
SHANGHAI: Plans for a tall tower at the renowned West Lake scenic spot that were shelved(搁置) two years ago for exceeding the height limit were recently brought up again — with the building’s design still taller _1.__ is allowed.

The latest blueprint for the property_2.__ display in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, shows a 48-meter tower that will contain _3.__ five-star hotel boasting views of the lake. This replaces the 85-meter building __4._(propose) two years ago.

But the new tower still exceeds the height limit of 25 meters as dictated in Hangzhou’ s plan for buildings within the West Lake scenic spot__5.__ was developed to “better protect the landscape and flavor of the world-famous scenic site”

The developer, Kerry Property, declined _6._ (comment) yesterday.

Staff from Hangzhou’s municipal urban planning bureau said __7.__ had not received any __8.__(apply) from the developer, which means the project has not yet been approved by the authorities.

“The newly proposed height is still too high for the West Lake area. The developer should take the interests of the whole region __9.__ consideration” Zhou Fuduo, a city-planning professor from Zhejiang University, was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

The developer said the additional stories_ _10.__ (need) to make more profits, he said.








6. to comment




10.were needed


1.[解析] 结合语境考查连词。注意前面的关键词taller,再由下文内容可知本文主要涉及建塔高度超标的问题。

[答案] than

2.2[解析] 结合语境考查固定搭配。on display “在展览中。此处意为在浙江省的省会杭州展出了该塔的最新蓝图

[答案] on

3.3[解析] 结合语境考查不定冠词的用法。此处a用来表示一个。考生应注意名词前设空,答案应首选冠词之类的限定词。

[答案] a

4.4[解析] 结合语境考查非谓语动词作定语。由谓语动词replaces可知,此处应用propose的分词作定语;buildingpropose之间为动宾关系,所以用过去分词作定语。

[答案] proposed

5.5[解析] 结合语境考查which引导非限制性定语从句。which指代前面的the West Lake scenic spot,在后面的定语从句中充当主语。

[答案] which

6.6[解析] 结合语境考查非谓语动词作宾语。decline后需要接不定式作宾语,意思为委婉拒绝做某事。句意:昨天开发商Kerry Property拒绝评论。

[答案] to comment

7.7[解析] 结合语境考查人称代词。从设空的特点可以看出此处宾语从句中缺少主语,因此答案首选人称代词;由上文中的“Staff from Hangzhou’s municipal urban planning bureau”可得出此处应用they指代表示整体概念的staff“全体职工

[答案] they

8.8[解析] 考查词性转换。从前面的修饰语any可知,此处需要一个名词形式,apply为动词,根据语境可知,此处应用其名词形式application

[答案] application

9.9[解析] 结合语境考查介词。take...into consideration”……考虑在内。此处意为:开发商应该把整个地区的利益考虑在内。

[答案] into

10.0[解析] 结合语境考查动词的时态和语态。主句为一般过去时,且stories与动词need之间为动宾关系。此处意为开发商说要想获得更大的利润需要多建几层塔

[答案] were needed



Hotel                              A

A manager


The applicants (申请人) must have 2 years’ work experience in a big restaurant.

Please call 010 6554 7689, or send your resume to: Johnsmith@163.com.

                         Tour Companies                             B

Tour Guide

Good oral English is required.

¥450-¥1,200 PER WEEK

This is one of the largest tour companies in China and there are 3 positions for young people in Beijing.

Besides English, French speakers are especially welcome.

Phone 010 7536 7745 for more information.

                Kindergarten Teachers Wanted                       C

For kids aged 3 to 6

5 days per week

Be fluent in English or French.

Patience is needed.

All applicants must be able to work in Shanghai.

Phone 021 7176 6365

                       Shining Star Restaurant                       D

Food Servers

The biggest and busiest restaurant in Beijing is seeking excellent people. If you

have experiences in dining restaurants and are looking for a job, then come for an


Interview day is Friday, 6th, May, from 12 am to 7 pm.

Shining Star Restaurant is located at 23 Fuxing Road in Beijing.

1.The four advertisements are all for ______.

A. salesmen         B. managers          C. teachers      D. job hunters

2.How many advertisements are for waiters?

A. One.            B. Two.           C. Three.          D. Four.

3.In advertisement C, the kindergarten teachers should ______.

A. have 3-6 years’ work experience

B. know both English and French

C. have patience with children

D. come from Shanghai


A study of a university in Shanghai had found that many of the students there are using a quote(引语)from the Italian poet Dante as a kind of motto. The study of Fudan University, one of China’s top universities, of 489 students, found that 82 had chosen Dante’s “Follow your own path and don’t worry about what others say” as their motto, out of 278 people who said they had a motto. This was followed by “Believe yourself” and “Self-improvement without stop.”

Students also expressed a common hope for greater understanding and care and said they were always ready to give a hand to those in need.

Some researchers think that mottoes can play an important part in children’s growth and they say that a good motto can help children develop a better character.

1.The study shows _________.

         A.which university should have mottoes

         B.what poems are popular

         C.how many students like the motto “Believe yourself.”

         D.the majority of the students like to choose their favorite mottoes

2.Of the students asked, _______ students have mottoes.

         A.about 78% B.about 57%         C.about 16% D.about 8%

3.The motto “Self-improvement without stop” shares the similar meaning with ______.

         A.going on to improve rapidly

         B.growing by oneself continuously

         C.making oneself better and perfect continuously

         D.becoming better without having a break

4.The best title for the passage should be _______.

         A.Mottoes and Character Developing         B.Students and Poet

         C.Mottoes and Learning                   D.Understanding Care





Cao Min couldn’t believe she was experiencing exactly what she had seen years ago in the film “Titanic”.

Cao and her two children from Anhui Province were traveling on board the “Liaoludu 7” on February 22.They were among the first people on the ship who were rescued by lifeboats.Cao’s one-year-old son was the youngest passenger on board.

The “Liaoludu 7” was traveling in the Bohai Straits from Lvshun in Liaoning Province to the port city of Longkou in Shandong Province.It suddenly lost its power at 2:30 pm and tilted(倾斜)on its side.With 81 people on board, the ferry(渡船)began to sink.

“I was so scared that my legs couldn’t move forward.They kept shaking even when I was asked to jump onto a lifeboat,” Cao recalled.

Upon receiving the may?day appeal(紧急呼救), China Marine Search and Rescue Centre immediately informed the State Council.The center sent eight lifeboats to the sinking ship and asked for help from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Navy and nearby fishing boats.

After more than four hours of fighting strong winds and freezing ocean water, the passengers were rescued.All but four survived.These four died after spending too long time in the freezing waters, according to a spokesperson for the Beijing-based center.

46.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.The film “Titanic” had been on show again in Shanghai.

B.Cao’s two-year-old son was the youngest passenger on board.

C.“Liaoludu 7” with all passengers on board survived.

D.The ferry began to sink on the way to the port of Shangdong Province.

47.The underlined word “scared” in paragraph 4 means “__________” in English.

A.anxious        B.unfortunate   C.frightened     D.disappointed

48.From the passage we can infer that __________.

A.China Marine Search and Rescue Centre quickly carried out the rescue task

B.the center sent eight lifeboats and asked for help from the United Nations

C.the passengers were fighting strong winds and freezing ocean water for one hour

D.the ferry sank into the sea immediately it tilted on its side at 2:30 pm


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