
7.By May,2012,my family was already distressed.My mother had breast cancer.And then an ulcer (溃疡) appeared on my tongue.It grew and wouldn't go away.My doctor suggested a physical examination and it was early June when I collected the reports.
"Your doctor will discuss the report with you,sir,"the nurse told me.
"You can tell me,"I said."I can deal with it.My mother has cancer."
"It's cancer."
The result hit me,and I had to idea how my life and I were about to change.
I shared the news with my family.I couldn't help crying.I thought about what I needed to do for my family and the everyday things as well.What was going to happen to my newspaper column(栏目)?I e-mailed the concerned editor about my situation.I also sent her a few columns to run while I was in treatment.
Two days later I had an operation,and I recovered quickly,but Mummy passed away soon.Except for the regular check-ups,life returned to normal.But a few months on,my doctor found cancer in my neck!
"What are my chances of survival?"I asked.
"Pick any number between one and hundred,"the doctor replied.
I had another operation.This time my doctor said I also needed radiation therapy(化疗),which is very hard on a patient with cancer.But I was again not going to allow cancer to disturb my job and life.
I have been cancerfree for over three years now.I've been working,writing and columns and appearing on my TV shws.If the disease returns,I will be unhappy.But having experienced so much and enjoyed every day,I know I am also better equipped to deal with cancer or anything else.

28.The underlined word"distressed"in the 1st paragraph meansC.
A.Confident    B.secure    C.upset     D.doubtful
29.Which is correct order according to the story?D
a.Cancer was found in my neck.
b.I had an operation along with radiation therapy.
c.I have been free of cancer for three years.
d.Cancer was found in an ulcer on my tongue.
e.My mom passed away.
A.d-b-a-e-c     B.e-a-c-d-b          C.e-d-a-b-c        D.d-e-a-b-c
30.The author intends to tell us toD.
A.put work in the first place             B.kill cancer with operations
C.get along well with all family         D.face difficulties andlivebravely
31.Which of the following words best describes the author?A
A.strong-willed B.easy-going      C.warm-hearted      D.peace-loving.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了我和母亲都患有癌症,母亲甚至去世了,告诉我们要学会面对困难和勇敢的生活.

解答 28.C.细节理解题.根据第一段By May,2012,my family was already distressed.My mother had breast cancer.And then an ulcer (溃疡) appeared on my tongue可知到了2012年5月,我的家人十分苦恼.我的母亲得了乳腺癌;意为沮丧的;故选C.
30.D.推理判断题.根据最后一段But having experienced so much and enjoyed every day,I know I am also better equipped to deal with cancer or anything else可知作者试图告诉我们要学会面对困难和勇敢的生活;故选D.
31.A.推理判断题.根据最后一段But having experienced so much and enjoyed every day,I know I am also better equipped to deal with cancer or anything else可知作者是一个意志坚强的人;故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

17.There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and(61)less(little) salt.This trend,which was started by the medical community(医学界)as a method of fighting heart disease,has had some unintended side(62)effects(effect) such as overweight and heart
disease-the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.
Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet.They are(63)required( require) to process the food
that we eat,to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.When fat and salt(64)are removed
(remove) from food,the food tastes as if is missing something.As a result,people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.Even (65)worse(bad),the amount of fast food that people eat (66)goes(go) up.Fast food(67)is(be) full of fat and salt; by eating (68)more (much) fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.
Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and
will improve the taste of your food.However,be (69)careful(care) not to go to extremes.Like anything,it is possible to have too much of both,which is not good for the (70)health(healthy).
18.There are several ways from which to choose for you to keep your kids safe in your neighborhood.But the first step to keep your child safe in your neighborhood is to know your neighbors.
Knowing your neighbors can save you a lot of worry.It lets you know that the car that has just driven down the street belongs to"the yellow house on the corner",or the truck that has just driven by the playground looks unfamiliar,but the guy in the passenger seat resides two doors down.It's these simple things that keep you from going out of your mind whenever you see someone driving by where children are playing.
But you shouldn't just know what they look like.The next step is to know them well.What do they do?How do they act?You might be OK with them driving by the playground since they live in the neighborhood,but are you OK with them being on the playground?Knowing your neighbors solves several things.First you find out what kind of people they are.This helps you know if you should let your child go out in an area where they gather.Let us face it:you do not want your child to play around people or people's children that curse (咒骂) or hit each other.Sometimes you have to protect your child against your own neighbors.
Knowing them also makes them know you.Being neighbors is an interesting thing.You might not like them or have the same views as them,but we all usually protect those that we consider our own.If you know your neighbors,they know you.They are more likely to look after the child of the nice lady down the street in the brick (砖) house,than the people,in the house on the corner,who no one ever sees.

