
The diagram is mainly about ______.

       A.the food chain of the animal   B.the system of energy flowing

       C.how to get food for man  D.the growth of the energy

Which is not the result of photosynthesis of the plant?

       A.Oxygen is released into the air.      B.Food is provided for animals.

       C.Certain forms of energy is produced.   D. The air is cleaned.

What occurs when the energy flows through the system?

       A.Energy is consumed and one becomes the food of others.

       B.Energy is stored and plants become animals.

       C.Man plays an important part in energy flowing.

       D.The more energy is consumed, the more energy the sun will supply.

What should be done in order to improve the living conditions according to the diagram?

       A.More animals should be raised.   B.Decomposers should be made full use of.

       C.More trees should be planted.     D.Man should be controlled.








【小题1】整体识图题,根据图示和文字说明中的“Energy flows through the system…”一句可得。

【小题2】 细节判断题,根据文字说明“Significance of photosynthesis: it produces food, fuel, fiber and oxygen.”和普通常识可得。


【小题4】逻辑推理题,从文字说明和图示表面很难找到答案,抓住所设问题中的“…in order to improve the living conditions…”关键词,结合图示下面的粗标题进行分析,树是“producers”,植树多,food, fuel, fiber and oxygen就多,当然生存条件就会更好。


Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.

  Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Most scientists are now certain that global warming is taking place. Gases such as carbon dioxide produced by burning of coal, oil, wood, together with industrial pollution, are creating a warm blanket around the earth. This blanket is trapping heat in the atmosphere and so raising the temperature of the earth.

The evidence for global warming can now be seen in the world’s changing climate statistics. In Europe, eight of the last ten years have seen record high temperature. For northern Europe, this has generally been a change for the better. Gardens can now even grow tropical plants in England, though London may never see a “White Christmas” again. On the other hand, the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, and those south of the Sahara desert are receiving even less rain than before. In sub-Saharan Africa the crops are drying out in the fields and people are dying of starvation. In the Americans, the climate is becoming more extreme—the summers are getting hotter and the storms are becoming more violent. In 1999 the southern United States was struck by a series of destructive hurricanes, while the end of 1999 saw the worst floods ever in Venezuela. Meteorologists expect such trends to continue, and indeed to worsen, if global warming cannot be stopped.

In addition to worrying about rising global temperatures and more extreme weather conditions, scientists are closely monitoring sea levels around the world. These are slowly rising, as the northern and southern polar ice-caps start to melt. This will have serious consequences for low-lying countries near the sea, such as the coral islands in the Pacific, and Bangladesh where the River Ganges already floods the delta(三角洲) every year. Already parts of these places are disappearing under the rising tides.


 Title: 71._______________.


 A film was at the Circle Five Ranch to film a Marlboro commercial. This is in 1868, before they prohibited cigarette ads from American television. Darrell Winfield was watching the crew set up the equipment. The scene included an actor crossing a river on horseback, but when the time came to shoot, the man was too drunk to ride. Someone from the crews saw Winfield and asked him if he would ride the horse for  50. “Hell, ” said Winfield, “for 50 bucks, I'll jump that damn horse over the moon!”

  To people in many countries, Winfield is just a familiar but nameless face, a simple cowboy with an advertising message about a connection between the West and a brand of cigarettes. Few people know that he is advertising message about a connection between the West and a brand of cigarettes. Few people know that he is 55, a family man who’s been married to the same woman for 37 years and has 5 children and 7 grandchildren. Most surprisingly, he’s a real, working cowboy who raises horses in his ranch in Wyoming.

  One of the most striking things about the Marlboro Man is that success hasn’t changed him much. He says that complete strangers sometimes come up to him and say, “I’ve met you. know you from somewhere. ”Whenever it happens, he says that he gets embarrassed.

  60.Which of the following statements is true?

  A. Cigarette ads were prohibited in America.

  B. Cigarette ads are prohibited on television in America.

  C. Marlboro commercial was prohibited on television.

  D. Marlboro commercial was produced on television.

  61.What does the word“prohibited”in the first paragraph mean?

  A. broadcast           B. forbidden

  C. produced           D. provided

  62.When they filmed the ad, ________.

  A. Winfield was too drunk.

  B. The actor in the ad was too drunk.

  C. Winfield was setting up the equipmet.

  D. Winfield was riding a horse.

  63.From the passage, we know that Winfield was ________.

  A. an ordinary man

  B. a superstar

  C. an actor

  D. a rich man

  64.When people recognized Winfield, he felt________.

   A. excited            B. happy

  C. interested           D. uncomfortable

  65.A train car moves along a long straight track. The graph (曲线) shows the position as a function of time for this train. The graph shows that ________.

  A. slows down all the time

  B. speeds up all the time

  C. speeds up part of the time and slows down part of the time

  D. moves at a constant speed

  66.As the diagram shows, there is a fixed superconductor ring, on the right of which lies a bar magnet. There is no electric current. When the magnet is moved to the right, because of electro-magnetic, induction, a certain electric current is produced. Thus the direction of the electric current is________ .

