
Here’s what you need to know about the various growth on your head.

Brush 100 times a day for healthier hair. Myth(传言).

This is now known to risk damaging your hair. Brushing pulls out hair that isn’t ready to fall out. 1. . So brush gently for styling only.

Being stressed can make your hair fall out. Fact.

Severe stress can have a negative impact on your hair. All hair follicles(头发毛囊) normally undergo periodic “rest” periods. 2. , and make the hair fall out in the three months following the stressful event. Normally hair growth restores naturally, but it’s important to deal with stress and seek medical advice to rule out underlying illness.

Hair can turn white with fright. Myth.

You can’t lose pigment(色素)in your hair because hair is dead when it leaves the head. 3. , however. In rare cases this can attack only pigmented hairs, leaving gray and white hair behind.

4. . Fact.

When it’s cold, blood is transmitted to internal organs to maintain body temperature, which decreases blood flow to the head. In warm weather, increased circulation to the skin benefits follicle activity and increases the rate of hair growth.

Cutting hair by the moon speeds its growth. Myth.

Some people believe that cutting hair under a waxing moon (上弦月)promotes growth. However, the universally-recognized fact is 5. at any time.

A. Brushing your hair often is recommended.

B. A severe shock could cause hair to drop out.

C. Hair does not grow back more strongly after it’s cut.

D. Always being angry will cause your hair to fall down.

E. Sudden stress can cause them to enter this resting phase.

F. Hair grows faster in the summer.

G. It often breaks healthy hairs.


How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

Eyes are important for everybody. You must take care and try everything in your hand to keep them in good condition. Here are some of the tips to improve your eyesight naturally.

1. Strain is known to be a factor in many health conditions and eyestrain(眼疲劳) is no exception. Try meditation, yoga or other methods of stress relief to improve your vision and overall health.

Sit upright in a comfortable chair. 2. Cup your hands so that there is no pressure on your eyes. Let your fingers rest across your forehead. There should be no light entering your eyes. Palming(手掌按摩)should be done for a period of 5 to 10 minutes to start. Palming should be relaxing. It may help to do palming in a darkened room.

3. It will unpleasantly affect your eyesight, which affects the eyes by producing a larger amount of insulin (胰岛素) in the blood. Therefore you shouldn’t be having much fruit juice or something that contains a lot of sugar.

The only exercise most eyes get is that daily rubbing we give them when we're tired or suffering from eyestrain. But eye exercises are actually good for your eyes and can improve your vision. 4. Blink as fast as you can for a few seconds then close your eyes tightly, open and repeat. Do this exercise 3 to 4 times daily.

You probably hear that statement all the time but eating the right foods are necessary to good health. 5. Foods that are high in fiber, vitamin C, D and beta carotene as well as other vitamins and minerals can help improve your vision. Here are a few foods that can be beneficial to good vision: carrots, eggs, blueberries, spinach, kale, grapes, and fresh garlic.

A. Reduce eyestrain.

B. Keep your eyes moist(湿的).

C. Sugar is your eye’s worst enemy.

D. Give your eyes a workout with the following exercise.

E. You may not be aware that your diet affects your vision but it does.

F. Close eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands.

G. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so your eyes don’t strain to stay open during the day.

Can you touch your belly button (肚脐) by reaching behind your back and around your waist?

A new social trend has started in China, with thousands of netizens facing the challenge and uploading photographs of themselves to show off their bodies. Popular among many young female users on Weibo, the top, which translate as “reaching your belly button from behind to show your good figure,” was mentioned more than130 million times among Weibo users.

It not only spawned over 104,000 active discussions, but also led to concern about what means a healthy body image. “Look! It has taken me more than four hours but I’ve finally reached my belly button,” said Weibo user GayleRabbit. Another user Lucky said, “Why does my belly button suddenly look and feel completely new?”

While the trend was popular with many female users on Weibo, a photo uploaded by a male blogger caught people’s eye. “Is this pose (姿势) really that difficult? I don’t think so,” Said Weibo user Sough Sa. His photo showing he was trying to touch his belly button was shared more than 8,452 times. It also drew over 2,000 comments from other users on Weibo. “Show the skinny girls how it’s done,” said one user.

Weibo user MedicalCream Tang Zhao said, “Now you did it! So you don’t have to lose weight and please stay the same.”

“I always support failures. Now I don’t feel so bad about not being able to touch my belly button,” said another user Jacket.

“Do we need to have flexible arms or a skinny waist to pull this off?” asked Weibo user Chantilly623.

But some experts argued that China’s new belly button trend was actually distorting (歪曲) society’s standards of beauty. “These poses and pictures can be fun but sometimes they also become an expression of competitiveness,” said Jolene Tan, Programmes and Communications Senior Manager in Singapore championing women’s rights. She also told the BBC that the trend seemed to be a way of examining women’s bodies to see whether they are good enough. However, experienced body trainers say the new trend is about flexibility of the arm and the size of the waist, rather than a good figure. A skinny person with fewer muscles has a better chance of achieving the pose.

