

1She looks________she were ten years younger.

2He________me to make me believe what he said.

3We ________attending next week’s opening ceremony of the art festival.

4The Dragon Boat Festival is ________Qu Yuan.

5The audience________ as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.


1as if

2played a trick on

3are looking forward to

4in memory of

5held their breath


1她看起来好像比年实际年龄小十岁。表示“好像”,所以填as if

2他捉弄我,让我相信他说的话表示发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时所以填played a trick on

3我们期待着参加下星期的艺术节开幕式表示现在正在进行的动作,用现在进行时,所以填are looking forward to

4端午节是为了纪念屈原。表示“纪念”,所以填in memory of

5当这名杂技演员走在钢丝上时,观众们都屏住了呼吸。由walked along判断出是发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以填held their breath



Rugby players have a reputation of being big, strong and rude on the field. But Takamasa Hoshiyama, 17, says the reality of rugby is very different from what it looks like.

“Whatever your size or speed, anyone can play rugby,” says the Island School student, who also plays on the U19 Hong Kong rugby team.

Taka has been playing rugby since he was just four years old, following in the footsteps of his father. “My dad played rugby and he was keen (渴望的) for me to play,” says Taka. A lot has happened to Taka since his first game with his father. In the 2014 New Year's Day game against the Overseas Barbarians, he was named Man of the Match, and has taken the role of captain in his club team.

And of course, he's grown throughout his years of playing rugby — in more ways than one. “When I started playing, I was scrum-half (争球前卫), usually the smallest guy on the field,” says Taka. “But as I grew, I changed position. Now I am a front row prop — one of the big guys that holds the scrum together.”

“Rugby has done a lot for me,” he says. “It has really made me focused, and that is thanks to my coaches as well as my teammates who brought me to where I am now.”

Taka says that being part of a team and experiencing that growth together is one of the best parts of the sport. “Rugby creates a unity within the team and helps develop a mutual (相互的) respect between other teams and players,” he explains. “Training is hard and matches are physically demanding, but it is a team sport and you have to do your job for the team.”

Now Taka wants to help others experience the same growth he has. In his free time, he coaches younger rugby teams. He says it is especially rewarding to find “unusual strengths and capabilities within players and encourage them to work on those.”

1What does Taka think of rugby?

A. It requires fast speed.

B. It has a role for everyone.

C. It's a game full of violence.

D. It's too competitive for kids.

2What has happened to Taka since he started playing rugby?

A. He has realized what his father never could.

B. He has built up both his physical and mental strength.

C. He has played for the Overseas Barbarians for three years.

D. He has taken the role of captain in the Hong Kong rugby team.

3According to Taka, what serves the most important role in playing rugby?

A. Having a high level of physical fitness.

B. Owning some unusual strengths.

C. Building a strong team spirit.

D. Having a fun-loving attitude.

4What's Taka hoping to do now?

A. To coach national rugby teams.

B. To become a professional rugby player.

C. To get the leading role in his club team.

D. To encourage more people to enjoy rugby.

【题目】Do you love Beats headphones, True Religion jeans, and UGG shoes? These are some of the most popular brands (牌子) around. They are also expensive. But some experts say they are not much better than cheaper brands.

For example, Jim Wilcox works for Consumer Reports. He tested all kinds of headphones. He says that $80 Koss Pro headphones provide basically the same quality (质量) and comfort as Beats. So why do people pay twice or even 10 times as much for the hottest brands?

Experts say it’s because fashionable, expensive brands send a message. Brands say “I belong” or “I can afford it.”

Some people think that expensive brand names are worth the price. They say that some designer clothes really are top quality and that they last longer than cheaper brands. Some teenagers choose to wear popular brands because these brands make them feel good about themselves.

Alexandra Allam, 17, likes to buy brand-name products. “I’d rather spend the extra money to get something I know I’ll be satisfied with,” she says. Her friend Emmy Swan agrees, saying “As long as you can afford it, it seems reasonable to buy what you want.” But not all teenagers agree. “Spending hundreds of dollars for designer sunglasses is stupid and unreasonable,” says Daniel Steinbrecher, 16. “It’s fake (假的) happiness.”

People who are against wearing expensive brand names say that many designer brands aren’t any better. “It’s wasteful to buy things just because they are popular,” says Edmund Williams, 15. “You’ll feel better if you buy things because you like them. If you have extra money to spend, it would be better to give it to people in need.”

1Who have the same opinion on expensive brands?