   A. as indicated by the arrowhead in the diagram. When the magnet is moved away, the electric current will soon disappear.

  B. as indicated by the arrowhead in the diagram. When the magnet is moved away, the electric current will still remain.

  C. in the opposite direction. When the magnet is moved away, the electric current will soon disappear.

D. in the opposite direction. When the magnet is moved away, the electric current will still remain.

Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information for the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

You have probably heard a lot about goal setting and time management. Usually, once the goal is set up, it requires a lot of time and effort to achieve it.

Sometimes playing goal detective makes it more fun to reach your goal. To figure out what your goals are is based on how you spend your time. It’s sort of like those psychological rofiles(心理剖析)you hear about in movies and on television, but this time you will do it by yourself. You will find out how you spend almost every minute of the day. Normally you probably don’t write down how you spend each of those minutes, but if you were a detective and watching yourself, you would be writing down everything you did and when you did it. So, writing down what you do is the first step to be your own goal detective.

Now that you know how you spend your time, the next step is to sort the time. Things like eating, sleeping, working and playing are t he most obvious, but you can come up with as many as you want. Since you are being a detective, you will want to ask lots of questions about your activities in each of these categories. Here you use basic who, what, when, where and how questions to fill in information. For example, “Who did I spend time with?” “Where did I spend the time?” are possible questions that you could ask yourself. When you have finished with the questions you ask, “Now WHY did I spend my time in that way?” The answer to this quwstion is the goal, or at least part of a set of goals that makes you spend your time in that way.

Whatever you find out about your daily activities, chances are that the exercise will be good for you. At the very least you will know what things you did in one day and why you did them.

Title: Becoming   71 

  76  what you do and when you do it;



Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

As a parent you may realize the importance education has in our lives, however, your child hates listening to any of your arguments, thoughts and ideas. A student uninterested in education will miss college lectures and perform extremely poorly in assessment tests. In the worst cases, students may stop attending the school or college and sit at home without any concern for career, education and life. In order to encourage the students back to their college life and career, parents should first find out what causes the lack of motivation in students.

Low self-respect in students forces them to give up challenges. Even if these students try and complete some tasks, they’re clouded by many negative thinking patterns that block the flow of confidence in their personalities.

Lack of love at home can also result in the lack of motivation in students. If the parents are away from the kids or students and they’re unaware of what their kid is doing in school, then the child feels neglected and steps back from taking responsibilities and challenges.

Constant poor performance lowers the self-confidence of the student and the student will feel lost in the crowd of brilliant students. Such academic pressures can make students lose their motivation.

Nothing can be a better motivation for students than their teachers and parents. Schools should organize motivation activities for students, like games, sports and competitions, which are important for the whole personality development of the students. Involve them in some activities like dancing, music etc. that they are interested in, so that they can learn new hobbies and increase their confidence. You should stop ignoring your child’s studies and do understand his need to be heard. In short, lack of motivation in students can be completely reduced if the parents and teachers understand the kid and support him / her to break any of his / her negative patterns of thought.

Title     (71) ___________in Students



● Making students miss college lectures and get (72) __________ in tests

● Making students drop out of school and sit at home without caring about career, education and life




Low self-respect

Quitting challenges

Losing (74) _________ due to negative thinking patterns

Lack of love at home

Feeling neglected and refusing to take

(75) _________           

(76) _____________

Being less self-confident due to constant poor performance



● Organizing motivation activities for students to (78) _______ the personality .

● Making students learn new hobbies and increase their confidence in activities

● Being (79) _____ about your child’s studies and understanding his need to be heard


Motivate students by understanding them and supporting them to break their negative (80) ___________


 Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.

  Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Most scientists are now certain that global warming is taking place. Gases such as carbon dioxide produced by burning of coal, oil, wood, together with industrial pollution, are creating a warm blanket around the earth. This blanket is trapping heat in the atmosphere and so raising the temperature of the earth.

The evidence for global warming can now be seen in the world’s changing climate statistics. In Europe, eight of the last ten years have seen record high temperature. For northern Europe, this has generally been a change for the better. Gardens can now even grow tropical plants in England, though London may never see a “White Christmas” again. On the other hand, the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, and those south of the Sahara desert are receiving even less rain than before. In sub-Saharan Africa the crops are drying out in the fields and people are dying of starvation. In the Americans, the climate is becoming more extreme—the summers are getting hotter and the storms are becoming more violent. In 1999 the southern United States was struck by a series of destructive hurricanes, while the end of 1999 saw the worst floods ever in Venezuela. Meteorologists expect such trends to continue, and indeed to worsen, if global warming cannot be stopped.

In addition to worrying about rising global temperatures and more extreme weather conditions, scientists are closely monitoring sea levels around the world. These are slowly rising, as the northern and southern polar ice-caps start to melt. This will have serious consequences for low-lying countries near the sea, such as the coral islands in the Pacific, and Bangladesh where the River Ganges already floods the delta(三角洲) every year. Already parts of these places are disappearing under the rising tides.




 Title: 71._______________.








The Americas












Rising earth temperature




More violent storms




Tropical plants growing







Gases from burning coal, oil and wood with industrial pollution







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