
●Tower Bridge is one of London’s most well known landmarks. Opened in 1894, this hydraulic(液压的)  bridge can be raised to permit river traffic to pass underneath.
Vistors to Tower Bridge can enjoy wonderful views of the River Thames from the bridge towers. There is also a museum which explain how the bascule bridge operates and discusses its history. Tower Bridge is often incorrectly referred to as London Bridge.London Bridge, however, is a different bridge that is located directly upstream from Tower Bridge.
●The British Museum is a “must do” for all visitors to London England. Treasures from around the world can be found in Britain’s largest and most popular museum. To top it off, admission to the British Museum is free of charge.
Due to the enormous size of the museums, visitors should priortize what they wish to see. One “must see” is the Rosetta Stone – a key puzzle piece in the recorded history of humankid. The british Museum is locted in the Bloomsbury district of London in London WC1.
●Greenwich Park is a beautiful large park located a few kilometers away from the centre of London. Attractions in Greenwich include the Cutty Sark, the Gypsy Moth and the Old Royal Observatory. A painted line at the obsevatory inicates zero degrees of longitude(经度).
Many visitors to Greenwich enjoy having their photos taken with one leg in the western hemisphere(半球)and the other in the eastern hemisphere. Greenwich is the place where time was officially tracked – “Greenwich Mean Time” or “GMT”.
Greenwich is located in London SE10.
●The Eurostar high – speed train service provides fast connections between London and Paris and London and Brussels. The Eurostar trains pass through the 32 – mile Channel Tunnel under the English Channel. The tunnel is also known as the “Euro Tunnel” or “Chunnel”. The Channel Tunnel is considered to be one of the world’s great engineering wonders.
Trains leave form the Waterloo Rail Station which is located in south London.
68.If a tourist doesn’t have any money on him, which of the following can he do?
A.Visit Tower Bridge. B.Visit the British Museum.
C.Go around Greenwich Park.    D.Take a Eurostar high – speed train.
69.Where can we find the attraction of the Cutty Sark?
A.On London Bridge.  B.In the Old Royal Observatory.
C.In the British Museum.    D.In Greenwich Park.
70.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Tower Bridge can be raised mainly to let the water folw faster.
B.The British Museum is the largest museum in the world.
C.Greenwich Park is where the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere meet.
D.The Eurostar train can take people from London to many cities in Europe directly.
71.In what web page do you think the passage is probably found?
A.International news.                 B.Study abroad.
C.Tourist Information and Travel Guide.   D.Art of architecture.




Most people hate change, which is sad since we often go through intense changes in life. And for some of us, even the smallest changes can upset our day. So the question is: Why do most of us find making adjustments to our lives so hard?
Fear of change is nothing new. Over a century ago, the Parisians were unhappy over a particular addition to their city: the Eiffel Tower. In fact, the citizens were so angry about the plans for the tower that they protested its construction. As strange as it may seem, their anger was completely natural. They were given no choice about the huge change that was going to be made, so they became angry.
But we get upset over changes even when we do have a say in the matter and think about them carefully. Changes are brought about every day by the decisions we make: which school to attend, which job to take, whom to marry. Voluntary changes also make most of us uneasy because we don’t know how those changes will affect our future.
People have discovered that the key to overcoming the fear and anger associated with change is to be flexible(可弯曲的). When they are flexible, people can adapt to new situations more easily. Being flexible is especially important in the 21st century as technology makes change occur faster than ever before. Those who oppose change, especially with technology in the workplace, may find themselves out of a job.
When change comes, and you have no choice but to face it, embrace it. A positive attitude helps a lot. In fact, the change may turn out to be the best thing for you. That new job you got may end up being much better than your old one. You may make the best friends of your life in the new city you moved to. Don’t merely focus on how you feel about change; instead decide to accept the change. The change is the reality, and it’s up to you whether the change will be a success or a failure. You never know – your next change may be your life’s Eiffel Tower!
【小题1】Why did the building of the Eiffel Tower make the Parisians unhappy?

A.Because they didn’t like the design of the Eiffel Tower.
B.Because they couldn’t avoid accepting the Eiffel Tower.
C.Because it was no use building the Eiffel Tower.
D.Because the Eiffel Tower seemed strange.
【小题2】According to the passage, it can be inferred that what won’t disturb us are _____________.
A.the changes that have agreement with one’s will
B.the small changes we meet in our daily life
C.the changes whose effect we can predict and control
D.the changes that we discuss or consider thoroughly
【小题3】How should we overcome negative emotions that the changes bring?
A.We are not supposed to face the changes and let them alone.
B.We should actively accustom ourselves to the new circumstance.
C.We should not take the changes seriously and avoid them as much as possible.
D.We should know that the changes merely bring us bad influence.
【小题4】What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.The change will probably make you fail like the Eiffel Tower.
B.The change is like the Eiffel Tower which is not good for our future life.
C.Your future life is never known just like the Eiffel Tower unknown to the Parisians.
D.Your future life is likely to be a great achievement due to the change.
【小题5】 What is the best title for the passage?
A.The Psychology of ChangeB.The ways to Overcome the Fear
C.Changes That Disturb UsD.The Bad Effect of Changes