54.This passage is mainly to tell usA.
A.how to keep your child safe in the neighborhood
B.how to set a good example to your neighbors
C.how to get along with your neighbors
D.how to teach your child to protect himself
55.If someone resides two doors down,heC.
A.studies at the same school with your kid
B.often comes to the neighborhood to offer help
C.lives in the same neighborhood as you
D.likes driving the truck around the neighborhood
56.The underlined phrase"going out of your mind"in Paragraph 2 probably meansB.
A.becoming very excited
B.becoming very worried
C.becoming very disappointed
D.becoming very relaxed
57.From the third paragraph we can know thatD.
A.it is important for you to be polite to your neighbors
B.people in the same neighborhood are quite different
C.people like enjoying themselves on the playground
D.knowing your neighbors helps to keep your kids safe.
15.Any car accident is frightening,but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water,with you trapped inside,is absolutely terrifying.(36)DHowever,most deaths result from panic,without a plan or understanding what is happening to the car in the water.By adopting a brace(支撑) position,acting decisively and getting out fast,you can save yourself from a sinking vehicle.
Brace yourself for impact (撞击力).As soon as you're aware that you're going off the road and into a body of water,adopt a brace position.The impact could set off the airbag system in your vehicle,so you should place both hands on the steering wheel in the"ten and two"position.
Undo your seatbelt.(37)FUnbuckle the children,starting with the oldest first.Forget the cell phone call.Your car isn't going to wait for you to make the call.
(38)ALeave the door alone at this stage and concentrate on the window.A car's electrical system should work for up to three minutes in water,so try the method of opening it electronically first.Many people don't think about the window as an escape option either because of panic or misinformation about doors and sinking.
Break the window.If you aren't able to open the window,or it only opens halfway,you'll need to break it with an object or your foot.It may feel counter-intuitive (有悖常理的) to let water into the car.
Escape when the car has equalized.If it has reached the dramatic stage where the car cabin has been filled with water and it has become balanced,you must move quickly and effectively to ensure your survival. (40)CWhile there is still air in the car,take slow,deep breaths and focus on what you're doing.

