
1. 大学毕业后,我没有努力找工作,而是抽了点时间去旅游。事实证明这是个英明的决定。

After _______ from college, instead of _______ to find a job, I took some time off to go travelling, _______ turned _______ to be a wise decision.

2. 精心的治疗和父母的鼓励帮助他很快从手术中恢复过来。现在他又像以往一样精力充沛了。

Good medical _______ and parents’ _______ helped him _______ from the operation very quickly and now he is as _______ as usual.


Shakespeare, _______ is _______ of as the greatest writer in the English language, _______ his life to _______ novels, plays and poems.

4. 青春期的男孩往往追求独立。被禁止做他们想做的事情使得他们很恼火。

During _______, boys tend to fight for _______. That they are often _______ to do what they like makes them _______.

5. 现在有很多年轻人承受着巨大的压力,并经常熬夜,这从长远看来会危害他们的健康。他们应该在工作和休息之间寻求平衡。

Nowadays many young people are under great _______ and often stay _______, which does harm to their health in the long _______. They should strike a _______ between work and relaxation.




 graduating / graduation; struggling / trying; which; out

 treatment; encouragement; recover; energetic

 who; thought; devoted; writing

 adolescence; independence; forbidden; annoyed / angry

 pressure; up; term / run; balance




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