Most people hate change, which is sad since we often go through intense changes in life. And for some of us, even the smallest changes can upset our day. So the question is: Why do most of us find making adjustments to our lives so hard?
Fear of change is nothing new. Over a century ago, the Parisians were unhappy over a particular addition to their city: the Eiffel Tower. In fact, the citizens were so angry about the plans for the tower that they protested its construction. As strange as it may seem, their anger was completely natural. They were given no choice about the huge change that was going to be made, so they became angry.
But we get upset over changes even when we do have a say in the matter and think about them carefully. Changes are brought about every day by the decisions we make: which school to attend, which job to take, whom to marry. Voluntary changes also make most of us uneasy because we don’t know how those changes will affect our future.
People have discovered that the key to overcoming the fear and anger associated with change is to be flexible. When they are flexible, people can adapt to new situations more easily. Being flexible is especially important in the 21st century as technology makes change occur faster than ever before. Those who oppose change, especially with technology in the workplace, may find themselves out of a job.
When change comes, and you have no choice but to face it, embrace it. A positive attitude helps a lot. In fact, the change may turn out to be the best thing for you. That new job you got may end up being much better than your old one. You may make the best friends of your life in the new city you moved to. Don’t merely focus on how you feel about change; instead decide to accept the change. The change is the reality, and it’s up to you whether the change will be a success or a failure. You never know your next change may be your lifes Eiffel Tower!
【小题1】Why did the building of the Eiffel Tower make the Parisians unhappy?

A.Because they didn’t like the design of the Eiffel Tower.
B.Because they couldn’t avoid accepting the Eiffel Tower.
C.Because it was no use building the Eiffel Tower.
D.Because the Eiffel Tower seemed strange.
【小题2】According to the passage, it can be inferred that what won’t disturb us are _____________.
A.the changes that have agreement with one’s will
B.the small changes we meet in our daily life
C.the changes whose effect we can predict and control
D.the changes that we discuss or consider thoroughly
【小题3】How should we overcome negative emotions that the changes bring?
A.We are not supposed to face the changes and let them alone.
B.We should actively accustom ourselves to the new circumstance.
C.We should not take the changes seriously and avoid them as much as possible.
D.We should know that the changes merely bring us bad influence.
【小题4】What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.The change will probably make you fail like the Eiffel Tower.
B.The change is like the Eiffel Tower which is not good for our future life.
C.Your future life is never known just like the Eiffel Tower unknown to the Parisians.
D.Your future life is likely to be a great achievement due to the change.
【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?
A.The Psychology of ChangeB.The ways to Overcome the Fear
C.Changes That Disturb UsD.The Bad Effect of Changes


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had __1__ me to this spot in a small  town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered __2__.

“Look __3__, Elsa,” Father said. I gathered all my __4__ and looked down. I saw the square in the centre of the village. And I saw the crisscross(十字形) of twisting, turning streets leading to the __5__. “See, my dear,” Father said gently. “There is more than one way to the square. __6__ is like that. If you can’t get to the place where you want to go __7__ one road, try another.”

Now I understood why I was there. __8__ that day I had begged my mother to do __9__ about the terrible lunches that were served at school. But she __10__ because she could not believe the lunches were as __11__ as I said.

When I __12__ my father for help, he would not help. _13__, he brought me to this high tower to __14__ me a lesson — the value of an open, searching mind. By the time we reached home, I had a __15__.

At school the next day, I _16__ poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our cook to _17__ it to mother at dinner. The plan __18__ perfectly. She swallowed one spoonful and said, “The cook must have gone mad!” Quickly I told what I had done, and mother said firmly that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day.

In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldn’t stop working __19__ I tried every possible means to my goal. Father’s wise words always __20__ me that there is more than one way to the square.

1.                A.taken          B.sent           C.brought  D.left


2.                A.that           B.why            C.what D.how


3.                A.down          B.up             C.out  D.around


4.                A.strength        B.courage        C.spirit D.bravery


5.                A.tower          B.church         C.square   D.village


6.                A.School         B.Society         C.Family    D.Life


7.                A.in             B.on             C.by   D.at


8.                A.Earlier         B.Later           C.After D.During


9.                A.her best        B.a favor         C.something D.everything


10.               A.defended       B.refused        C.excused   D.agreed


11.               A.well           B.good           C.bad  D.usual


12.               A.belonged to     B.turned to       C.tried to    D.led to


13.               A.Therefore      B.So             C.Instead    D.Anyway


14.               A.show          B.make          C.prepare   D.give


15.               A.plan           B.question        C.problem   D.suggestion


16.               A.angrily         B.secretly        C.kindly D.politely


17.               A.cook           B.boil            C.make D.serve


18.               A.made          B.failed          C.worked   D.took


19.               A.if             B.once           C.since D.until


20.               A.remind         B.approve        C.affect D.limit



Bungee jumping is not a new activity. Men on Pentecost Island in the South Pacific have been doing land jumping for hundreds of years. The men tie long vines(藤) from plants around their ankles(踝关节). They spend days building tall towers out of vines and logs(圆木). Then they jump off them.