A.Open the window as soon as you hit the water.
B.Surviving a sinking car is not as difficult as you think.
C.It takes 60 to 120 seconds for a car to fill up with water usually.
D.Such accidents are particularly dangerous to the risk of drowning.
E.In conclusion,if you know what to do in the water,you will be safe.
F.This is the first thing to attend to,yet it often gets forgotten in the panic.
G.But the sooner the window is open,the sooner you can escape directly through it.
2.Even as Google plans to test its fleet(车队)of self-driving cars on public roads this summer,its business model remains a bit of a mystery.By 2025,as many as 250,000self-driving vehicles could be sold each year globally,according to a study by an industry research firm.
"Vehicles that can take anyone from A to B at the push of a button could transform mobility for millions of people,"said Chris Urmson,director of Google's self-driving car project.For now,Google has no plans to sell any of its self-driving cars.They are strictly for research.But they willhit public roads this summer near Google's headquarters in Mountain View,California.Previous testing has taken place only on closed courses.
The cars are built to operate without a steering wheel,accelerator(油门)or brake pedal."Our software and sensors do all the work,"Urmson said."The vehicles will be very basic-we want to learn from them and adapt them as quickly as possible-but they will take you where you want to go at the push of a button."The prototype(雏形)are the first of a 100-car flet the tech giant is building.
In the long run,Urmson sees a future of safer roads-the majority of auto accidents are caused by human error-and fewer traffic jams.Robotic cars could also shuttle people who can't drive because of age or illness.
Google has said that self-driving cars could launch new business models in which people buy the use of vehicles they don't own.The company has already tested other types of self-driving cars on public streets,including modified Lexus sport-utility vehicles,under a special permit program by the California Department of Motor Vehicles that requires a human driver at the controls.
The state has ssued six other companies permits to operate such cars,including Delphi,Mercedes-Benz,Volkswagen,Tesla,Bosch and Nissan.The vehicles that will be tested on open roads this summer will have removable steering wheels,accelerators and brake pedals to allow"safety drivers"to take control if needed.
Google says the cars are safe.The vehicles have sensors that"can detect objects out to a distance of more than two football fields in all directions,which is especially helpful on busy streets with lots of intersections,"Urmson said."We're looking forward to learning how the community understands and interacts with the vehicles,and to uncovering challenges that are unique to a fully self-driving vehicle,"Urmson said.

28.The passage informs us that self-driving carsA.
A.will probably decrease traffic jams
B.have already passed necessary tests
C.have been purchased by some companies
D.will be able to communicate with drivers
29.According to Chris Urmson,A.
A.software and sensors are vital for self-driving cars
B.self-driving cars can give driving orders to humans
C.self-driving cars are specially designed for the elderly
D.ordinary vehicles will be replaced by self-driving cars
30.The underlined word"intersections"in the last paragraph probably meansC.
A.accidents      B.buildings      C.crossings      D.vehicles
31.What is the best title for this passage?D
A.Self-driving Car Avoids Human Errors
B.Self-driving Car Meets New Challenges
C.Google's Self-driving Car Enjoys Global Popularity
D.Google's Self-driving Car Graduates to City Streets.
12.Too often we accuse others of not listening,pretending that we ourselves are faultless,yet we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven't listened carefully enough.We get things wrong because we haven't quite understood what someone meant when they were talking to us.Anyone who has ever taken the minutes of a long meeting will know how hard it's to remember--despite the benefit of notes--exactly what everyone said.But success depends on getting things right--and that means listening.
Listening isn't the same thing as hearing; it's not an effort actively.It demands attention and concentration.It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification-it's always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong.However,if you allow your mind to wander onto something else,even for a few minutes,you'll miss what the speaker is saying-probably at the very moment when he/she is saying something critical(关键的).And not having heard,you won't knw you've missed anything until it's too late.
The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we're going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished.We then stop listening.Even worse,this often adds rudeness to inattentiveness,as once you've decided what to say there's a fair chance you'll interrupt to say it.Good listeners don't interrupt.In fact it's often worth explaining the main idea of what you've just been told before continuing to make your own points.Nobody is offended(使恼怒) by this and it shows you have listened well.
Above all,be patient and accept that many people aren't good communicators.It's helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they're speaking can reveal(透露) much about what they're saying.Equally important,you should put yourself in the other person's place; it'll help you understand what they are getting at and form a response.But don't be too clever.Faced with a know-all,many people keep quiet because they see no point in continuing.

