
I find painting or drawing ________.

  1. A.
  2. B.
    is relaxing
  3. C.
  4. D.
    is relaxed

Television is an important part of modern life, one we can hardly imagine living without it. If I were forced to live without television, I would seek other interests, socialize(参加社交活动) with my friends and family and exercise more often.

Without TV in my home, I would have time to seek other interests. For example, I love to play the piano and without the fun of TV, I would have more time to practice. At other times, I could paint portraits of my family and friends.  

Not only that, but also I could find much more time to socialize with my friends and family if my TV disappeared. At my house, the TV is always on during dinner. Without TV we might have time to tell each other about what happened to us that day. In addition, we could more easily find more time to talk with old friends on the telephone. Thus, social time would increase without TV.

Most importantly, lacking a TV would give me a big increase in the available time for exercise in my life. With extra time, I could make the long journey to Bowen Island and go on an enjoyable hike in the mountains. Another exercise would be to go swimming or to an aerobics(有氧运动) class at Bonsor Community Centre. Watching more TV will only develop my bottom muscle.

Seeking other interests, socializing with friends and family, and exercising frequently would be the benefits of having no TV at my home. Just think how much more time I would have if I got rid of my computer, too!

62. According to the passage, we can infer that the author _________ too much.

A. takes exercise                                  B. plays the piano

C. watches TV                                    D. talks with his family

63. The passage mainly tells us ________.

A. we can’t live without TV

B. TV does harm to the author’s life

C. what the author could do without TV

D. why the author dislikes TV

64. The author thinks that he could do the following EXCEPT _____ without TV.

A. playing computers                       

B. doing outdoor sports

C. make conversations with family and friends  

D. doing social activities

65. What’s the most suitable title for the passage?

A. We can’t live without TV.                      B. TV benefits us a lot.

C. Disadvantages of TV.                     D. Living without TV.

A strange woman comes to my door one day in early March.It’s a rich area so we often have people selling things door to door,dusters,make?up,frozen foods—but she doesn’t look like a professional saleswoman.She hasn’t got the patter(喋喋不休) either.She just smiles shyly and puts a card in my hand:“Amy Turner.Pet Portraits Undertaken.”

I run my fingernail along the cheap gold edge of the card and look at her,waiting for an explanation.

“I’ll paint any animal in the comfort of your own home.”Amy Turner says.“Wouldn’t you like a nice picture of your loved one?I’ve had experience of dogs,cats,parrots,prize bulls...”

“Prize bulls!”I can’t help looking up and down our street.The thought of any of my neighbours keeping bulls in their back gardens makes me smile.

“I don’t have any animals,”I say as we look past each other.She must be wishing some little cat or dog would come running down the hall to give the game away and it is the first chance I’ve had to smell the air outside.It is one of those spring mornings when you wake up and find winter’s gone.Even the camellia in the garden opposite has flowered overnight,pink blossoms which look shocking against the quiet greens and greys.

“Why are you still in your dressing gown?”Amy says,turning her attention back to me.“It’s nearly lunchtime.Are you ill?”

“I’m fine,”I lie.I’m not going to tell a stranger I’ve just been sick in the toilet upstairs and would still be sticking my fingers down my throat if the doorbell hadn’t rung.But now I’m not sure what to do next.Amy is still standing there.She_doesn’t_seem_to_think_that_not_having_a_pet_is


“I’m starving.”she says and I smile politely,nodding the way you do before you say goodbye.

“No,”she puts her foot in the door.“I’m really starving.I’ve had nothing to eat for two days and no one has any pets for me to paint.I need some food or I’ll faint,right here on your doorstep.”

I stand to one side and let her in.

1.According to the text,what does a professional saleswoman usually do?

A.Sells things door to door with her cards.

B.Never puts a card into people’s hands.

C.Tries to talk people into buying her things.

D.Smiles,hands her cards and walks away.

2.What does the underlined word “one” in the third paragraph stand for?

A.Dog.     B.Child.      C.Pet.      D.Cat.

3.From the text we know that Amy is a ________.

A.young baby?sitter   B.poor beggar  C.professional salesgirl D.poor painter

4.What does the writer mean by saying “She doesn’t seem to think that not having a pet is a good enough excuse.”?

A.It seems that she doesn’t want to leave.

B.She wants the writer to give another excuse.

C.She is sure there is a pet in the house.

D.She thinks that not having a pet is a bad thing.


