
1. Under a new ten-year plan, our company ________________(正在改变)into an international
corporation.  (transform)
2. With the rapid development of medical science, we ________________(会看到)more new drugs
used in the treatment of cancer. (see)
3. He chose one large stone and began to hit one of the scrapers hard on the edge ________________(需要磨锋利的). (sharpen)
4. I'll never forget the most wonderful holiday ________________(我们住在乡下的)with my
grandparents. (stay)
5. To every one of us, ________________(被北大录取)is a great honor.  (admit)
6. Every year one million tourists visit Stonehenge, which is believed ________________(修建) before
the Pyramids, about 4,000 years ago.  (construct )
7. My bicycle isn't where I put it.  Who ______________(可能移动) it? (move)
8. On the wall is a blackboard ________________(上面写着)some words, "It is no use sitting here
without listening to me." (write)
9. Medical researchers have painfully realized that there are many problems to ________________
(他们没有找到) any solution so far.  (find)
10. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones:he ________________
(可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)
1. is being transformed      2. will be seeing     3. that /which needed sharpening  
4. when we stayed in the country    5. being admitted to/into Beijing University
6. to have been constructed      7. could/can have moved   8. on which were written
9. which they haven't found      10. may (might/could) have had a hand
1. — Lily, is everyone in the classroom?
    — Not yet, Sir. Look, _________________________the rest of my classmates. (come)
    — Lily, 所有人都在教室里吗?
    — 还没有, 老师. 看! 其他的同学来了.
2. The result is not _________________________, which is rather disappointing. (expect)
    结果不像预料的那样让人满意, 这让人很失望.
3. I was struck by its beauty and romance the first time I _________________________France.(foot)
   我初次踏上法国的国土, 就被它的美丽和浪漫所陶醉.
4.With my eyes_________________________ the dark, I was lucky to manage to find my way to
    the exit of the cave. (accustom)
   随着我的眼睛渐渐适应了黑暗, 我幸运地找到了岩洞的出口.
5. My husband ______________. The sweater that used to fit him well is now too tight for him. (gain)
   我丈夫一定是长胖了. 这件过去适合他的运动衫现在太紧了.
6. No one can tell the reason___________________ the invitation to your wedding ceremony. (refuse)
7. We are completely lost in the forest, so at the moment we ___________________ be rescued. (help)
    我们在森林里完全迷路了, 因此, 此时我们只能等待救援.
8. The girl under the tall tree was seen _________________________ all the afternoon. (sit)
9. An umbrella was lying at the access to the hall, but I had no idea_________________________, so
    I picked it up and handed it to the girl at the accepting desk. (be)
    一把伞躺在大厅门口, 但我不知道是谁的,所以我把它捡了起来给了接待处的那个女孩.
10. I'm amazed why it is ___________________ your precious time playing computer games.  (waste)

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