

A“Gap Year”is a period of time when a student takes a break before going to university.It is often spent travelling or working.1..The advantages of taking a gap year are as follows:

2..Although you don’t have to go abroad to experience gap years,most gap year students catch the chance to travel abroad.You are able to work out who you are and what you are for.The experiences of different cultures offer you interesting lessons.

Face Challenges and Have Fun.A gap year is not only a time to take a vacation,but also a time to face challenges.Gap year students usually work,volunteer or take service projects.You have to learn how to get along in the real world.This process isn’t always easy,but it is an important part of growing up.3.

Save Money and Improve Your College Admission Chances.There’s a common thought that gap years are only for rich students,but it isn’t true.4..Gap year students often take a part-time job.Besides,at the end of a gap year,students are much more likely to know what to study in college.Clear learning goals can keep the students working hard instead of wasting time and money playing.

Imagine an admission officer trying to admit only one between two students.Both of them are excellent and have high grades.However,one student has much practical experience or has volunteered in his vacation.5.

A.Make full preparations for the gap year.

B.Only in this way can you enjoy life and have fun.

C.Actually,taking a gap year can save your money.

D.Who do you think the admission officer will choose?

E.It can give young people useful learning experiences and new skills.

F.Challenges always come first before fun.

G.Learn about the World and Yourself.


SECTION A(共10小题;每小题 1分,满分10分)

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Ready to give up long showers, water parks, and unlimited water gushing(喷涌) out of your taps? A new study says more than three-hundred-thirty-five-million people are faced with water shortage now. The oceans are full, of course. But the liquid—fresh, clean water for drinking and watering crops is in short supply in many parts of the world. Rivers are running low, lakes are shrinking, streams have stopped flowing, and groundwater is being pumped dry. However, the demand for water keeps increasing. So there comes inevitably the water crisis!

What is causing the crisis? Experts say it is a complex combination of climate change and rapid population growth. On the one hand, global climate change threatens to reduce water supplies due to decreased rainfall. On the other hand, population growth is driving explosive demand for water, prompting rivers in thirsty countries to be tapped for nearly every drop and driving governments to pump out so-called fossil water.

Lack of water may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking waters are not safe. Lack of water may also result in more international conflict. Countries may have to compete for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. And lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their economies. This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when they are beginning.

One partial answer to the world water shortage, at least for countries near the sea, is to build more desalination plants that change seawater into fresh water. Another suggested solution is for water-rich countries, such as Canada, to sell water to countries which are poor in water. A third suggestion is for countries to adopt ways of increasing the freshwater supply, such as teaching farmers in Africa methods to get clean rainwater. And nearly everyone agreed that the amount of water on our planet can’t be changed, but the way we use it can be if more people realized the problem. Last and the most important, public should be aware of saving water to defeat the water crisis.

Title: 1.

I. Present situation:

★ Rivers are 2. .

★ Lakes are shrinking.

★ Streams have stopped flowing.

3. is drying up.

II. 4. :

★ climate change →decreased rainfall → 5. water supplies

★ population growth →rivers 6. and fossil water to be pumped out

III. Consequences:

★ health problems


★ the affected ability of developing to improve economies

IV. 8. :

★ turning seawater into freshwater

★ water-rich countries selling water to 79. countries

★ exploring methods of getting clean rainwater

★ changing the way people use water

★ arousing 10. of saving water

“Iris scan (虹膜扫描), please,” the bank’s computer voice tells you. You step up and the computer reads your eye, comparing it to the stored file it has of your iris. The images had better match---otherwise, you won’t be able to get your money.

Iris scanning and other technologies, such as fingerprint and voice scanning, have appeared in many science fiction movies in the past. Today, these advanced technologies are part of the real world. They are common at work, the bank, the airport, and your local prison. The iris scan, fingerprint scan, and voice scan are all examples of biometrics(生物测定学), a fast developing area of automatic personal identification technology. Basically, biometrics uses various ways to verify a person’s identity, based on the individual’s unique characteristics, including fingerprints, signature, and so on.

Biometrics identification systems have a number of advantages over password systems. The primary advantage is that an individual has to be physically present in order to be identified. Another important advantage is that there are no passwords to remember, forget, lose, or steal.

