

There is no better feeling than walking away from your desk in the evening with a sense of deep satisfaction for a job well done. 1. Here are five ways to help you do just that:

·Empty your inbox(收件箱).

__2._ You will find that an empty inbox late in the day will give you a strong sense of accomplishment and order in your life.If you want an empty inbox,it means everything is in a particular spot:either in the trash,or sent to someone else.

· 3.

If you leave a tiring and undesirable task until the next day,you will walk away from your desk with a dark cloud hanging over you and a sense of fear. On the other hand, try to complete the task before you leave the office, and you will walk away with a feeling of freedom and victory.

·Do something nice for someone else.

The key here is intentionality.Plan to end your day by doing something specific and beneficial for someone in your life—a partner,friend,family member,customer,etc._ 4.__ It is impossible to do something nice for someone without feeling better yourself.

·Say thank you.

Take a moment before you shut things down for the day to be thankful for your life. 5. When you feel grateful to people around you,you will get a new idea on the difficulties of any given day.

A.Determine what will make tomorrow special.

B.Regardless of what else has happened in a day,ending it with thanks is a rewarding approach.

C.Finish the task as far as possible before you leave.

D.Keeping your inbox empty makes you more effective.

E.In fact a whole unproductive day can end with just 15 hyper-productive(高效的) minutes.

F.Nothing else throughout your day could possibly be so bad.

G.You will feel better when doing a good deed to others.


When you get in your car, you reach for it. When you’re at work, you take a break to have a moment alone with it. When you get into a lift, you play with it.

Cigarettes? Cup of coffee? No, it’s the third most addictive(使人上瘾的) thing in modern life, the cell phone. And experts say it is becoming more difficult for many people to curb their wishes to hug it more tightly than most of their personal relationships.

With its shiny surface, its smooth and satisfying touch, the cell phone connects us to the world even as it disconnects us from people three feet away. It affects us in ways its inventors in the late 1940s never imagined.

Dr. Chris Knippers, an expert at the Betty Ford Center in Southern California, reports that the overuse of cell phones has become a social problem not much different from other harmful addictions: a barrier to one-on-one personal contact, and an escape from reality.

Sounds extreme, but we’ve all witnessed the evidence: the person at a restaurant who talks on the phone through an entire meal, ignoring his kids around the table; the woman who talks on the phone in the car, ignoring her husband; the teen who texts messages all the way home from school, avoiding contact with kids all around him. Is it just rude, or is it a kind of unhealthiness? And pardon me, but how is this improving the quality of life?

Jim Williams, an industrial sociologist based in Massachusetts, he points to a study by Duke University researchers that found one-quarter of Americans say they have no one to discuss their most important personal business with. Despite the growing use of phones, e-mail and instant messaging, in other words, Williams says studies show that we don’t have as many friends as our parents. “Just as more information has led to less wisdom, more acquaintances(熟人) through the Internet and cell phones have produced fewer friends,” he says.

If the cell phone has truly had these effects, it’s because it has become very widespread. In 1987, there were only 1 million cell phones in use. Today, almost 300 million Americans carry them. The number of cell phones is far more than that of wired phones in the United States.

1.Which of the following could probably best explain the title of the passage?

A. Cell phone users smoke less than they used to.

B. More people use cell phones than smoke cigarettes.

C. Cell phones have become as addictive as cigarettes.

D. Using cell phone is just as cool as smoking cigarettes.

2.The underlined word “curb” in Paragraph 2 means ________.

A. rescueB. controlC. developD. ignore

3.Which idea does the example of a woman talking on the phone in the car support?

A. Women use cell phones more often than men.

B. Talking on the phone while driving is dangerous.

C. Cell phones make one-on-one personal contact easy.

D. Cell phones do not necessarily bring people together.

4.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. How to make people get closer.

B. The advantages of wired phones.

C. How to use cell phones properly.

D. Giving an example to prove the bad effects of cell phones.

Xinhua News—The Beijing government has set out to recruit thousands of university graduates to work as junior officials in rural areas to both improve rural administration and ease the city’s employment problems.

The government plans to recruit 3,000 university graduates this year, 1,000 more than last year, to work as assistants to village heads or party secretaries in suburban areas.

People interested in jobs in Beijing’s rural villages and towns can send applications to Beijing Municipal Bureau of Personnel or log on to www.bjbys.com from February 1 through March 15.

“We hope university graduates will seize this opportunity to use their knowledge in rural villages and to start their careers,” Sun Zhenyu, the Deputy Director of Beijing Personnel Bureau, told Xinhua News Agency.

The government has promised successful candidates a monthly salary of 2,000 Yuan in the first year, 2,500 Yuan the second year and 3,000 the third year, provided their performance is up to the required standards, Sun said.

Wang Lina, who graduated from Beijing Union University last year, was one of the first graduates to find work in the city’s countryside. After majoring in Industrial and Commercial Administration, Wang served as the assistant to the village head of Ertiaojie Village in suburban Beijing’s Pinggu District. For one project, Wang contacted people at Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and arranged for the local farmers to receive training in strawberry planting. Her efforts paid off. The village had a plentiful harvest of organic strawberries earlier this year.

Nationwide, about 150,000 university graduates found employment in rural areas last year, according to the figures provided by the Ministry of Education.

The ministry predicts that 4.95 million students will graduate from universities across the country this year, 820,000 more than last year. About 1.4 million of them are unlikely to find jobs when they graduate. In Beijing, a record of 200,000 people are expected to graduate from university this year. Less than half of them are expected to be offered jobs, according to Beijing Personnel Bureau.

1.From the story of Wang Lina we can learn that _________.

A. Wang had great difficulty in helping villagers plant organic strawberries

B. local farmers can get big harvests if they work together with her

C. the sooner you go to the countryside, the sooner you will be successful

D. university graduate can realize their value no matter where they work

2.The underlined word “recruit” in the first paragraph probably means ________.

A. forceB. employC. encourageD. train

3.The last two paragraphs seem to tell us that ________.

A. it is not easy for graduates to find jobs nowadays

B. more and more graduates will work as junior officials

C. the universities should not enroll so many students

D. there are more and more jobs provided by the Ministry of Education

4.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A. The Government’s Help for University Graduates

B. A Good Choice for University Graduates

C. Job Hunting for University Graduates

D. What is the Best Career?

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