
Hiking is ____ great fun .You will get close to ____ nature and take exercise at the same time.

A. a; the B. a; 不填

C.不填;the D.不填;不填




试题分析:考查冠词辨析。句意:远足是很有趣的事儿,你可以接近大自然,也可以锻炼身体。本题中fun为不可数名词,指有趣的事。故前面不用冠词,nature (自然)是不可数名词,故前面也不用冠词,get close to nature接近大自然。所以选D。

考点 : :考查冠词辨析



Youth sports teach kids to develop a winning state of mind as well as the ability to become team leaders. Although having is a major part of athletics, the only purpose of sports is to compete and create the mentality(心态)people need in sports.

have the extremely hard task of getting their young athletes to learn how to play the sport and become disciplined, and ready to play the sport to the best of their ability. , I was at my younger brother’s baseball game the other night and his team was by five runs in the last part of the game. While most teams in this situation would be desperately trying to regain their for heroics, his team just seemed to slowly walk around, sunflower seeds, and laugh at jokes made by teammates. I asked my brother after the game why everybody was so about the loss and he said it was because some kid’s mom brought really good snacks.

Some parents have a with coaches shouting at their child. If a child makes a mistake, it is the coach’s to correct the problem. When parents get involved in telling the coach how to the team, problems . Some parents feel if they pay their money, they should have an equal on how to coach the team. In order to have a successful learning experience, the coach needs to feel like he can control his team and the parents from having the last say. Without that, the coach feels as if he needs to the parents by giving more playing time to their kids who actually don’t it.

With youth sport programs becoming less competitive, club teams are on the . More teens can get an easier access to them. Club teams more of what high school and junior high coaches are looking for, the competitive edge that is absolutely necessary in . While having fun is important, skills and a mentality is worth more in the world of sports.

1.A. fun B. dignity C courage D. patience

2.A. social B. competitive C. healthy D. responsible

3.A. Coaches B. Parents C. Experts D. Headmasters

4.A. As a result B. In addition C. For example D. On the contrary

5.A. up B. below C. above D. down

6.A. scores B. goals C. spirits D. dreams

7.A. chew B. spit C. count D. swallow

8.A. worried B. happy C. serious D. casual

9.A. joke B. problem C. contact D. compromise

10.A. duty B. experience C. awareness D. turn

11.A. dismiss B. unite C. handle D. assess

12.A. stand out B. break out C. work out D. come out

13.A. say B. guidance C. response D. reward

14.A. protect B. defend C. excuse D. discourage

15.A. assist B. motivate C. please D. blame

16.A. want B. deserve C. value D. appreciate

17.A. way B. decline C. go D. rise

18.A. offer B. require C. seek D. preserve

19.A. academicsB. sports C. exams D. competitions

20.A. risking B. controlling C. winning D. cooperating


A book review tells not only what a book is about, but also how successful it is at what it is trying to do. Professors often assign (布置) book reviews as practice in careful analytical (分析的) reading.

As a reviewer, you bring together the two parts of accurate, analytical reading and strong, personal response when you indicate what the book is about and what it might mean to a reader. In other words, reviewers answer not only the WHAT but the SO WHAT question about a book. Thus, in writing a review, you combine the skills of describing what is on the page,analyzing how the book tried to achieve its purpose, and expressing your own reactions.

Most book reviews start with a heading that includes all the basic information about the book, like:



Place of publication, publisher, date of publication.

Number of pages.

The review usually begins with an introduction that lets your readers know what the review will say. The first paragraph usually includes the author and title again, so your readers don't have to look up to find this information. You should also include a very brief description of the contents of the book, the purpose or audience for the book, and your reaction and evaluation.

Then you move into a section of background information that helps place the book in context and discusses how to judge the book. Next, you should give a summary of the main points, quoting (引用) and explaining key phrases from the author. Finally, you get to the heart of your review -- your evaluation of the book. In this section, you might discuss some of the following issues:

·How well the book has achieved its goal.

·What possibilities are suggested by the book.

·What the book has left out.

·How the book compares with others on the subject.

·What personal experiences you've had related to the subject.

It is important to use labels (标签) to carefully distinguish your views from the author's, so that you don't confuse your readers.

Then, like other essays, you can end with a direct comment on the book, and tie together issues raised in the review in a conclusion.

There is, of course, no set form, but a general rule is that the first one-half to two-thirds of the review should summarize the author's main ideas and at least one-third should evaluate the book.

1. According to the text, personal response of a book reviewer refers to _______.

A. accurate and analytical reading

B. the reviewer’s understanding about the background of the book

C. the reviewer's indication of what the book is about and what it means to a reader

D. skills of describing what is on the page

2.What is the most important part of a book review?

A. The heading. B. The evaluation.

C. The conclusion. D. The introduction.

3. Readers will get puzzled if __________.

A. there is no heading in a book review

B. the book review is not complex enough

C. the reviewer's point of view is mixed with the author's

D. there are some different issues listed in the book review

4.What is suggested for a book review in this text?

A. Quoting from other similar books.

B. Commenting on the book in a fixed form.

C. Analyzing the author's writing experience in the past.

D. Comparing the book with others on a similar subject.


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