According to their beliefs, the first land diver was a woman. She decided to run away from her rude husband. So she climbed up a tall tree and tied some vines around her feet. Her husband also climbed up the tree and tried to catch her, but the woman jumped and the man followed. The vines saved her life, but her husband died.

This ancient custom caught the interest of some students at Oxford University in England. In the late 1970s, they formed a group called the Dangerous Sports Club. They were some of the first people to test several of what are now called extreme sports. They are said to have invented modern bungee jumping.

In the spring of 1979, members of the group jumped off the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England. They were attached to the bridge by a bungee cord, a long elastic rope that stretches. The group soon received even more attention when they organized a bungee jump off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.

A man named A. J. Hackett of New Zealand decided to make the sport into a business. He started developing bungee ropes and material with a friend. They held a major jump in 1987 off the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. They later got permission to open the first bungee jumping operation on the Kawarau Bridge in Queenstown, New Zealand. Many people paid 75 dollars to jump off the bridge with a bungee cord attached to their ankles.

1.The second paragraph tries to tell us________________.

A.a story about a woman land diver

B.the beginning of modern bungee jumping

C.the beginning of land jumping on Pentecost Island

D.a story about a brave woman and her rude husband

2.The underlined word them in the first paragraph refers to__________.

A.plants            B.tall towers         C.vines             D.logs

3. The Dangerous Sports Club first caught people’s attention when they jumped off_________.

A.the Eiffel Tower                         B.the Kawarau Bridge

C.the Golden Gate Bridge                   D.the Clifton Suspension Bridge


Most people hate change, which is sad since we often go through intense changes in life. And for some of us, even the smallest changes can upset our day. So the question is: Why do most of us find making adjustments to our lives so hard?

Fear of change is nothing new. Over a century ago, the Parisians were unhappy over a particular addition to their city: the Eiffel Tower. In fact, the citizens were so angry about the plans for the tower that they protested its construction. As strange as it may seem, their anger was completely natural. They were given no choice about the huge change that was going to be made, so they became angry.

But we get upset over changes even when we do have a say in the matter and think about them carefully. Changes are brought about every day by the decisions we make: which school to attend, which job to take, whom to marry. Voluntary changes also make most of us uneasy because we don’t know how those changes will affect our future.

People have discovered that the key to overcoming the fear and anger associated with change is to be flexible(可弯曲的). When they are flexible, people can adapt to new situations more easily. Being flexible is especially important in the 21st century as technology makes change occur faster than ever before. Those who oppose change, especially with technology in the workplace, may find themselves out of a job.

When change comes, and you have no choice but to face it, embrace it. A positive attitude helps a lot. In fact, the change may turn out to be the best thing for you. That new job you got may end up being much better than your old one. You may make the best friends of your life in the new city you moved to. Don’t merely focus on how you feel about change; instead decide to accept the change. The change is the reality, and it’s up to you whether the change will be a success or a failure. You never know – your next change may be your life’s Eiffel Tower!

1.Why did the building of the Eiffel Tower make the Parisians unhappy?

A.Because they didn’t like the design of the Eiffel Tower.

B.Because they couldn’t avoid accepting the Eiffel Tower.

C.Because it was no use building the Eiffel Tower.

D.Because the Eiffel Tower seemed strange.

2.According to the passage, it can be inferred that what won’t disturb us are _____________.

A.the changes that have agreement with one’s will

B.the small changes we meet in our daily life

C.the changes whose effect we can predict and control

D.the changes that we discuss or consider thoroughly

3.How should we overcome negative emotions that the changes bring?

A.We are not supposed to face the changes and let them alone.

B.We should actively accustom ourselves to the new circumstance.

C.We should not take the changes seriously and avoid them as much as possible.

D.We should know that the changes merely bring us bad influence.

4.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A.The change will probably make you fail like the Eiffel Tower.

B.The change is like the Eiffel Tower which is not good for our future life.

C.Your future life is never known just like the Eiffel Tower unknown to the Parisians.

D.Your future life is likely to be a great achievement due to the change.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

A.The Psychology of Change                 B.The ways to Overcome the Fear

C.Changes That Disturb Us                  D.The Bad Effect of Changes


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