Dear Jim£¬
Li Hua£®

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obtain understanding on sth »ñµÃ¶ÔijʵÄÁ˽â
in order to ΪÁË¡­
history figure ÀúÊ·ÈËÎï
Confucius ¿××Ó
politician ÕþÖμÒ
educator ½ÌÓý¼Ò
one's thirties ijÈ˵ÄÈýÊ®¶àËê
creator ´´Ê¼ÈË
have great influence on sth ¶Ô¡­ÓÐÖØÒªµÄÓ°Ïì
propose ÌáÒé
Confucianism Èåѧ
kernal ºËÐÄ
in addition ÁíÍâ
be considered as ±»ÈÏΪÊÇ¡­
guidence Ö¸µ¼
Education without Distinction£®ÓнÌÎÞÀà
One of his saying"The benevolent loves others£®"¢Ùhas developed into¢Úthe kernal of the Confucianism£®
¢ÙThe benevolent loves others£®ÈÊÕߣ¬°®ÈË£®
¢Údevelop into ·¢Õ¹³É¡­
His thought in teaching is considered as a wise guidence in my study£®

½â´ð Dear Jim£¬
I'm so glad to hear that you are interested in Chinese culture£®In order to help you obtain further understanding on Chinese culture£¬I will show you one of my favorite history figures to you£®His name is Confucius£¨circa 551-479 BC£©£®£¨¸ÃÈËÎïÊÇË­£©He is a philosopher£¬a politician and an educator£®He became an educator since his thirties£®He is one of the most famous people in ancient China£®He is the creator of the Confucianism£®One of his saying"The benevolent loves others£®"has developed into the kernal of the Confucianism£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿His thought has a great influence on Chinese culture£®£¨¹±Ï×Ò»£©In addiction£¬as an educator£¬he proposed the thought"Education without Distinction"£®Many of his thoughts in education are widely applied in teaching£®£¨¹±Ï׶þ£©Since Confucius teachings and philosophy were so advanced£¬it has been the education for China for 2£¬000 years£®It is called Confucianism£®£¨¹±Ï×Èý£©His thought in teaching is considered as a wise guidence in my study£®£¨¶ÔÎÒµÄÓ°Ï죩¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿
If you want to know more£¬please let me know£®I will send you some books£®
Li Hua

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2£®An Extension of the Human Brain
   Other people can help us compensate for our mental and emotional deficiencies £¨Ç·È±£©£¬much as a wooden leg can compensate for a physical deficiency£®To be exact£¬other people can extend our intelligence and help us understand and adjust our emotions£®When another person helps us in such ways£¬he or she is participating in what I've called a"social prosthetic £¨ÒåÖ«µÄ£©system£®"Such systems do not need to operate face-to-face£¬and it's clear to me that the Internet is expanding the range of my own social prosthetic systems£®It's already a big bank of many minds£®Even in its current state£¬the Internet has extended my memory and judgment£®
Regarding memory£ºOnce I look up something on the Internet£¬I don't need to keep all the details for future use-I know where to find that information again and can quickly and easily do so£®More generally£¬the Internet functions as if it were my memory£®This function of the Internet is particularly striking when I'm writing£» I'm no longer comfortable writing if I'm not connected to the Internet£®It's become natural to check facts as I write£¬taking a minute or two to dip into PubMed£¬Wikipedia£¬or other websites£®
Regarding judgment£ºThe Internet has made me smarter in matters small and large£®For example£¬when I'm writing a textbook£¬it has become second nature to check a dozen definitions of a key term£¬which helps me dig into the core and understand its meaning£®But more than that£¬I now regularly compare my views with those of many others£®If I have a"new idea£¬"I now quickly look to see whether somebody else has already thought of it£¬or something similar-and I then compare what I think with what others have thought£®This certainly makes my own views clearer£®Moreover£¬I can find out whether my reactions to an event are reasonable enough by reading about those of others on the Internet£®
These effects of the Internet have become even more striking since I've begun using a smartphone£®I now regularly pull out my phone to check a fact£¬watch a video£¬read weibo£®Such activities fill the spaces that used to be dead time £¨such as waiting for somebody to arrive for a lunch meeting£©£®
But that's the upside £¨ºÃ´¦£©£®The downside is that in those dead periods I often would let my thoughts flow and sometimes would have an unexpected insight or idea£®Those opportunities are now fewer and farther between£®
An  Extension of the Human Brain

A  prosthetic nature
¡ñThe £¨71£©Internetcan help make up for our mental and emotional deficiencies as a wooden leg can compensate for a bodily deficiency£®
¡ñIt£¨72£©participates/joinsin our daily events extending our intelligence£¬
Comprehending our feelings£¬and expanding the range of social

Wonderful aspects
Memory and judgment
¡ñOn the Internet£¬we could quickly and easily locate the details£¬and check facts£¬without£¨73£©keepingthem in mind£®
¡ñThe internet makes us smarter over£¨74£©all/different/variouskinds of things£®It provides a dozen definitions of a key term for us to find the £¨75£©heart/coreof the matter£®
¡ñThe Internet enables us to exchange ideas with many others to £¨76£©checkour claims£¬and to £¨77£©judgeour actions£®