The voice scan is the simplest and most affordable form of biometrics. It only requires a computer, a microphone, and the correct software. The software records a subject’s voice and then compares it to a stored voice sample for identification purpose.

For additional safety, fingerprint and handprint scans can also be employed. Fingerprint scans take the image of a fingerprint and compare it to a stored file of prints. Handprint scans identify the unique features of a hand.

1.The first paragraph serves as a(n) ________.

A. example B. explanation

C. comment D. conclusion

2.The underline word “verify” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.

A. protect B. confirm

C. develop D. change

3.Which is the most accurate form of biometrics?

A. The voice scan

B. The fingerprint scan

C. The iris scan

D. The facial scan

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the future of biometrics?

A. He is uncertain about it.

B. He feels doubtful about it.

C. He is worried about it.

D. He feels hopeful about it.

5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To explain the importance of identification technology.

B. To discuss the potential of biometrics systems.

C. To introduce the technology of biometrics.

D. To show the advantages of iris scanning.


Unique New Year's Traditions from Around the World

How do you celebrate New Year’s? If I had to take a guess,you probably celebrate New Year’s surrounded by family and friends,enjoying drinks of your choice and watching the ball drop with Dick Clark.1.Listed below are five of the top ten“Unique New Year Traditions from Around the World.”

1.Breaking Dishes on Neighbor’s Door

A strange Danish New Year tradition,depending on how you look at it, is throwing dishes at neighbor’s door.2.The family with the tallest tower of broken plates,glasses,cups and other crockery is considered to be the luckiest person because it symbolizes their large amount of loyal friends.

2.Talking to Spirits

Talking to spirits is a part of Mexican belief.Mexicans strongly believe that they can communicate with the souls of their dead loved ones.3. And this is not done at home on an individual basis but is a legal Mexican practice.Taos Inn,in New Mexico for example,offers 15 minutes session of spiritualism and meditation for $15.6.Not a bad price for some helpful guidance!

3.Wearing Polka Dots

Imagine streets full of people wearing polka dots and dining room tables full of round shaped food and fruits on one single day of the year. 4. Philippines believe that this will bring them prosperity by associating the round dots to coins and wealth.

4.Burning Scarecrow Dummy

Ecuador has a unique custom of crafting Scarecrows and then burning them at midnight.They adorn them and fill the scarecrows with newspapers and pieces of wood.As midnight approaches,everyone gathers outside their home and each family burns their own scarecrow. 5.The scarecrow also scares away bad luck,which in rurn,fills their new year with luck and happiness.

A.New Year’s Eve is considered the best time to communicate with dead spirits to convey a message or ask for guidance.

B.It is also believed in the Irish culture that this act will help them get rid of bad luck.

C.Have you ever imagined how New Year’s would look in another country?

D.This all actually happens in the Philippines on New Year’s Eve every year.

E.Strangely,this makes them happy instead of annoying them.

F.We all want to start a new,fresh year with renewed enthusiasm and hope.

G.The tradition says that this destroys all the bad things that took place in the past months.


Carrots are easy to raise and easy to harvest. They taste good. 1.

When people think of carrots, they usually picture in their mind a vegetable that is long, thin and orange. 2. And not all carrots are orange. For example, Paris Market carrots are about five centimeters around. Rome carrots are thin and about twenty-five centimeters long. And Belgian White carrots are, as their name suggests, white.

For the best results, carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold water for a long time. The soil also should have no rocks. To prepare your garden for carrots, dig up the soil, loosen it and turn it over. Then, mix in some plant material or animal fertilizer (肥料).

3. Experts say warm days, cool nights and a medium soil temperature are the best conditions for growing carrots that taste great.

Carrots need time to develop their full sugar content. This gives them their sweetness if you wait too long to pull them from the ground. 4. Usually, the brighter the color, the better the taste.

5. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as during the summer months. If the ground does freeze, simply cover your carrot garden with a thick layer of leaves or straw. This will prevent the ground from freezing.

A. But carrots come in many different sizes and shapes.

B. They are economic crops.

C. The best time for planting carrots is during the winter months.

D. Weather, soil conditions and age will affect the way carrots taste.

E. The best way to judge if a carrot sis ready to be harvested is by its color.

F. And they contain a lot of carotene (胡萝卜素), which the body make into vitamin A.

G. Many people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months.

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