
11.The Oxlin Airlines is one of the oldest airlines in North America,and the first American airline _______ international flights.(  )
A.to operateB.operatingC.operatedD.having operated

分析 Oxlin航空公司是北美最古老的航空公司之一,也是运行国际航班的首家美国航空公司.

解答 答案选择A.本题考查动词不定式做定语.根据句子结构判断,句中已经有了谓语动词is,所以operate只能以非谓语的形式出现;根据语义和结构判断"operate"是"the first American airline"的定语;序数词和序数词修饰的名词或代词后面往往接动词不定式做定语,所以答案选择A.

点评 首先判断选项中的动词在句中是以谓语还是非谓语形式出现,然后根据选项在句中的功能结合非谓语的基本用法做出合理的判断.要关注常见非谓语动词的搭配.

1.Surgical teams accidentally leave clamps,sponges and other tools inside about 1,500 patients nationwide each year.
  The mistakes largely result not from surgeon tiredness,but from the stress arising from emergencies or complications(并发症) discovered on the operating table,the researchers reported.
  The study found that emergency operations are nine times more likely to lead to such mistakes,and operating-room complications requiring a change in procedure are four times more likely.
  It also happens more often to fat patients,simply because there is more room inside them to lose equipment,according to the study.
Two-thirds of the mistakes happened even though the equipment was counted before and after the procedure,in keeping with the standard practice.
Most lost objects were sponges,but also included were metal clamps and electrodes(电极).In two cases,11-inch retractors (牵引器) metal strips were forgotten inside patients.In another operation,four sponges were left inside someone.When there is significant bleeding and a sponge is placed in a patient,it can sometimes look indistinguishable from the tissue around it.
  The lost objects usually lay around the abdomen (腹腔) or hips but sometimes in the chest.They often caused tears or infections.Most patients needed additional surgery to remove the object.In other cases,patients even sensed nothing about the object,and it turned up in later surgery for other problems.
  To prevent such mistakes from happening,Loyola University Medical Center is becoming one of the first hospitals in the country to use sponges outfitted with bar codes.The new system was brought to Loyola through the efforts of the hospital's operating room nurses.
  Another effective way is to X-ray patients after surgery to reduce the likelihood of objects being left inside patients.
56.In which of the following situations are objects most likely to be left inside a patient?C
A.The nurses are counting the equipment and the patient is being X-rayed.
B.The surgeons are doing the last operation of the day,and everyone is exhausted.
C.unexpected happens and some changes must be made in the procedure.
D.A complex operation is going on according to the plan made by many experts.
57.Which of the following statements is NOT true?B
A.Such mistakes happen more often to fat patients.
B.1,500 patients suffer from the mistake all over the world every year.
C.X-ray examination can help to find the lost objects.
D.The mistake largely results from stress rather than tiredness.
58.What can we infer from the passage?B
A.Surgical teams aren't to blame for the mistakes.
B.Some people never know there is something left inside their body.
C.Most mistakes happen because equipment isn't counted after the procedure.
D.Only some small objects may be left inside the patients.
59.What is the best title for the passage?B
A.Never Trust Anyone                  
B.A Mistake in the Operating Room 
C.Carelessness and Mistakes               
D.Tips for Patient Safety.

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