A. Alexandra & Daniel. B. Emmy & Edmund.

C. Daniel & Emmy. D. Emmy & Alexandra.

2What does Edmund think of expensive brands?

A. They make him feel confident.

B. They are not worth the price.

C. They need to improve their quality.

D. They pay too much attention to personal likes.

3The text is mainly about _____.

A. how to buy things reasonably

B. the competition between brands

C. whether expensive brands are worth high prices

D. the different values of teenagers


Recent studies have shown that challenging your brain, by spurring (刺激) the brain to create new patterns, is very important to keep your brain active and healthy as you age. Lifelong learning is a health club for our minds, bodies and spirits. This is why we parents should also teach our children to be lifelong learners. Dr. Marilyn Price-Mitchell, an American psychologist, and youth development expert,shares some ways for us to do this.

1. Ask questions.

When your child asks you a question, don't answer it straight away. Instead, help him or her bring up “questions that pique their curiosity.” This way, we help children make connections between what they're learning at school and the world beyond their classroom. We also show them that learning does not, and should not, end when one is “done with school” — it's actually a lifelong process!

2. Let them fail.

Our kids love learning about different scientific concepts (概念) viaThe Magic School Busvideos on YouTube. And one of the characters, Miss Frizzle (the science teacher) always says this phrase: “Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy.” I always quote (引述) her when the kids say they're afraid to do or learn something because they might do it wrong or make a mistake. If we don't allow our kids to fail, they won't be able to learn to “use mistakes and failures to make lifelong learning easier,” as Dr. Price-Mitchell says.

3. Learn through experience.

This is very true for all of us, especially children. In the words of Dr. Price-Mitchell, “Learning through experience, not just from books, is one of the best ways to give the youth the skills they need for lifelong learning, living, and working in the 21st century.”

Of course, we should also set an example for our children — by learning continuously, and expanding our knowledge and experiences.

1What does the underlined word “pique” in the text probably mean?

A. Change.

B. Awaken.

C. Balance.

D. Prevent.

2What's the author's attitude to what Miss Frizzle always says?

A. Worried.

B. Doubtful.

C. Uncaring.

D. Supportive.

3Which of the following shows the importance of learning through experience?

A. Learning is not child's play; we cannot learn without pain.

B. It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.

C. If you don't learn to think when you are young, you may never learn.

D. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

4In which part of a newspaper will the text most probably appear?

A. Health.

B. Culture.

C. Education.

D. Popular science.

【题目】We need a logo that will be the perfect symbol of our new Wheelsville Skate Park. We would like those of you who are counting the days until the opening of the park to design a proper logo.


Designs must be original and easy to recognize.

They should include no more than two colors in addition to black and white.

Artwork should be reproducible at different sizes from business cards to posters.

The words Wheelsville Skate Park” must appear in the logo.


Competitors are required to be 18 years old or younger.

There is no limit to the number of submissions.

The name and address of the designer must appear on the back of the logo design.

Competitors need to include a one-page written explanation describing the key features of the design.

All submissions sent to Wheelsville Skate Park will not be returned.

All works must be sent to skateman4x@comlink.com no later than May 15.

Files (文件) should be .jpg, .gif, .png, .pict, or Photoshop files.

The winning design will be posted on our website at www.wheelsville.skatepark.com on May 20, one week before the opening celebration.


First Prize: Digital camera, one-year pass to Wheelsville Skate Park, and two T-shirts with the prize-winning logo.

Second Prize: Six-month pass to Wheelsville Skate Park and a T-shirt with the prize-winning logo.

Honorable Mention: One free ticket to Wheelsville Skate Park and a T-shirt with the prize-winning logo to two competitors from grades 6–8, and two from grades 9–12.


Among the judges are a professional designer, two technology teachers, four local skaters, and three members of Wheelsville Skate Park Board of Directors.

The judges’ decisions are final.

【1】 In Paragraph 1, the underlined part counting the days” suggests a feeling of ________.

A. nervousness B. amusement

C. excitement D. uncertainty

【2】Why does the following logo design show a misunderstanding of the rules?

A. It does not use the full park name.

B. It is not as big as it is expected.

C. It does not use three colors.

D. It just shows a skateboard.

【3】As the top winner of the activity, you may ________.

A. win a camera and a free ticket to the park

B. get a T-shirt with your own photo on it

C. visit the park free of charge for one year

D. receive a half-a-year pass to the park

【4】 The text is probably a(n) ________.

A. news report B. advertisement

C. lesson plan D. travel guide

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