





注意:1. 每句不超过两个错误;

2. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

3. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

In our daily life, we unavoidably come across many challenge now and then. I meet a big challenge when I was in high school. I was shocked to find which the physics teacher taught was totally beyond his understanding and I lost my confidence completely. Think I lacked a gift at physics, I stopped making efforts and my grades were poor. Fortunate, my teacher didn’t give me up. Instead of, she helped me analyze my problem and I realized I needed face challenges bravely. I regained my confidence, adjusted my approaches but worked hard. I improved my physics before long.


The ancient city is in Pingyao county, Shanxi Province. The city wall was first built during the Zhou Dynasty. Since 1997, it has been listed as a World Heritage Site. Now Pingyao city is the only one in China completely protected as it was hundreds of years ago.

The perimeter(周长) of this square city is 6.4km long and the city wall is the earliest and largest city wall in China. It is 12 m high with width of 5 m. The wall was built with earth and covered with bricks. Outside the city wall there is a river, 4 m wide and 4 m deep.

There are several gates of the city, two each on the east and west and one each on the south and north side. All the gates have two doors each. This has given the city the name “Turtle City” with the two gates on the south and north standing for the head and tail of the turtle and four gates on the east and west as the four legs. The doors on the south and north stand opposite each other, like the head of the turtle extending out and two wells just beyond southern gate are like a turtle’s two eyes.

Located on the trade route between Beijing and Xi’an, Pingyao developed into a merchant center where the local people set up the nation’s earliest banks. These banks were the first in China to use checks.

Several old courtyards have been turned into museums, most of which were homes and offices of Pingyao’s old banks. One of the most unusual aspects of a visit here is realizing that this place was very important to China’s financial(金融的) history.

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The ancient city—Pingyao.

B. China’s ancient financial center—Pingyao.

C. The city wall of Pingyao.

D. The museums in Pingyao.

2.How many gates are there in Pingyao city?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

3.Which gate in Pingyao city stands for the head of the turtle?

A. The gate on the north.

B. The gate on the south.

C. The gate on the east.

D. The gate on the west.

4. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that__________.

A. Pingyao city played an important role in ancient China’s finance.

B. museums in Pingyao city are now used for bank offices.

C. Pingyao city was one of the largest cities in ancient China.

D. old banks in ancient Pingyao city used checks only.

Photographs are everywhere. They decorate the walls of homes and are used in stores for sales of different goods. The news is filled with pictures of fires, floods, and special events. Photos record the beauties of nature. They can also bring things close that are far away. Through photos, people can see wild animals, cities in foreign lands, and even the stars in outer space. Photos also tell stories.

Reporting the news through photos is called photojournalism. At times photojournalists tell their stories through a single picture. At other times, they use a group of pictures to tell a story. Each picture is like a chapter in a book, which can do more than record the facts. It can also be a strong force for social change.

Jacob Riis was among the first photojournalists. He took pictures of parts of New York City where the poor lived. Riis believed that poverty caused crime, and he used photos to help him prove his point. A few years later, the photos of small children working in factories by Lewis Hine shocked the public. Hine’s pictures helped bring about laws to protect such children.

Hundreds of pictures may have to be taken in order to get one or two really good photos. It takes science to have the photo come out clearly and art to make a photo that has a good design and expresses feeling. Photojournalists make an actual record of what they see. A photo, however, can be both a work of art and an actual record. It can record an important event as a beautiful or exciting picture.

As historical and artistic documents, photos can become more important over time. Today photojournalists still have their pictures appear in newspapers and magazines. They also publish(发表) them in books and on the Internet.

1.The underlined word “They” in the first paragraph refers to .

A. beauties B. photos

C. goods D. events

2.The photos of the small children by Hine show us that photos .

A. are also works of art

B. are popular ways of reporting news

C. often shock the public

D. can serve as a force for social change

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. News with pictures is encouraging

B. Photos help people improve.

C. News photos mean history in a sense.

D. People prefer reading news with pictures.

4.The text is mainly about .

A. telling the story through pictures

B. decorating the walls of homes

C. publishing historical papers

D. expressing feeling through pictures

Dear College Dean,

It is my understanding that this college has received a large donation to be used to enhance (improve) the quality of life for students: expand the bookstore or add computers to the computer lab. It is the tradition of this school to promote education and to be the pioneer of new technology. That is why I strongly argue in favor of the addition of more computers to the computer lab.

Although expanding the campus bookstore to include CDs, gifts, and a snack bar will give a nicer look to the college, we have to think about a greater goal and a more practical way to enhance the quality of life for students. What do we .want for our students and our college? Do we want our college to be known as a place with a great bookstore where you can find CDs and gifts, or as a place where the students can explore and research in their field using the best tools provided by technology? In addition, there are already several snack bars on campus, and there are music stores nearby, so students do not depend on the college bookstore for these things.

We live in a highly technological world and computers play an increasingly important role in how we live. As a learning institution, this college has the responsibility to offer its students the best technology to help them prepare for their future. Many students will be expected to be familiar with the latest software and other tools when they go on to work or to graduate school.

While they are in college, students find they are expected to use computers. Many professors expect students to use computers to do homework or to complete projects. Since students are competing for good grades, those who have limited access to computers are at a great disadvantage. Furthermore, being able to do projects using the computer enhances the process of learning.

