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Dear Ms Shelley£¬
I am Li Hua£¬chairman of the Student Union£®
Yours sincerely£¬
Li Hua£®
·ÖÎö ¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£ºA students'visiting group coming from the US will pay a visit to our school on June 26 and I was appointed to take charge of arranging all the activities on that day£®±¾¾äÊÇÒ»¸öÓÉÁ¬´ÊandÒýµ¼µÄ²¢Áо䣬ÔÚ¾ä×Ó"A students'visiting group coming from the US will pay a visit to our school on June 26"ÖÐcoming fron the USÊÇÏÖÔÚ·Ö´ÊÔÚ¾äÖÐ×ö¶¨Ó±»ÐÞÊδÊvisiting groupÓëcomeÖ®¼äÊÇÖ÷ν¹Øϵ£®
¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£ºThen a discussion will be held£¬which may cover such topics as school life£¬cultural differences and so on£¬aiming to improve mutual understanding£®±¾¾äÖÐwhichÒýµ¼µÄÊÇ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬±»ÐÞÊεÄÏÈÐдÊΪdicussion£»"aiming to¡"ÊÇÏÖÔÚ·Ö´ÊÔÚ¾äÖÐ×ö×´Ó
½â´ð Dear Ms Shelley£¬
I am Li Hua£¬chairman of the Student Union£¬from Chenguang High School£®A students'visiting group coming from the US will pay a visit to our school on June 26 and I was appointed to take charge of arranging all the activities on that day£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®My plan about these activities is as follow£®
In the morning on your arrival£¬we will show you around our school and introduce our most advanced science lab to you£®Then a discussion will be held£¬which may cover such topics as school life£¬cultural differences and so on£¬aiming to improve mutual understanding£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©At noon£¬we will have a get-together in our school's dining hall£®To let our guests know more about our traditional customs and culture£¬we will prepare dumplings and noodles as main food£®In the afternoon£¬our guests together with some of our student representatives are going to visit the Haihe River and enjoy the beautiful scenery there£®After that£¬you will end your visit to our school£®
What do you think of the plan£¿Can you give me some advice on how to make your visit to our school more interesting and impressive£¿
I look forward to your reply£®
µãÆÀ ¸ÃÊéÃæ±í´ïΪÌá¸ÙÀ࣬¸ÃÀà×÷ÎÄÒ»°ã¹æ¶¨ÁË¿¼ÉúµÄд×÷˼·£¬ÂÞÁгöÁËд×÷Òªµã£®¿¼ÉúÔÚд×÷ʱӦ½«ËùÁÐÒªµãÓúÏÊʵÄÏνӴʺÏÀíµÄÁªÏµÆðÀ´£¬½ôÃÜÁªÏµÖ÷Ì⣬ÇмɹýÓÚ·¢É¢Ë¼Î¬£®ÁíÍâÔÙÔËÓÃ׼ȷµÄ¡¢¼ò½àÃ÷Á˵ÄÓïÑÔ½«ÎÄÕ²ûÊöÇå³þ£®

I stuck my shirt in the back of the closet and told my£¨4£©Cwhat had happened£®She then dialed her£¨5£©B£¬"I will no longer£¨6£©Dfor your family£¬"she told him£®That night£¬Mom told my dad that she couldn't just clean anymore£» she knew her life's achievement was something£¨7£©C£¬so she decided to find another job£®
The next morning she£¨8£©Bwith the personnel manager at the Board of Education£®He told her that without a proper education she could not teach£®So Mom decided to£¨9£©Ca university£®
After the first year in college£¬she went back to the personnel manager£®He said£¬"Are you serious£¿I think I have a£¨10£©Afor you as a teacher's assistant£®This£¨11£©D
deals with children who are mentally challenged with little or no chance of£¨12£©A£®"Mom accepted that job opportunity very£¨13£©B£®
For almost five years£¬as a teacher's assistant£¬she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children and quit£¬feeling£¨14£©A£®Then one day£¬the personnel manager and the principal showed up in her£¨15£©B£®The principal said£¬"We have watched how you£¨16£©Cthe children and how they communicate with you£¬and we £¨17£©Cyour hard-working spirit over the last five years£®We all£¨18£©Dthat you should be the teacher of this class£®"