The £¨78£©mixed/twosides of smartphones
¡ñSmartphones make it easier and more £¨79£©convenientto check reality£¬video clips£¬read uxibo£®
¡ñSmartphones£¨80£©reducethe possibility for new and insightful minds£¬and steal away our dead time£®
9£®Not so long ago£¬most people didn't know who Shelly Ann Francis Pryce was going to become£®She was just an average high school athlete£®There was every indication that she was just another American teenager without much of a future£®However£¬one person wants to change this£®Stephen Francis observed then eighteen-year-old Shelly Ann as a track meet and was convinced that he had seen the beginning of true greatness£®Her time were not exactly impressive£¬but even so£¬he seemed there was something trying to get out£¬something the other coaches had overlooked when they had assessed her and found her lacking£®He decided to offer Shelly Ann a place in his very strict training seasons£®Their cooperation quickly produced results£¬and a few year later at Jamaica's Olympic games in early 2008£¬Shelly Ann£¬who at that time only ranked number 70 in the world£¬beat Jamaica's unchallenged queen of the sprint£¨¶ÌÅÜ£©£®
"Where did she come from£¿"asked an astonished sprinting world£¬before concluding that she must be one of those one-hit wonders that spring up from time to time£¬only to disappear again without signs£®But Shelly Ann was to prove that she was anything but a one-hit wonder£®At the Beijing Olympic she swept away any doubts about her ability to perform consistently by becoming the first Jamaican woman ever to win the 100 meters Olympic gold£®She did it again one year on at the World Championship in Briton£¬becoming world champion with a time of 10.73---the fourth record ever£®
Shelly-Ann is a little woman with a big smile£®She has a mental toughness that did not come about by chance£®Her journey to becoming the fastest woman on earth has been anything but smooth and effortless£®She grew up in one of Jamaica's toughest inner-city communities known as Waterhouse£¬where she lived in a one-room apartment£¬sleeping four in a bed with her mother and two brothers£®Waterhouse£¬one  of the poorest communities in Jamaica£¬is a really violent and overpopulated place£®Several of Shelly-Ann's friends and family were caught up in the killings£» one of her cousins was shot dead only a few streets away from where she lived£®Sometimes her family didn't have enough to eat£®She ran at the school championships barefooted because she couldn't afford shoes£®Her mother Maxime£¬one of a family of fourteen£¬had been an athlete herself as a young girl but£¬like so many other girls in Waterhouse£¬had to stop after she had her first baby£®Maxime's early entry in to the adult world with its responsibilities gave her the determination to ensure that her kids would not end up in Waterhouse's roundabout of poverty£®One of the first things Maxime used to do with Shelly-Ann was taking her to the track£¬and she was ready to sacrifice everything£®
It didn't take long for Shelly-Ann to realize that sports could be her way out of Waterhouse£®On a summer evening in Beijing in 2008£¬all those long£¬hard hours of work and commitment finally bore fruit£®The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty£¬surrounded by criminals and violence£¬had written a new chapter in the history of sports£®
But Shelly-Ann's victory was far greater than that£®The night she won Olympic gold in Beijing£¬the routine murders in Waterhouse and the drug wars in the neighbouring streets stopped£®The dark cloud above one of the world's toughest criminal neighbourhoods simply disappeared for a few days£®"I have so much fire burning for my country£¬"Shelly said£®She plans to start a foundation for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse£®She hopes to inspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons£®She intends to fight to make it a woman's as well as a man's world£®
As Muhammad Al i puts it£¬"Champions aren't made in gyms£®Champions are made from something they have deep inside them£®A desire£¬a dream£¬a vision£®"One of the things Shelly-Ann can be proud of is her understanding of this truth£®

65£®Why did Stephen Francis decide to coach Shelly-Ann£¿B
A£®He had a strong desire to free her family from trouble£®
B£®He sensed a great potential in her despite her weaknesses£®
C£®She had big problems maintaining her performance£®
D£®She suffered a lot of defeats at the previous track meets£®
66£®What did the sprinting world think of Shelly-Ann before the 2008 Olympic Games£¿C
A£®She would become a promising star£®
B£®She badly needed to set higher goals£®
C£®Her sprinting career would not last long£®
D£®Her talent for sprinting was known to all£®
67£®What made Maxime decide to train her daughter on the track£¿C
A£®Her success and lessons in her career£®
B£®Her interest in Shelly-Ann's quick profit£®
C£®Her wish to get Shelly-Ann out of poverty£®
D£®Her early entrance into the sprinting world£®
68£®What can we infer from Shelly-Ann's statement underlined in Paragraph 5£¿B
A£®She was highly rewarded for her efforts£®
B£®She was eager to do more for her country£®
C£®She became an athletic star in her country£®
D£®She was the envy of the whole community£®
69£®By mentioning Muhammad Ali's words£¬the author intends to tell us that£®D
A£®players should be highly inspired by coaches
B£®great athletes need to concentrate on patience
C£®hard work is necessary in one's achievements
D£®motivation allows great athletes to be on the top
70£®What is the best title for the passage£¿A
A£®The Making of a Great Athlete
B£®The Dream for Championship
C£®The Key to High Performance
D£®The Power of Full Responsibility£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