1.The underlined word “spawned” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_____________”.

A. brought about B. put off

C. commented on D. resulted from

2.What can we learn from the above passage?

A. Boys show no interest in this new trend.

B. GayleRabbit reached her belly button on her first try.

C. Sough Sa’s photo of reaching his belly button was popular online.

D. Jacket felt sorry for not being able to touch his belly button.

3.What is experienced body trainers’ attitude towards the new trend meaning a good figure?

A. Disbelieving. B. Uncaring.

C. Doubtful. D. Worried.

There are quite a few advantages of wearing school uniforms. The idea may seem disagreeable at first, but considering all the positive effective coming from wearing uniforms you would be more likely to enjoy them.

Teachers love school uniforms because it helps provide an orderly learning environment. Having students dressed in uniforms may teach them how to present themselves in a neat(整洁的)and professional manner. It gives students the opportunity to learn how to dress like young ladies and gentleman. And they can focus their attention on academics rather than style.

Purchasing school uniforms is easy and needs less hesitation(犹豫) and consideration. No matter what the school’s policy is, there are only specific essential(基本的) pieces to the wardrobe(服装) that are necessary, so it won’t break the bank. A few wardrobe items can last a long time. Parents could also enjoy an easy morning, as it will take less time to choose a set of clothes for the school day.

Students wearing uniforms will feel less pressure about what to wear or not to wear when their classmates are dressed similarly. Getting dressed before school becomes less of a chore when students are limited in their choices, so there shouldn’t be any trouble about choosing an outfit for the day and getting ready quickly. Some students may not like the lack of individuality(个性) with a uniform, but some school dress code policies may offer them the opportunities to show their unique styles.

Uniforms today are also becoming trendier and can be seen in many areas of pop culture. Celebrities and fashion designers are using uniforms as inspiration for new looks which also appeal to students.

1.What would be the best title for the text?

A. The advantages of school uniforms.

B. The history of school uniforms.

C. How to dress properly.

D. How to deal with pressure in school.

2.Teachers think that wearing school uniforms ________________.

A. is just a tradition that students should follow

B. makes students feel less pressure in study

C. helps students put more effort into their studies

D. makes students lose their independence and identity

3.The underlined part “it won’t break the bank” in Paragraph 3 probably means “___________”.

A. a school uniform doesn’t cost a lot of money

B. a school uniform should be worn every day

C. parents will have to go to the bank many times

D. parents who work in a bank can afford the uniform

4.We can infer from the text that school uniforms _________.

A. are not popular with fashion designers

B. were not accepted by parents in the past

C. will be designed by students themselves

D. will be more fashionable in the future

5.The author’s attitude towards students’ wearing school uniforms is ___________.

A. negative B. supportive C. doubtful D. Unclear


A man died and was on his way to another _________ , either the Heaven or the Hell. He saw an extremely_________ palace half way and the owner of the palace _________ him to stay and live in the palace.

The man said,“I have been working _________ during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep _________ any work.”

The owner of the palace said,“_________ ,there is nowhere else better than here for you. There are a wealth of _________ in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone _________ you. _________ ,there is _________ that needs to be done by you.” Then,the man settled down in the palace.

At the beginning,the man felt very _________ at the rotation(轮流) of eating and sleeping. But _________ ,he felt a bit lonely and empty. So he went to the owner and complained,“It is _________ to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I show no _________ in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a _________ ?”

The owner replied,“_________ , there is no job here at all.”

After another several months,the man could not _________ the present life and went to the owner _________ ,“I really could not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job,I would _________ to go to the hell instead of living here.”

The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously(轻蔑地), “Do you think it is the Heaven here? It is _________ the hell!”

1.A.world B.house C.place D. hospital

2.A.summer B.mysterious C.free D.splendid

3.A.asked B.warned C.forced D.commanded

4.A.comfortably B.hard C.honestly D.unpaid

5.A.apart from B.besides C.without D.with

6.A.If any B.If so C.If necessary D.If possible

7.A.jewels B.money C.books D.food

8.A.stopping B.asking C.noticing D.meeting

9.A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Moreover

10.A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something

11.A.surprised B.happy C.mad D.frightened

12.A.easily B.carefully C.confidently D.gradually

13.A.strange B.enjoyable C.boring D.relaxing

14.A.interest B.trust C.patience D.curiosity

15.A.partner B.way out C.meaning D.job

16.A.That’s right B.Cheer up C.Sorry D.Never mind

17.A.bear B.lose C.handle D.risk

18.A.indeed B.already C.always D.again

19.A.hope B.prefer C.promise D.expect

20.A.no longer B.also C.actually D.still

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