college after serving in the army. I told her of my interview. I asked her advice on what to wear and showed her my best outfit (装束) and how I planned to be careful, how I sat so that the hole in the bottom of my shoes would not be seen, but I wasn’t sure what I would do if it rained.

Anne suggested that we go shopping, and we took the bus to the JCPenney store. We found a beautiful pair of leather shoes on sale. She told me to try them on, but I thought it was just for fun as neither of us had ever owned anything that expensive before. But Anne handed me the boxed shoes and said, “Here, I’ll buy these for you.”

“But . . .” was all I could say.

“You deserve them,” she replied. “This interview is important. I want to see you get that scholarship.”

I was speechless as I knew this was a lot of money for her, and she would probably have to eat nothing but noodles for at least a month.

I went to the interview and crossed my legs so that my beautiful new shoes shone with pride. I won the scholarship and became an engineer. Although they were nice leather everyday shoes, I didn’t wear them much because they were so special. Now, after 20 years have passed, I still have that pair of shoes with me, and I just wear them on those occasions when I need to feel special.

1.When the author was 17, Anne _____.

A. was serving in the army

B. was continuing her study

C. was a salesgirl at the JCPenney store

D. was working in a small company

2.The author went to the interview _____.

A. accompanied by Anne

B. wearing a pair of worn shoes

C. with confidence

D. with great anxiety

3.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. An important interview

B. A special pair of new shoes

C. Memories of poor childhood

D. Lifelong gratitude to a friend


The pickle jar(泡菜坛), as I can remember, sat beside the dresser in my parents’ bedroom. When ready for bed, Dad would toss any coins in his pockets into the jar. As they dropped, they landed with a merry jingle.

Whenever the jar was full, Dad would roll up the coins. Every time he slid the box of rolled coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier, he would smile proudly and say,“All for my son’s college.”

We would always celebrate each deposit by stopping for an ice cream cone. Dad would show me the coins in his change, saying “When we get home, we’ll start filling the jar again.” He always let me drop the first coins into the empty jar. “You might have to get to college on loose change,” he said. “But you’ll get there.”

As years passed, I went to college, got married and took a job.

Once, while visiting my parents, I noticed the jar was gone. It had served its purpose. My dad was a man of few words and never lectured me on the values of determination, perseverance or faith. The jar had taught me those far better than the most flowery of words could have done.

Soon, my daughter Jessica was born. We spent Christmas that year with my parents. After dinner, Mom and Dad sat next to each other, taking turns holding their first grandchild. When Jessica began crying, my wife Susan took her from Dad’s arms to put her in my parents’ room.

Susan came back, tears in her eyes and led me into the room. “Look,” she said softly. To my amazement, there, next to the dresser, stood the old pickle jar, as if never removed, the bottom already covered with coins. I walked over to it, dug down into my pocket, and pulled out several coins. Choked by emotion, I dropped them into the jar.

Dad had slipped quietly into the room when I looked up. Our eyes locked, but neither of us spoke, because we knew nothing had to be said.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The author and his wife were grateful for what parents had done.

B. The jar again in the bedroom reminded themselves of the hard years.

C. The author felt disappointed when he found the jar gone.

D. The author felt embarrassed whenever his father mentioned the jar.

2.We can learn from the passage that .

A. any difficulty can be overcome with the family’s support.

B. parents teach much more through their action than their words.

C. saving is always a good habit to pass down to the next generation.

D. you need to reward yourself and celebrate regularly to keep up with your faith.

3.Which words best describe the author’s father?

A. Humorous and patient. B. Quiet but loving.

C. Generous and talkative. D. Proud but strict.

4.The pickle jar in the article represents .

A. advice of parents.

B. one’s purpose in life.

C. determination to reach a goal.

D. healthy family relations.

A Good Night's Steep

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life.While you're sleeping,your brain is forming new pathways to help you learn and remember information.Although we all know the importance of getting a good night's sleep,not all of us know the best way of getting it.A sleep expert,Phil Atherton,gave some top tips for getting the most out of the night,which will leave you ready for action in the morning.

According to Phil Atherton,not eating a large meal before bedtime is important for getting a good night's sleep.The time difference between eating and sleeping should be at least three hours.So you'd better avoid eating any food three hours before bed,as it will lower your blood sugar during sleep and help minimize damage from too much sugar floating around.

It's also important to find ways to prepare your body for sleep.You can follow a routine like trying not to expose yourself to too much artificial light within 1 hour before bed,as your brain uses light to help set internal "body clock".Although it might seem unnatural to schedule your sleep,the purpose is to send a signal to your body and mind that it's time to sleep.

Another way to prepare your body for sleep is to get into a relaxed state by taking a bath or listening to soft music.Both of them will help to take the mind off the daytime pressures.

