
1. A new study indicates that those who watch movies in which actors smoke a lot are much more likely

               of smoking.(develop)


2. The stability of a society depends on                the extremes of human behaviour.(respond)


3.              from her brothers since the age of seven, she made several attempts to get in touch with them but in vain.(separate)


4.. I requested that Tom              me by next Friday.(return)


5.. I suppose by the time I come back in two years’ time the new school              (set)


6.. Barach H. Obama,            is an inspiring story, is the first American to move upward to the highest office in America.(success)


7.. Hardly                 when he phoned his parents.(land vi)


8.. Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it,              (whichever)


9. In order to start reading this book you                that the physical symptoms your were experiencing were due to anxiety.(idea)


10. I showed him a map of China in the Ming Dynasty               on it.(with)




1. to develop the habit                            

2.how it responds to

3.Having been separated                         

4. (should) return the book to

5.. will have been set up                                   

6.. whose success

7.. had he landed safely                                    

8.. whichever language they speak

9.. must have had some idea                    

10.. with all boundaries drawn



1. to develop the habit 本题考查了两个固定词组be likely to do sth很有可能做某事;develop the habit of养成…的习惯;

2.. how it responds to 考查固定词组respond to…对…做出反应;对…做出回应

3. Having been separated     本句中的separated是形容词,是对主语的情况进行说明。因为与兄弟分开是早就完成的事情,故使用完成式来表示。

4.. (should) return the book to 考查虚拟语气request(要求)后面的宾语从句使用虚拟语气should+动词原形构成。

5. will have been set up 考查了by引导的时间状语从句,当by后是现在的时间,使用现在完成时;当by后面是过去的时间,使用过去完成时;当by后面是将来的时间,使用将来完成时。本题by后面接的是将来的时间过使用将来完成时。

6.. whose success 考查定语从句。Whose在定语从句中做定语修饰名词。

7. had he landed safely        考查倒转句型hardly…when…一…就….因为hardly是半否定词,放在句首,使用部分倒装的形式。

8. whichever language they speak 考查让步状语从句,which是指特定范围之内一个也没有。

9.. must have had some idea  本题使用“情态动词+have done”表示对过去情况的推测。

10.. with all boundaries drawn 本句考查了with的复合结构:with +宾语+宾语补足语。All the boundaries与draw构成被动关系,故使用过去分词的形式。





People of Burhngton are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the  1  have made up their minds to 2the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest (抗议) against heavy trucks which run  3 through the narrow High Street."They not only make it 4to sleep at night. but they are 5damage to our houses and shops of historical  6  said John Norris.one of the protesters." 7 we must have these noisy trucks on the roads," said Jean Lacey. a biology stu-dent. "why don't they build a new road that goes  8the town, Burlington isn't much more than a  9 village. Its streets were never  10 for heavy traffic."Harry Fields also studying  11said they wanted to make as much  12as possible to force the  13 to realise what every body was having to  14 "Most of them don't  15 here anyway."he said."they come in for meetings and that.and the Town Hall is soundproof(隔音). 16 they probably don't  17 tbe noise all that much, It's high time they realised  18  .The fourth student.Liza Vernum.said she thought the public were  19 on their side.and even if they weren't they soon would be. 20 asked if they were  21 that the police might come to  22them."Not really."she said."actually we are  23 bell-ringers.I mean we are assistant bell-ringers for the church.There is no 24 against practising."I 25the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.

1. A.college                           B.village                      C.town                 D.church

2. A.change                           B.repair                        C.ring                   D.shake

3. A.now and then                  B. day and night            C. up and down    D. over and over

4. A.terrible                           B. diffcult                    C uncomfortable   D.unokeasabt

5. A.doing                             B. raising                     C. Putting               D. producing

6. A.If                                   B. Although                 C.wben                  D. Unless

7. A.to                                  B. through                    C.over                    D. round

8. A.pretty                             B.quiet                        C. Iarge                  D. modern

9 A.well                                B.hard                         C. biology               D.education

10.A.effort                            B.time                          C.trouble                 D.noise

11.A.townspeople          B.other students        

C. government officials    D. truck drivers

12.A.stand                             B.accept                      C.know                  D.share

13. A.shop                            B.live                          C.come                  D.study

14. A.event                            B.loss                         C.action                    D.problem

15. At hardly                          B.unwillingly                C.mostly                   D. usually

16 A.I                                   B.we                           C.She                        D.They

17. A.seize                             B.fight                         C.search                   D.stop

18. A.proper                         B.experienced               C.hopeful                  D.serious

19. A.point                            B.cause                        C.need                      D.law

20.A.left               B.found                   C.reached             D.passed

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