If there are more computers, no more will students have to wait in line while scanning the room for an empty chair and computer.. No longer will they have to sit and wait while an outdated computer struggles to follow their commands. Having more new and faster computers available will enable students to finish their work more quickly.

The more computers are used in society, the more colleges will depend on them as a tool of teaching and learning. Making computers more available to students facilitates their learning process by making the process easier, more interesting, more engaging, and in the process enhancing their quality of life.

1.From the passage we can infer that .

A. present computers in the college cannot meet the demands of the students

B. computers in the college will be updated to meet the students’ demands soon

C. the college has the responsibility to help the students to prepare for their future

D. it is also necessary to expand the college bookstore by using part of the donation

2.In paragraph 4,the author mainly wants to tell us that .

A. computers are beneficial to students’ academic(学业) success

B. computers are helpful to students competition for success

C. students find it convenient to do assignments by using computers

D. students wish to use the money to buy more advanced computers

3.Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?

CP: central point SP: sub-point(次要点) P: point C: conclusion

Zheng Pengyu: Interest is the best teacher. Classrooms that weren’t fixed could give students the chance to explore their interests. At the same time, they would be able to learn on their own because they would have to make their own decisions. All in all, the new system would be a good chance to inspire students’ passion for studying.

Sun Yao: Despite its benefits, I’m worried about whether the new system would work. Going to different classrooms would take up a big part of our break time and we would have less time to relax after class. Also, not all schools could offer so many diversified classes.

Shi Zhenghan: I support students learning in different classes. It would solve the problem of some students thinking the classes are too easy while some think they are too difficult. Teachers could also teach more effectively. What’s more, friendships built while in different classes might be a pleasant surprise.

Zhou Qingqing: In my opinion, studying in different classrooms might affect students’ psychological (心理的) development. They might find it difficult to develop deep and strong friendships with other students if they had to change classrooms constantly. They would also lose their sense of belonging to a certain class.

Hu Qile: I applaud the idea. It would help teachers set up special teaching plans for different classes. For students, making choices by themselves could encourage them to be responsible. Changing classrooms could also help relive the boredom of doing the same dull routine (惯例) every day.
Wang Xiaoqian: The new system might help with students’ individual development, but I still prefer the current system. Studying in one fixed classroom, students with different academic levels can help each other. Spending your senior middle school years with the same classmates is an unforgettable experience.

1.According to Sun Yao, which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. The new system will work if great measures are taken.

B. All the schools can’t afford so many diversified classes.

C. Students will have more time to relax.

D. He supports the system because of its benefits.

2.Sun Yao holds a(n) _____ attitude towards the new system.

A. optimistic B. doubtful C. negative D. neutral

3.What is the passage about?

A. Schools should offer diversified classes to students.

B. Students find it difficult to develop friendship.

C. Different opinions about changing classroom.

D. Changing classroom can help with students’ individual development.

4.Which of the following can best replace the word “applaud” in paragraph 5?

A. hate B. oppose C. favor D. Benefit

Can you believe your eyes? A recent experiment suggests that the answer to that question may depend on your age.

Martin Doherty, a psychologist at the University of Stirling in Scotland, led the team of scientists. In this experiment, Doherty and his team tested the perception(观察力) of some people, using pictures of some orange circles. The researchers showed the same pictures to two groups of people. The first group included 151 children aged 4 to 10, and the second group included 24 adults aged 18 to 25.

The first group of pictures showed two circles alone on a white background. One of the circles was larger than the other, and these people were asked to identify the larger one. Four-year-olds identified the correct circle 79 percent of the time. Adults identified the correct circle 95 percent of the time.

Next, both groups were shown a picture where the orange circles, again of different sizes, were surrounded by gray circles. Here's where the trick lies in. In some of the pictures, the smaller orange circle was surrounded by even smaller gray circles —making the orange circle appear larger than the other orange circle, which was the real larger one. And the larger orange circle was surrounded by even bigger gray circles—so it appeared to be smaller than the real smaller orange circle.

When young children aged 4 to 6 looked at these tricky pictures, they weren't fooled—they were still able to find the bigger circle with roughly the same accuracy(准确性) as before. Older children and adults, on the other hand, did not do as well. Older children often identified the smaller circle as the larger one, and adults got it wrong most of the time.

As children get older, Doherty said, their brains may develop the ability to identify visual context. In other words, they will begin to process the whole picture at once: the tricky gray circles, as well as the orange circle in the middle. As a result, they're more likely to fall for this kind of visual trick.

1.Doherty and his team of scientists did an experiment to evaluate_____________.

A. children's and adults' eye-sight

B. people's ability to see accurately

C. children's and adults' brains

D. the influence of people's age

2.When asked to find the larger circle,_____________.

A. children at 6 got it wrong 79 % of the time with no gray ones around

B. only adults over 18 got it right 95% of the time with gray ones around

C. children at 4 got it right about 79 % of the time with gray ones around

D. adults got it right most of the time with gray ones around

3.According to the passage, we can know that_____________.

A. a smaller orange circle appears bigger on a white background

B. an orange circle appears bigger than a gray one of the same size

C. a circle surrounded by other circles looks bigger than its real size

D. a circle surrounded by bigger ones looks smaller than its real size

4.Why are younger children not fooled?_____________.

A. Because their brain can hardly notice related things together.

B. Because older people are influenced by their experience.

C. Because people's eyes become weaker as they grow older.

D. Because they are smarter than older children and adults.

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