Having a suitable bed,especially a suitable mattress (床垫),is necessary for a good night's sleep.Sleep is a personalized activity,and we all adopt different sleeping positions.Finding the mattress that suits you will reduce back pains that can result from a poor sleeping position.The bed should be four to six inches longer than its tallest user,allowing for space to move around.

The recent research is pretty clear that a good night's sleep in a major component of good health.Since the start of the 21st century,studies have linked a lack of sleep to many diseases,such as diabetes and obesity.Taking action now will lead to long-term benefits for you and those around you.

1.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?

A.When to start a sound sleep.

B.How to get a good night's sleep.

C.What to do with sleep problems.

D.Why to form a good habit of sleeping.

2.According to the author,before going to sleep,you'd better __________.

A.free yourself from tension

B.check your blood sugar

C.relieve your pain in the back

D.record your biological clock

3.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Not eating food.

B.Taking a meal.

C.Not sleeping well.

D.Having a good sleep.

4.Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?





CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion

Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world. We go fishing, sit in the garden, have a picnic, live in the suburbs or go to the seaside. The most popular leisure activity in Britain is going for a walk. When joggers jog, they don’t run the streets. Every one of them tend to go to the park or the river.

But despite this, our children are growing up nature deprived (剥夺). I spent my boyhood climbing trees. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and strange new ideas about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found.

The truth is to be found elsewhere. A study in the US: families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHD—attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (多动症). Those whose accommodation had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%; those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.

ADHD is one of the great problems of modern childhood. One study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children. However, we spend money on drugs rather than on green places.

The life of old people is measurably better when they have access to nature. The increasing concern for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years. And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality. Even problems with crime and aggressive behavior are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.

We need the wild world. It is essential to our well-being, our health and our happiness.

1.According to the author, people enjoy ________ to seek nature.

A. jogging on the street

B. sitting in the garden

C. shopping in the supermarket

D. running in the gym

2.From the second paragraph, we can see that ________.

A. adults deprive the children of their rights to approach nature

B. climbing trees will certainly do good to the children

C. children probably spend less time in nature nowadays

D. children tend to be happier as a result of their material satisfaction

3.In what way do people benefit from their contact with nature?

A. Children with ADHD can be cured.

B.A garden nearby improves the quality of old people’s life.

C. Problems with crime and violent behavior will easily be solved.

D. Children’s performance at school is greatly improved.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Access to nature improves our life.

B. Nature treats children with ADHD.

C. Getting close to nature reduces crime.

D. Man can’t live without natural areas.



Some people are just born to be failures. That’s the way some adults look at ______ kids. Maybe you've heard the saying, “A bird with a ______ wing will never fly as high.” I'm sure that T. J. Ware was made to ______ this way almost every day. At high school, T. J. was the best-known troublemaker in his town. He was a silent boy, didn’t answer questions and often ______ .

I met T. J. for the first time at an activity aimed at getting students more involved in community charity. When I ______, the community leaders ______ me that T.J. had the longest arrest(拘留) record in the history of town. Actually, I wasn’t the first to hear about T.J.’s darker side as the first words of ______ .

At the start of the activity, T. J. was just ______ outside the circle of students, against the back wall, with a(n) ______ look on his face. He didn’t readily join the discussion groups, and didn’t seem to have much to say. But gradually, the interactive games ______ him in. T. J. shared his great thoughts on ______ . The other students ______ his ideas and were impressed with his passion for helping those in need. ______ , they elected T. J. co-chairman of the group.

After the activity, T. J. started showing up at school and being active in class, which none of his teachers expected. More ______ , two weeks later, T. J. led a group of 70 students in a drive to collect ______ . They collected a school______ : 2,854 cans of food in just two hours, (the shortest time in the history of town) enough to take care of ______ families in the area for 75 days.

T. J. reminds us that a bird with a broken wing only needs ______ . Once it has ______ , it can fly higher than the rest. Now T. J. is ______ quite nicely as a chairman of a nationwide charity organization.

1.A. failed B. troublesome C. annoyed D. worried

2.A. single B. faulty C. burden D. broken

3.A. think B. walk C. feel D. struggle

4.A. fought B. drove C. challenged D. laughed

5.A. looked up B. stood up C. finished up D. turned up

6.A. warned B. suggested C. reminded D. reached

7.A.explanation B. communication C. introduction D.instruction

8.A. standing B. laughing C. hiding D. wandering

9.A. worried B. interested C. indifferent D. puzzled

10.A. allowed B. showed C. drew D. put

11.A. games B. concerns C. school D. charity

12.A. ignored B. welcomed C. doubted D. misunderstood

13.A. However B. Besides C. Anyway D. Therefore

14.A. importantly B. surprisingly C. luckily D. popularly

15.A. money B. rubbish C. cans D. food

16.A. restaurant B. record C. yard D. term

17.A. needy B. lonely C. friendly D. likely

18.A. persuading B. mending C. observing D. teaching

19.A. healed B. noticed C. appeared D. changed

20.A. behaving B. growing C. flying D. achieving

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