9£®It was the last day of school before the Christmas break£®After school£¬I went to a fast-food restaurant Subway£¬where I occasionally liked to treat £¨61£©myself£¨me£© with some snacks when I didn't bring home-made lunch£®When I finished £¨62£©ordering£¨order£© and was ready to pay£¬the young man in front of me had just paid£®However£¬£¨63£©whenI was about to give my ten-dollar bill to the cashier£¬the young man turned his head and said with a smile on his face£¬"I have paid £¨64£©foryour order£®Merry Christmas!"Then he walked toward a couple of friends £¨65£©who/thatwere waiting for him at the door£®£¨66£©Hearing£¨hear£© his words£¬I was shocked£®I heard of the kind behavior many times before£¬but it £¨67£©unexpectedly£¨unexpected£© happened to me today£®So I immediately went up to him and thanked him for his £¨68£©kindness£¨kind£©£®And he responded£¬"Christmas is around the corner£®I always do this at this time of the year£®"What he said £¨69£©inspired£¨inspire£© me£¬and I was determined to do good deeds£®For me£¬£¨70£©participating£¨participate£© in charity work might be a good way to spread my love£®·ÖÎö ¶ÌÎÄÖ÷ÒªÃèÊöÁË×÷ÕßÔÚÊ¥µ®½ÚÀ´ÁÙ֮ǰ³öºõÒâÁϵØÊÕµ½±ðÈ˵ĺÃÒ⣬×îÖÕ×÷ÕßҲ϶¨¾öÐÄÒª×öºÃÊ£®
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