32.Which of the following can best replace the underlined part?A
A.what they imply
B.what they lack
C.what they attack
D.what they achieve
33.We know the following from the last paragraph EXCEPTD.
A.we should think more of others while having a talk.
B.a number of people are not good at communicating.
C.body gestures can tell a lot about what people are saying.
D.faced with a know-all,we should try our best to be clever.
34.What lesson can we learn from this passage?A
A.Listening inattentively may lead to your failure in talk.
B.We should blame ourselves for not understanding others.
C.Don't accuse others of not listening while talking with them.
D.Think carefully of what you'll say before the speaker finishes.
35.Which is the best title for this passage?B
A.Don't Be Too Clever
B.Be a Good Listener
C.Don't Miss Anything Critical
D.Think of the Speaker.
19.Chelsea:Hey,what were you watching just now?Sounded something full of(56)violence (violent).
Heather:It is,sometimes.That was Sherlock,that new British series.I've never seen anything like this show.It has got everything,drama,action,mystery,and even some comedy.It's the all-in-one show.
Chelsea:I (57)thought/had thought  (think) all British dramas were dismal(沉闷无趣的)affairs.
Heather:I did,too.But I guess that's an old stereotype.This TV show is very interesting.You will love it(58)immediaely(immediate) you watch it.Yo can add it(59)to your list.British people used to look down upon American shows.They saw American TV as shallow and cheap.I wonder(60)whether/if the commercials had anything to do with that?
Chelsea:Probably.I do hate(61)it when there is a good story(62)interrupted (interrupt)by annoying advertisements.But times have changed.Now American TV is turning heads around the world,and British TV has (63)a repuation for being dull.
Heather:Maybe that's because nobody else gets British humor.
Chelsea:Maybe.But if Sherlock is  (64)as good as you say it is,maybe there's some new life in British TV.
Heather:There certainly is!The writing is good,the story is fun and the casting is perfect.The actors really fit the (65)charaters  (character)!
16.1A narrow escape from death can actually improve a person's view on life.That,at least,was one of the major findings of a study of some 200 people who come close to dying.Some had come through heart attack; some had fallen and come close to drowning or survived a terrible car wreck,yet despite the variety of circumstances,they reported strikingly similar reactions to their experiences.
Perhaps most surprisingly,many said they were less frightened of death now than they were before.Like most people,before their near-death incidents,many had thought death would be painful,the ultimate horror-but they didn't find it was.
Surviving a nearly fatal experience also gave many people a sense of invulnerability(不会受伤害)that made them feel special and even religious.Several believed they had been saved because they were to fulfill some special mission in the remainder of their lives.
Perhaps not so surprisingly,these survivors also reported an increased enthusiasm for life and a determination to enjoy life more.
A few of the survivors did report negative reactions to their experience.A dozen said they felt more vulnerable(脆弱的),and some even felt a sense of helplessness and a loss of control over their lives.Some had become phobic about activities associated with the accident; for example,several said they could no longer swim for fear of drowning.
Yet most of those interviewees said they came away with a strong sense of renewal or rebirth.In studying their reactions researchers have concluded that these people have come to understand the relationship of life and death better and more intimately than most of us,they have come to understand how life is actually defined by death.Life is given meaning by the fact that it will end someday.
51.From the passage,we can infer that the effects of near-death experiences on the survivors'lifeC.
A.differ due to the variety of circumstances         
B.vary greatly from person to person
C.are mostly positive in terms of their view on life   
D.are neither positive nor negative
52.Which effect of the near-death experience was the one that people had seldom expected?B
A.Some people became easier to get hurt.
B.Some people did not worry too much about death any more.
C.Some people paid more attention to the value of life.
D.Some people tended to be too pessimistic about death.
53.The positive effect of near-death experience was thatA.
A.some people loved life better because they realized its new meaning
B.some people felt a sense of helplessness
C.some people felt a loss of control over their lives
D.some people wanted to seek extreme happiness because they knew life was too limited
54.The word"phobic"(in paragraph 5)most probably meansD.
A.very careful B.very casual C.very curious D.very fearful
55.Which of the following can best express the idea of this passage?B
A.How to Improve a Person's View on Life.
B.The Effects of Near-Death Experience.
C.Is Death Really Horrible?
D.Near-Death Accidents and their Survivors.

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