This economy has really got a lot of people moving and not always by a choice they wanted to make. My wife and I now find ourselves among those unfortunates feeling that  1 .
At the end of last year, our customers just  2 .  We had to make the painful decision to our office and put our house up for  4 . We haven’t lived in it for two years yet and expected it would be the  5  one for a long time. How   6 this world economic mess is changing our lives!
As I get older, I find moving less adventurous and more  7  . This time, we’re in the process of moving without knowing where we’ll   8 next. Job searching has been thrown into the quagmire(困境) of an unsettled life. Both my wife and I had been feeling pretty  9  from all this. I’ve been challenged to find the positive in all this down that’s  10  us.
But then it happened while I watched my wife  11  things up. She’s an absolute whiz(能手) when it comes to packing. I took delight in watching her  12  just the right boxes for  13  in front of her and filling in the  14  with pillows and towels. I began feeling something like a wind lift me up and sail me through my own  15 of the packing and loading.
Some friends will be helping us with the  16 . I’ve told them that they’re not  17  friends but gaining some new vacation spots.
I have  18  that we’ll get through this transition finally. We all will always have work to do, by choice or  19 , and we can also consciously make the effort to create a sense of  20  in a new place.

A.stayed upB.turned upC.dried upD.came up
A.bring upB.keep upC.size upD.set up

Begin doing the work you love as soon as possible, even if you don’t get paid for it, or if you can only work at it part-time. Albert Einstein was unable to get a job as a physics professor. He could have said to himself, “Well, I just don’t have the work relative to physics. I should give up on it and settle for something else.” Instead, he wrote the two most famous papers when he was employed as a patent  clerk. After their publication, there was not a major university in the world that would not have been glad to have him on their staff.
If you want to work as an artist and you are making a living as a waiter, don’t think of yourself as a waiter who hopes one day to become an artist. That puts the work you love somewhere off in the distant future. Rather, think of yourself as an artist, supporting yourself by waiter tables—and paint, or draw as much as you can. It is possible to earn a living wage as a waiter working 24 hours a week. That leaves plenty of time to devote to training or developing your craft(手艺)in the off hours.
While seeking the work you love, it helps to expand your awareness  into the universe of all possibilities. You don’t want to be limited to the ideas of what you should do or what you have done before. Having opened to all possibilities, you can make a final decision and select the work you love as your own.
Doing the work you love requires that you be equally comfortable with the imaginative and the practical. It requires the ability to dream big dreams and the ability to face and master all the little details that make dreams come true.
【小题1】According to the passage, perhaps Einstein once said to himself, “_______.”

A.Well, I just don’t have the work relative to physics. I should give up on it and settle for
something else
B.The job is just what I want, I should work very hard at it
C.I have to support myself by working as a patent clerk now, but I won’t give physics up
D.I must wait until I find my favorite job
【小题2】If a person works 24 hours a week, he can________.
A.have enough spare time for his hobbies
B.have no time left to make his dream come true
C.do nothing else
D.make a good living
【小题3】Which of the following is not implied in the last paragraph?
A.Sometimes the imaginative is different from the practical.
B.We have to take care of a lot of details before we make our dreams come true.
C.We shall do practical things rather than dream.
D.We shall dream big dreams and practice as well.
【小题4】According to the passage, the author encourages us to ________.
A.start work quickly B.select job carefully and patiently
C.dream oftenD.make up our minds quickly

Begin doing the work you love as soon as possible, even if you don’t get paid for it, or if you can only work at it part-time. Albert Einstein was unable to get a job as a physics professor. He could have said to himself, “Well, I just don’t have the work relative to physics. I should give up on it and settle for something else.” Instead, he wrote the two most famous papers when he was employed as a patent  clerk. After their publication, there was not a major university in the world that would not have been glad to have him on their staff.

If you want to work as an artist and you are making a living as a waiter, don’t think of yourself as a waiter who hopes one day to become an artist. That puts the work you love somewhere off in the distant future. Rather, think of yourself as an artist, supporting yourself by waiter tables—and paint, or draw as much as you can. It is possible to earn a living wage as a waiter working 24 hours a week. That leaves plenty of time to devote to training or developing your craft(手艺)in the off hours.

While seeking the work you love, it helps to expand your awareness  into the universe of all possibilities. You don’t want to be limited to the ideas of what you should do or what you have done before. Having opened to all possibilities, you can make a final decision and select the work you love as your own.

Doing the work you love requires that you be equally comfortable with the imaginative and the practical. It requires the ability to dream big dreams and the ability to face and master all the little details that make dreams come true.

1.According to the passage, perhaps Einstein once said to himself, “_______.”

A.Well, I just don’t have the work relative to physics. I should give up on it and settle for

something else

B.The job is just what I want, I should work very hard at it

C.I have to support myself by working as a patent clerk now, but I won’t give physics up

D.I must wait until I find my favorite job

2.If a person works 24 hours a week, he can________.

    A.have enough spare time for his hobbies

    B.have no time left to make his dream come true

    C.do nothing else

    D.make a good living

3.Which of the following is not implied in the last paragraph?

    A.Sometimes the imaginative is different from the practical.

    B.We have to take care of a lot of details before we make our dreams come true.

    C.We shall do practical things rather than dream.

    D.We shall dream big dreams and practice as well.

4.According to the passage, the author encourages us to ________.

    A.start work quickly                                 B.select job carefully and patiently

    C.dream often                                        D.make up our minds quickly


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