My mom£¨19£©Bmore than twenty years there£®During her career£¬she was voted Teacher of the Year£®All of this came about because of the bad comment made in my classroom that day£®Mom showed me how to handle£¨20£©Asituations and never give up£®
1£®A£®voice | B£®student | C£®teacher | D£®noise |
2£®A£®get | B£®take | C£®carry | D£®throw |
3£®A£®thankful | B£®silent | C£®cheerful | D£®careless |
4£®A£®father | B£®sister | C£®mother | D£®classmate |
5£®A£®assistant | B£®employer | C£®directo | rD£®adviser |
6£®A£®pay | B£®apply | C£®employ | D£®work |
7£®A£®sweeter | B£®quicker | C£®greater | D£®louder |
8£®A£®went | B£®met | C£®worked | D£®stayed |
9£®A£®visit | B£®build | C£®attend | D£®prepare |
10£®A£®position | B£®duty | C£®key | D£®part |
11£®A£®event | B£®problem | C£®meeting | D£®opportunity |
12£®A£®learning | B£®judging | C£®obeying | D£®imagining |
13£®A£®patiently | B£®eagerly | C£®successfully | D£®angrily |
14£®A£®upset | B£®frightened | C£®happy | D£®comfortable |
15£®A£®home | B£®classroom | C£®apartment | D£®car |
16£®A£®punish | B£®beat | C£®treat | D£®touch |
17£®A£®hate | B£®forget | C£®admire | D£®follow |
18£®A£®discuss | B£®argue | C£®disagree | D£®agree |
19£®A£®waited | B£®spent | C£®took | D£®wasted |
20£®A£®challenging | B£®simple | C£®dangerous | D£®strange |
A lather sat at his desk staring over his monthly bills£¨21£©Dhis young son rushed in and£¨22£©A£®"Dad£®because this is your birthday and you're 55 years old£¬I'm going to give you 55£¨23£©B£®one for each year!"When the boy started£¨24£©Chis agreement£¬the father exclaimed£¬"Oh£®Andrew£¬don't do it now£» I'm too£¨25£©B
!"The youngster immediately£¨26£©Csilent as tears welled up in his big blue eyes£®£¨27£©Dthe father said£¬"You can finish later£®"
The boy said nothing but quietly£¨28£©C£¬disappointment written£¨29£©Ahis face£®That evening the father said£¬"Come and finish the£¨30£©Bkisses now£®Andrew!"But the boy didn't respond£®
Unfortunately£¬a few days later after this incident£¬the boy had an £¨31£©Cand was drowned£®His£¨32£©Dfather wrote£®"If only I£¨33£©Dtell him how much I regret my thoughtless£¨34£©A£¬and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is£¨35£©B£®"
Love is a two-way street£®Any loving act must be warmly accepted£¨36£©Dit will be taken as rejection and can£¨37£©Ba scar£®If we are too busy to give and£¨38£©Clove£¬we are too busy!Nothing is more important than£¨39£©Dwith love to the cry for love from those who are near and precious to us£¬because there may be no£¨40£©Aat all as in the case of the little boy£®
21£®A£®while | B£®before | C£®as | D£®when |
22£®A£®announced | B£®laughed | C£®replied | D£®added |
23£®A£®gifts | B£®kisses | C£®cards | D£®wishes |
24£®A£®coming up with | B£®getting away with | C£®looking forward to | D£®getting on with |
25£®A£®angry | B£®busy | C£®glad | D£®curious |
26£®A£®felt | B£®went | C£®fell | D£®looked |
27£®A£®Excitedly | B£®Nervously | C£®Jokingly | D£®Apologetically |
28£®A£®turned away | B£®calmed down | C£®walked away | D£®set off |
29£®A£®over | B£®through | C£®against | D£®within |
30£®A£®unfinished | B£®loving | C£®comforting | D£®caring |
31£®A£®operation | B£®event | C£®accident | D£®injury |
32£®A£®beloved | B£®unlucky | C£®considerate | D£®heartbroken |
33£®A£®would | B£®should | C£®must | D£®could |
34£®A words | B£®comments | C£®questions | D£®accounts |
35£®A£®racing | B£®aching | C£®sinking | D£®beating |
36£®A£®but | B£®and | C£®yet | D£®or |
37£®A£®remain | B£®leave | C£®stay | D£®keep |
38£®A£®spread | B£®hold | C£®receive | D£®catch |
39£®A£®coming | B£®accepting | C£®learning | D£®responding |
40£®A£®chance | B£®regret | C£®time | D£®story |
A£® | defend | B£® | judge | C£® | save | D£® | prevent |
A£® | talked about | B£® | referred to | C£® | came up | D£® | pointed out |