
【题目】Mrs. Obama spoke to the graduates of Martin Luther King Jr. High School on Saturday in her only high school commencement(毕业典礼)speech this year. The ceremony took place in the gymnasium of Tennessee State University.

The first lady told the 170 graduates that she spent too much of her time in college focusing on academic achievements. While her success in college and law school led to a good job, she said, she ended up focusing on public service. “My message to you today is that don’t waste a minute living someone else’s dream,” she said. “It takes a lot of real work to discover what brings you joy and you won’t find what you love simply by checking mailboxes or surfing the net.”

She said MLK reminded her of her own high school experience in Chicago. “My No.1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me,” she said. “I wanted to go somewhere that would celebrate achievement. Unfortunately, schools like this don’t exist for every kid.” she said. “You are blessed.”

The first lady told graduates that failure may be a part of their college lives and careers, and that how they respond determines what they will become. “That’s when you find out what you’re really made of in those hard times,” she said. “But you can only do that if you’re willing to put yourself in a position where you might fail.” Overcoming difficulties has been the mark of many great people, she said, “Oprah was demoted(降职)from her first job as a news reporter, and now she doesn’t even need a last name,” she said of media giant Oprah Winfrey “And then there’s this guy Barack Obama, I could take up a whole afternoon talking about his failures. He lost his first race for Congress”, the first lady joked, “and now he gets to call himself my husband.”

【1】When choosing her high school, Mrs. Obama .

A.was willing to meet challenges

B.was pushed to make a choice

C.failed to find an ideal school

D.wanted to study law

2By mentioning Oprah’s example, Mrs. Obama wanted to tell graduates .

A.to start as a news reporter

B.to work hard to get promoted

C.to be brave enough to risk failing

D.not to waste time doing what they dislike

3What do we know about Mrs. Obama from the text?

A.This was the first time she gave a speech to graduates.

B.She complained about her school life in her speech.

C.She is a graduate of Tennessee State University.

D.She is enthusiastic about public service.

4Mrs. Osama’s speech is aimed to .

A.show how Mr. and Mrs. Obama overcame difficulties.

B.encourage graduates to face their future lives bravely.

C.tell graduates that failure is a part of their lives and careers.

D.to call on graduates to focus on public service.

5Where can you probably find this text?

A.On a news website. B.In a politics book

C.In a graduation paper. D.On Mrs. Osama’s blog.









【1】细节理解题。由第三段的“My No.1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me,”可知,奥巴马夫人选择高中时,非常乐意遇到挑战。故选A。

【2】推理判断题。根据最后一段的开头that failure may be a part of their college lives and careers, and that how they respond determines what they will become.可知,以Oprah为例子是为了告诉毕业生们,要敢于和失败作斗争,失败是生命中必不可少的磨练人的东西。

【3】判断推理题。 she said, she ended up focusing on public service. “My message to you today is that don’t waste a minute living someone else’s dream,” she said. “It takes a lot of real work to discover what brings you joy and you won’t find what you love simply by checking mailboxes or surfing the net.”可知,当她获得了好的工作时,她才将自己的关注点放在了公众服务上,她告诫毕业生们,不要为了别人的理想而活,要看清做什么才能让自己开心,也就是要找到自己的关注点。因此,奥巴马夫人应该是热情与公众服务的,因为这是她一生所关注的。故选D。




【题目】In the US, elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week. That is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association recommend. They say high schools should provide about four hours of physical activity each week.

Yet many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programs. Criticism of the cuts has led in some places to efforts to give students more time for exercise, not less. The future health of Americans may depend on it. A study reports that life expectancy has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States. The situation is worst among poor people in the southern states, and especially women. Public health researchers say it is largely the result of increases in obesity,smoking and high blood pressure. They also blame differences in health services around the country.

In 2006, a study found that only 4% of elementary schools provided daily physical education all year for all grades. This was true of 8% of middle schools and 2% of high schools. The study also found that 22% of all schools did not require students to take any P. E. One problem for P. E. teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects.

Also, parents may agree that children need exercise in school. Yet many parents today still have bad memories of being chosen last for teams because teachers favored the good athlets in class.

But experts say P. E. classes have changed. They say the goal has moved away from competition to personal performance, as a way to build a lifetime of activity. These days, teachers often lead activities like weight training and yoga.

Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P. E. class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. In the end,schools may find themselves in a no-win situation.

【1】The best title of the passage is __________.

A. Physical education aims for active lives

B. The future health of Americans

C. 22% of all schools in the US don't require students to take any P. E.

D. Avoid competitive sports in P. E.

【2】Which statement is TRUE?

A. High schools in the US should provide fewer hours of physical activity than that in elementary and middle schools.

B. Not all schools in the US have reduced their physical education programs.

C. 22% of all schools in the US require students to take any P. E.

D. 8% of middle schools provide daily physical education all year for all grades now.

【3】The reason why the author gives Paragraph 3 is __________.

A. to explain schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects

B. that students don't like P. E. classes at all

C. to support his opinion in Paragraph 2

D. to explain why life expectancy has fallen in some parts of the US

【4】Paragraph 4 implies __________.

A. parents may agree that children need exercise in school

B. P. E. teachers lay particular stress on competition

C. many parents didn't like P. E. class when they were young

D. many students spent more time on academic subjects

【5】The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means __________.

A. schools will go on reducing their physical education programs

B. schools must listen to different opinions from different parents

C. schools will think much of life expectancy

D. schools will be trapped in failure or disappointment

【题目】Wouldn’t it be great to be able to drop some weight simply by sipping at a tasty green teabased beverage (饮料)?That’s what the manufacturers (生产商) of some new diet drinks have been claiming—but are these drinks too good to be true?

“They do not promise what they deliver,”clinical nutritionist Heller said.“There are so many products on the market that make health claims.Much of the‘scientific evidence’upon which these claims are based is either nonexistent or wrongly interpreted.”

To add credibility to their claims,these companies“like to throw around terms like‘thermogenesis’,”said Heller.“Thermogenesis means your body’s metabolism (新陈代谢) acts for a while and produces heat.The process of thermogenesis takes place every time you eat.The theory is that some products will increase thermogenesis for a long period of time so you burn more calories and fat and will lose more weight.Now there is not enough scientific evidence to support these claims.”

While the drinks are probably not harmful-except to your wallet,Heller thinks that people who try them may not realize how highly caffeinated they are.

In place of the green tea drinks,Heller has suggestions of other drinks that help control a dieter’s appetite.For instance,green and black tea“contains healthy chemicals Tea also contains caffeine,just enough to give you a late afternoon energy boost with no calories.Add a small snack like a handful of nuts or a small nonfat yogurt and you’ll be good to go for the rest of the day.”

She also likes hot chocolate that’s made with soy milk but no whipped cream.

【1】According to the passage,the new drinks are claimed to____________ .

A.provide you with energy

B.be free of caffeine

C.contain healthy chemicals

D.reduce weight easily

【2】From what Heller said in Paragraph 2,she thinks_____________ .

A.it is not true that new beverages can help people lose weight easily

B.it is wrong for manufacturers to claim their products to be healthy

C.on beverages are healthy to people

D.the manufacturers often produce highly caffeinated drinks

【3】What will happen in the process of thermogenesis?

A.Your body’s metabolism will slow down to burn more heat.

B.Fat will be burnt as your body’s metabolism acts.

C.You will lose more weight as you increase your calories.

D.The more you eat,the more calories will be burnt.

【4】The underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably means that _________________.

A.there is no harm in drinking the new drinks

B.there is a possibility that the drinks are harmful

C.the drinks may cost you a lot of money

D.the drinks may make your wallet not strong enough

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