
第II卷 (共55分)

第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



66. Hundreds of __________(被盗)bicycles have been returned to their owners. 66.__________

67. Last week, there was a heavy snow in the ________(南方) part of the country. 67.__________

68. I didn’t see any _______(熟悉)faces at the party.                                    68.__________

69. It _______(想起)to him that he had forgotten to take his briefcase.       69.__________

70. She has written articles for several women’s ________(杂志).           70.__________

71. Dropping ears of rice promise another good__________.(收获)        71.__________

72. Turn left at the first crossing and go _______(径直)on down       Main Street. 72.__________

73. High school boys in the country are______(禁止)to wear long hair.       73.__________

74. There was a garden on the _______(对面)side of the street.                      74.__________

75. Listen! They are(争吵)________ about housework again.                  75.__________

66.stolen   67.southern    68.familiar    69.occurred   70.magazines     71.harvest    72.straight    73.forbidden   74.opposite    75.quarrelling / quarreling   


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